
A hypothesis is something we belive might be true, but which we have not been able to prove or disprove (yet).

Although hypotheses are a very common tool in scientific work, they have yet to become popular and operationalized in non-academic circles. The platform aims to change that.

There are a multitude of benefits associated with adopting a hypothetical mindset within a team or an organization, including:

  • Identifying, articulating and agreeing on our beliefs
  • Distinguishing what we believe to be true from what we have actually proven (seen and experienced)
  • Agreeing on what we need to experience in order to consider an hypothesis valid or invalid
  • Aligning around which hypothesis are worth testing, and in which order
  • Testing hypothesis systematically, methodically and in unison in order to validate or reject them faster
  • Collaboratively collecting and organizing data relevant for proving or disproving an hypothesis
  • Making it easier to agree on testing something that is uncertain (rather than reducing uncertainty by thinking or planning)
  • Pointing out when we are acting on someones intuition and beliefs rather than actual data, reducing the use of assumptions and subjective opinions ("let's just articulate and test this hypothesis")

Hypothesis are especially relevant for innovative, growing and high performing teams continually on the lookout for a better understanding of the world around them and a more optimal way of doing things.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Startups
  • Product teams
  • Sales teams
  • Organizations looking to build and maintain an innovative mindset in order to remain relevant

If you do not have any hypothesis to test, it's useful to ask yourself if you are doing sufficient innovation within your domain.

Types of hypotheses

Hypotheses can be organized into different groups. In a startup, the hypotheses can most commonly be placed into one or more of the following four categories:

  • Idea: What do we belive about our idea and its attractiveness/viability?
  • Team: What do we belive about ourselves and our own capabilities?
  • Product: What do we belive about our product and how it will be perceived?
  • Market: What do we belive about the market and their response to our value proposition?

Hypothesis state

A hypothesis can have one of the following states:

  • Suggested: Someone has suggested that we look into this hypothesis
  • Considering: We are currently evaluating if this hypothesis is worth our time
  • Experimenting: We are currently focused on collecting data in order to prove or disprove the hypothesis
  • Validated: We belive we have gather sufficient data in order to conclude that the hypothesis is valid (proven)
  • Rejected: We belive we have gather sufficient data in order to conclude that the hypothesis is invalid (disproven)

Organizational hypotheses report

The Organizational hypotheses report provides an overview of the hypotheses that are currently a priority for the organization.

The report displays the hypotheses that are either on the Considering or Experimenting stage, across all teams.

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