Focus mode

Wecomplish helps you focus on the right stuff. Because when we work, it's easy to get caught up in the details and the familiar, and not see the bigger picture.

Many people have a tendency to spend too much time one zoom level deeper than their primary role suggests.

A team member may only be focused on their own tasks, whereas they should be focused on identifying and working more holistically on both their priorities and potential.

A team leader may be focused on his own work, whereas they should be more focused on supporting and enabling others.

An organizational leader may be focused on managing operational details, whereas they should be more focused on direction and organizational development.

This tendency may be caused by fact that when people are promoted or otherwise change roles, they are not neccessarily aware that their focus needs to change, nor do they understand what the new focus mode entails.

Here's a visualization of the different zoom levels, and the ideal primary focus based on role:

To create a better awareness of these zoom levels, Wecomplish uses the concept of focus modes.

This means that when you encounter the platform, you are be asked to select what you want to focus on, in the form of:


Use this focus mode when you have a contributor mindset, and want to complete the tasks assigned to you.


Use this focus mode when you have a team member mindset and want to identify your priorities and potential, and establish plans to work on them. 


Use this focus mode when you have a team leader, mentor or facilitator mindset and want to enable others to move faster and do their best work.


Use this focus mode when you have the mindset of an organizational leader, architect, or would like to develop a birds eye perspective on the direction and status of the organization.


You. can toggle between the different focus modes in the upper, right corner of the current focus mode:


Perhaps you'll have one focus mode today, and another one tomorrow. Either way, focus modes help you and your team become more aware of and able to have a constructive conversation about how much time each individual should spend in each mode.

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