Risks represent what we are concerned might happened. The platform exposes the risks of a team in order to:
A risk can be in one of the following states:
Some risks are more severe than others.
In order to better prioritize which risks need to be addressed first, the platform exposes the severity of a risk. The severity is calculated based on the impact and probability of a risk, in accordance with the following matrix:
The risks of a team can be presented in different views. To change the view, select the desired view from the list of views to the right of the header:
The available views are:
Lists risks grouped by risk category, sorted alphabetically. This is the default view.
Lists risks grouped by severity, sorted descending by level of severity.
To view the unmanaged risks across all teams, go to Organization > Dashboard > Unmanaged risk.
The unmanaged risks report is only available to platform admins.