Opportunity score

Opportunity score is a tool that helps to

  • Understand what a market cares about
  • Estimate market opportunity (identify unmet needs)
  • Prioritize efforts in product development

Opportunity score is the main metric in the Opportunity-Driven Innovation framework created by Anthony W. Ulwick, which aims at “making innovation predictable”.

The score is the result of an analysis of the gap between the importance that customers assign to the expected outcomes of a job-to-be-done, and how satisfied they are with their current solutions.

The formula looks like this:

Opportunity score = Importance + (Importance - Satisfaction)


Opportunity score is calculated based on the data collected by the Consideration feature.

As such, you have to be actively collecting input via the Consideration wizard in order for the opportunity score to appear in relation to the relevant outcomes and profiles.

Exposure in platform

Opportunity score is exposed in the platform in the following ways:

Outcomes in consideration context

When listing the relevant outcomese of a consideration, each outcome contains a label signifying how relevant the outcome is to the interviewee. The opportunity score is displayed within the label.


These are the relevancy labels used depending on the opportunity score:

  • 5 - 6: Very relevant
  • 3 - 4: Pretty relevant
  • <3: Somewhat relevant

Outcomes in profile context

When viewing a profile, the outcomes that have been evaluated (as a part of consideration) include the opportunity score.


Here the opportunity score is presented as a percentage of what is possible in order to better compare the opportunity of different outcomes.

To view the outcomes in descending order of opportunity, select the opportunity view:


This helps you identify which outcomes have better resonnance (opportunity candidates) and which are considered less relevant and should be retired from the profile once you have sufficient confidence in the data.


When viewing a list of profiles, if the profile has one or more considerations, the total opportunity score of the profile is displayed on the profile card:

Skjermbilde 2022-05-28 kl. 08.23.11.png

This helps you identify which profiles have better resonnance (opportunity candidates) and which are considered less relevant and should be rejected once you have sufficient confidence in the data.

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