Project task list

When a task is presented in a list of tasks at the project top level, the card displaying the individual task includes the following information:


  1. Drag-and-drop: Click the indicator and drag the task in the order representing the desired task priority.
  2. Task title:  Displayed in gray if the task is blocked and striken through if the task is completed. Click the task title to view all task details.
  3. Blocker: Displayed if the task is blocked.
  4. Deadline: Displayed if the task has a deadline. Displayed in red if the task is past due.
  5. Most recent activity: How long ago and who performed the most recent task activity. If the most recent activity is older than one year, it is displayed in red to indicate that the task is most likely outdated.
  6. Progress: Indicates the progress of the task. If the task has a percentage progress indication, a progress bar is displayed. If not, the number of subtasks (completed and total) are displayed. If the task does not have any subtasks, no progress indication is displayed.
  7. Estimate and time usage: Indicates the time logged. If the task has an estimate (indicated by the clock icon being colored) time logged is displayed as a percentage of the pessimistic, realistic and optimistic estimate. If the percentage consumption of the realistic estimate is higher than the progress, the indicator is yellow. If the percentage consumption of the pessimistic estimate is higher than the progress, the indicator is red. Hover over the clock icon to see the task estimate if this is set.
  8. Assignee: The avatar of the person to whom the task is assigned.

1 Add tasks to a project

Add single tasks

In order to add a new task, click the green plus icon, select "New task" and input the name of the task in the Title field.

If the project is virtual, select the "Add task" option and search for the name or ID of the task you would like to add. You can also add a task directly to a virtual project by ways of the component for Virtual project.

Add tasks from a checklist

In order to add a checklist, click the green plus icon, select "Apply checklist" and search for the name of the checklist you would like to apply.

2 Task views

You can view the tasks in a project in different views depending on your role and what you're looking to understand.

The default view is the Priority view. To change thew view, click the current view to see a list of available views:

Skjermbilde 2021-11-15 kl. 15.28.06.png

The available views are:


Displays: The top level, remaining (not closed) tasks for a project, sorted by priority.

Use when: You are looking to find your next task.


Displays: All the remaining (not closed) tasks to which you have been assigned.

Use when: You are focused on completing the tasks assigned to you.


Displays: All tasks in the project, sorted by priority, indicating status of completion, by whom and when.

Use when: You are looking to review who completed which tasks when.


Displays: All the remaining (not closed) tasks for which there is a deadline.

Use when: You want to make sure that work is done on time.


Displays: All the completed tasks, sorted by time of completion.

Use when: You want to explore which tasks were recently completed, and in which order.

3 Endringer

Visningen for "Endringer" av oppgaver i et prosjekt gjengir hvordan forventningene til tidsbruk for en oppgave har endret seg fra et gitt tidspunkt. Visningen er kun tilgjengelig for prosjekter med et låst omfang.

Dersom oppgaven fortsatt står åpen sammenlignes oppgavens realistiske estimat med det realistiske estimatet på den angitte filtreringsdatoen.

Dersom oppgaven er lukket sammenligns oppgavens faktiske tidsbruk med de realistiske esitmatet på den angitte filtreringsdatoen.

Som standard er filtreringsdatoen satt til forrige bestilling.

Oppgavene er sortert minkende etter størrelsen på estimatendringen.

Klikk på tallet som gjengir størrelsen på estimatendringen for å drille ned på estimatendringer for underlagte oppgaver.

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