Time planning in the platform is centralized around the concept of allocations. An allocation describes how much time someone is expected to spend on something on a given day.
Relevant use cases for allocations are:
Allocations can be associated with:
Unlike a calendar, allocations are not linked to a specific time of day. However, you can Import calendar events as allocations to get a more representative picture of the planned work for a given day.
By keeping allocations current and realistic you can more easily use allocations as your primary TODO-list, while at the same time keeping coworkers up-to-date with how you plan to spend your time.
The best way to think about keeping allocations current is that they should always represent your most up-to-date picture of
Whenever you're done spending time on something, mark the corresponding allocation as completed.
Whenever you realize that you won't have time to do something, move the correspnding allocation do a different date.
Whenever you're interrupted with something you need to spend time on, create a new allocation.
Whenever you realize that something will take less or more time than you originally anticipated, change the duration of the allocation.
Whenever you have planned more work than is available within your plannable time, move things around in order to make each individual workday fit within your plannable time.
The allocation duration indicators takes the plannable time of the user into account. If the allocations exceed the 100% of the plannable time, the indicator turns yellow.
By default, plannable time is set to 7.5 hours / day, but it can be overridden using Personal settings.
Unless you are totally shielded from the outside world (which very few of us are), you should consider lowering your plannable hours pr day.
Most people encounter a significant portion of unplanned work during any given day, so it makes sense to reduce the time available for planned work in order to avoid overplanning.
Best practices for plannable time pr day ranges between 4 to 6 hours. Experiment with what works best for you depending on your roles in the organization and to which extent you're expected to be available for different types of unplanned work.
Each night allocations that are past due will be pushed to the current day. Allocations that have been pushed include a yellow indicator showing for which date the allocation was originally planned.
If the allocation is moved manually, the original date indicator disappears.
Allocations can be created from multiple locations. The most common ones are from the dashboard and from a task.
To view your own allocations, go the focus dashboard.
The colored indicator displayed for each allocation reflects the duration of the allocation.
If the allocation is recurring, a Recurring indicator is displayed.
Allocations imported from a calendar also reflect the starting time of the calendar event.
By default, the focus dashboard displays allocations for the current week. Click the names and dates of the individuals days to expand and collapse the allocations for the given day.
To view the allocations for another time period, use the date picker in the upper right corner to select your desired date interval.
To navigate to the task/project/etc to which the allocation is related, click the desired location in the breadcrumbs trail.
In order to view the allocations of other team members, search for the person in question and navigate to their Focus dashboard.
In order to view all the future allocations of a person, search for the person in question and select "Allocations" from the left menu.
As allocations are completed, you are expected to mark them as such in order to best reflect what's remaining. The best practice for managing allocations is to mark them as your workday progresses.
Here are the optional actions for managing allocations
Select this option when you want to log time in relation to an allocation, but you have not yet finished the allocation. This will trigger the timekeeping form complete with the allocation's related details.
Select this option when you have finished an allocation and want to log time. In the same way as for "Track time", this will trigger the timekeeping form complete with the allocation's related details. When you have tracked time, the allocation will also be marked as completed, and thus disappear from the list.
Select this option when you want to mark the allocation as completed without logging any time.
Select this option when you want to move the allocation to another day.
Select this option when you want to delete the allocation (because it does not represent what you are actually going to work on).
To change the duration of an allocation, click the indicator that reflects the duration of the allocation. This will expose a text field where you can change the duration of the allocation.
To move an allocation to a different day:
If you want to move the allocation to a different day within the displayed time period, you can drag and drop the allocation in the desired day.
The platform integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. The integration means that calendar events can be imported automatically as allocations.
The integration imports the next 100 calendar entries as allocations every 5 minutes, while previously created allocations that no longer have a corresponding calendar entry are deleted.
The duration of the allocation corresponds with the duration of the calendar event.
The integrations have to be authorized in order to be activated.
To authorize the Outlook integration, go to Personal settings and click the "Activate Microsoft Outlook integration" link.
Because of the way the Google integration works, we first have to confirm in our Google integration setup that calendar requests may originate from your platform domain. Contact us with the name of the organization with which would like to use the Google Calendar integration.
If you encounter an error similar to the one below, it is due to the fact that the organizational authorization step has not been completed:
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request, https://[yoursubdomain].wecomplish.no/calendar/oauth2callback, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/442328454474-t9nvbc07rfnnohg44c0hh8vr7g201a5c.apps.googleusercontent.com?project=442328454474
To authorize Google Calendar integration, go to Personal settings and click the "Active Google Calendar integration" link.
By including an ID in the title of the calendar event, the allocation that is created is automatically linked to the relevant content in Wecomplish.
There is support for linking calendar entries to the following types of content:
To associate a calendar event with a task, add a hash symbol (#) followed by the task ID in the title of the calendar event.
For example, if you are going to have an interview in connection with the task with the ID 36964, you can write «Interview John Smith #36964» in the title.
To associate a calendar event with a checklist, use the hash symbol followed by the letter P and the ID of the checklist.
To associate a calendar event with a meeting, use the hash symbol followed by the letter M and the ID of the meeting.
If you have a responsibility that you want to reserve time for at regular intervals you might want to check out recurring allocations.
Recurring allocations allow you to specify how often and on which days an allocation should reoccur.
To administer recurring allocations, select "Recurring" in the left navigation column.
Click creen plus-icon and complete the form fields.
A recurring allocation can be associated with one of the following information types:
If you are selecting a daily frequency, uncheck the weekdays on which you do not want allocations to be created (like the weekend). If you are selecting any other frequency, keep all weekdays checked.
Make sure that the first date of the allocation occurs on one of the selected weekdays.
When you click Save, allocations are automatically created for the next 30 days (or until the last date) based on your selected criteria. Moving forward, an automatic process will create new allocations for the next 30 day period each night.
To edit a recurring allocation, click the red arrow pointing at "Recurring".
When you save your changes the existing allocations created from the recurring allocations are deleted and new ones are created based on the new set of reoccurence criteria.
To delete a recurring allocation, click the three dots in the up-right corner of the allocation card and select Delete.
When you delete a recurring allocation all associated allocations which have not been completed yet are deleted.