Basic concepts

1 Focus mode

Wecomplish helps you focus on the right stuff. Because when we work, it's easy to get caught up in the details and the familiar, and not see the bigger picture.

Many people have a tendency to spend too much time one zoom level deeper than their primary role suggests.

A team member may only be focused on their own tasks, whereas they should be focused on identifying and working more holistically on both their priorities and potential.

A team leader may be focused on his own work, whereas they should be more focused on supporting and enabling others.

An organizational leader may be focused on managing operational details, whereas they should be more focused on direction and organizational development.

This tendency may be caused by fact that when people are promoted or otherwise change roles, they are not neccessarily aware that their focus needs to change, nor do they understand what the new focus mode entails.

Here's a visualization of the different zoom levels, and the ideal primary focus based on role:

To create a better awareness of these zoom levels, Wecomplish uses the concept of focus modes.

This means that when you encounter the platform, you are be asked to select what you want to focus on, in the form of:


Use this focus mode when you have a contributor mindset, and want to complete the tasks assigned to you.


Use this focus mode when you have a team member mindset and want to identify your priorities and potential, and establish plans to work on them. 


Use this focus mode when you have a team leader, mentor or facilitator mindset and want to enable others to move faster and do their best work.


Use this focus mode when you have the mindset of an organizational leader, architect, or would like to develop a birds eye perspective on the direction and status of the organization.


You. can toggle between the different focus modes in the upper, right corner of the current focus mode:


Perhaps you'll have one focus mode today, and another one tomorrow. Either way, focus modes help you and your team become more aware of and able to have a constructive conversation about how much time each individual should spend in each mode.

2 Operationalization review

At any given time, there are expectations within a team that people

  • are unaware of
  • don't really understand
  • feel uncomfortable with
  • consider counter-intuitive
  • or perhaps even find unreasonable

As a result, these expectations are either not adhered to very well, or might require a lot of time, repetition, friction and followup to get done right.

One way to reduce effort and friction as a leader is to identify these poorly operationalized expectations and make them the subject of clarification, training or perhaps even reconsideration.

Ideally, we would focus our efforts on those expectations that, if made more easily digestible, would have the biggest impact to the confidence, morale and productivity of the team.

What if you could identify those expectations, at the click of a button? The operationalization reports aim to do just that by providing you with a ranking of how poorly understood and automated individual expectations are. 

This allows you to uncover new aspects of your business that you hadn't thought about, helps you spend your time more wisely, and focuses your efforts on where it will have the most impact.

Ranking system (impact score)

The ranking of expectations is based on an impact score calculated based on the familiarity data collected by the platform.

The impact score takes the following parameters into account:

  • The number of people expected to be familiar with the expectation
  • The current level of automation, broken down into
    • Familiarity: How familiar people are with the expectation
    • Clarity: To which degree people find the expectation unclear
    • Autonomy: To which degreee people have requested assistance with the expectation
    • Intuition: To which degree people are specifically focused on the expectation

The worse something is automated, and the more people are expected to be familiar with it, the higher the impact score.

You can see the impact score appearing in different places throughout the different operationalization reports. Here is an example:


Operationalization reports

The operationlization reports are available at different zoom levels in the organization.

Organizational report

The organizational report takes the most zoomed out perspective by ranking how well expectations have been operationalized within each team.

The awareness, familiarity and impact indicators reflect the average of the expectations within the team.

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Click a team card to zoom into the team operationalization report.

Team report

The team report exposes the individual the expectations within a team and ranks how well each individual expectation has been operationalized.

An expectation in this context is defined as a piece of insight which at least one role holder is expected to be familiar with.

The awareness and familiarity indicators reflect an average of the actuall awareness and familiarity as reported by the people expected to be familiar with it.

Here is what the top five items in a product team report might look like:

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Expectation report

Clicking on a specific expectation gives you a detailed view of how familiarity is distributed across the different familiarity levels. Here you can more easily discover if the low ranking is a result of a lack of people indicating their familiarity, or if the indicated familiarity levels are low.

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You can also request familiarity from the people who have not indicated it yet, by blicking the orange bell icon in relation to the "Unknown" familiarity label.

Person report

The person report exposes the featured expectations that a leader should focus on better operationalizing.

This report is accessible by navigating to the team focus of that individual, and selecting the Operationalization-tab.


The report displays all the teams that individual is responsible for, and the top 5 recommendations as identified by the impact score, or overridden recommendations.

Overriding recommendations

There is only so much the system knows about your organization. As a result, you should not blindly accept the top ranking expectations as the ones to focus on.

Some expectations might take precendent due to circumstances or their expected impact on overall work.

You can combine system insight with your own personal insight by overriding recommendations. This is done by clicking either the "Pin recommendation" or "Reject recommendation" buttons, moving the recommendation to the top and bottom of the list respectively.

Generate/update report data

As the team and its amount of expectation grows, calculating the impact of each expectation can get time consuming.

To preserve the performance and user experience of the platform, report data is generated on demand, and cached for future page requests.

Generating, updating and removing the report data cache for a team is done on by manually by clicking the "Generate report"/"Refresh report" buttons on the organizational or team reports.

Recommendation overrides are lost when report data is cleared or regenerated. However, any user attempting to clear or regenerate report data will be made aware of and prompted to confirm deletion if any overrides exist.

3 Overview

The Wecomplish Platform makes it easier to share and improve insight into how teams operate, allowing us to spend more time focused on producing value and less time on interruptions and answering questions.

The Platform exposes questions that ambitious teams need great answers to, enabling everyone to contribute to reusable insight and alignment of the team.

To better understand how to achieve a high-performing team, read about how to build a great team playbook.

How do we store answers?

Answers are stored in Wecomplish as different types of information referred to as information types.

Wecomplish is focused on supporting the information types needed to produce a great team playbook.

Here are some examples of the information types supported and the questions they answer:

  • Role: Who is expected to know and take care of what?
  • Responsibility: What do we need to take care of regularly and how?
  • Skillset: What do we benefit from being proficient in?

All the information types that Wecomplish supports, including the questions they are meant to answer, are viewable from the Overview.

You can access the overview by clicking the "Organization" link in the top, left navigation, and then selecting "Overview" in the left navigation.

Understanding the overview

By default, the overview lists all the information types that the Platform supports.

You can limit the list of information types to only contain information types you are expected to contribute to by selecting the "Only mine" view in the top:


Here's an excerpt of an overview in the context of an organization:

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Each card represents an information type that can be managed within the Platform. The cards are devided into categories representing different insight management domains.

To indicate that you want to manage a specific information type within the Platform, click the "Start managing" button.

Understanding a card

A card looks like this:


The card is blue if the information type is managed, and grey if it's not.

The card may contain the following information:

1. Information type state

At which level of the information type management process the information type is. Only displayed if the information type is managed.

2. Entity count

How many pieces of information are stored for this information type. Gives an indication of how important the information type is to the organization. Only displayed if any information exists.

3. Familiarity indicator

The level of familiarity you have indicated for the information type. Hover over the indicator to see the date of indication and any additional notes. Click the indicator to be taken to the information type where the familiarity can be edited. Only displayed if familiarity has been indicated for the managed information type.

A warning is displayed if no roles have been selected as contributors.

The same is true if you are associated with a role which is expected to contribute, but you have not provided your familiarity yet.

Understanding the relations

Understanding and automating how information types relate to eachother is very useful for internalizing a mental model of how to describe the organization and making it more intuitive to navigate throughout the platform.

In order to understand how an information type relates to others, click the title of the information type you want to explore, or click the "Explore relations" button in the top, right corner to start exploration at the top of the hierarchy (the Organization).

When you are exploring the relations of an entity, the view holds the following pieces of relation information:

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  1. Possible parents: The information types under which this information can be stored. Apart from the Organization information type, information types always have at least one possible parent. The same information type as a parent means that the information type can be stored in an indefinente hierarchy.
  2. Possible children: The information types that can be stored under this information type.
  3. Possible associations pointing into this information type
  4. Possible associations pointing out from this information type

The relational view also displays some additional options related to the information type like its definition, a link to browse the information (if possible) and a link to the documentation.

Click the information type cards to continue exploring the network of information type relations.

4 Insight types as a concept

Most software in use by organizations represent some type of information management system, in that they enable users to either create, process, store and/or transmit information.

When we think about and refer to systems in our work, we usually do it in terms of the information management domain the system designers have decided to focus on. We refer to systems focused on managing client information as CRM systems and systems focused on managing bookkeeping information as accounting systems.

Within these systems, the information types relevant for their respective domains are managed. Within CRM the information types might be prospects and deals, whereas in accounting it's vouchers and vendors.


If we look at this conceptually, we can see that both prospects and vouchers are just different information types, with potentially different organizational expectations associated with them. These expectations might include how the information should be formatted, where it should be maintained, by whom and how regularly.

In the context of the Wecomplish platform, information types are referred to in two contexts:

Firstly, the platform supports a large array of information types relevant to the team and organizational domain. We refer to these information types as insight types. For a detailed list of insight types supported, please review the the list of insight types.

Secondly, the platform has an "information type" insight type, enabling the team to communicate the expectations of individual information types across the various systems used by the team (not just the platform). Read more in the context of Systems.

5 Org and team playbook

6 Verdien av å jobbe skalerbart og langsiktig

Vi laget Wecomplish fordi vi savnet bedre oversikt over

  • Hvordan arbeidet burde gjøres
  • Hvordan arbeidet ble gjort, og
  • Hvordan arbeidet kunne bli bedre

Etter at vi tok i bruk Wecomplish jobber vi mer skalerbart og langsiktig, og får verdi ved at:


  1. Vi er trygge på at arbeidet blir gjort riktig, også når vi ikke er fysisk tilstede
  2. Vi kan jobbe selvstendig og konsentrert/uforstyrret over lengre perioder
  3. Vi vet hva som forventes av oss og kan forsikre at det blir gjort på en god måte til rett tid
  4. Vi leverer uniform og forutsigbar kvalitet og trenger sjelden å gjøre om på arbeidet
  5. Vi leverer vellykkede prosjekter uavhengig av nøkkelpersoner og kompleksitet
  6. Vi kan vokse raskt og med lite voksesmerter
  7. Vi bruker lite tid på brannslukking eller omprioriteringer
  8. Vi vet hvem som har hvilke roller, hvilke roller som har ansvar for hva og hvordan ansvaret ivaretas
  9. Vi bruker de samme begrepene og har den samme forståelsen av forskjellige typer forventninger til arbeidet (eks. retningslinjer, sjekklister, KPI-er, etc)
  10. Vi føler vi har god oversikt over og kontroll på arbeidet
  11. Vi vet hvor vi finner og forventes plassere innsikten vi opparbeider oss
  12. Vi gjenbruker og forbedrer teamets innsikt på en effektiv måte
  13. Vi må sjelden stresse eller jobbe overtid for å nå fristene våre
  14. Vi opplever at systemene og verktøyene våre hjelper oss med å gjøre en bedre jobb
  15. Vi holder dialogen fokusert rundt arbeidet som skal gjøres
  16. Vi føler vi jobber smart og effektivt

Hva vi bør gjøre når og hvordan

  1. Vi finner raskt svar på ting på egen hånd, uten å avbryte eller forstyrre noen andre
  2. Nøkkelpersoner er ikke en flaskhals for at jobben skal gjøres riktig
  3. Vi frykter ikke å miste innsikt i hvordan arbeidet bør gjøres dersom noen blir syke eller slutter
  4. Vi er samkjørte på hvorfor og hvordan arbeidet bør gjøres
  5. Vi har god oversikt over hvem som er forventet å bruke hvilken tid på hva
  6. Vi har dokumentert arbeidet på en måte som gjør det enklere å gjenskape, forbedre, automatisere eller sette bort

Hva som ble gjort når og hvordan

  1. Det er enkelt å finne ut av hvem som har gjort hva når og hvordan, samt hva som gjenstår
  2. Vi rekker å fullføre det vi har planlagt
  3. Vi har god innsikt i hvordan vi har prestert

Hvordan vi kan bli bedre

  1. Vi får stadig ny innsikt i måten arbeidet bør organiseres og utføres
  2. Vi får løftet opp og handlet på ting før det er for sent
  3. Vår får stadig bedre og tydeligere prosesser
  4. Vi etablerer i langsiktige løsninger og har få gjentagende problemer
  5. Vi er samkjørte på når våre prestasjoner er innenfor og utenfor akseptabelt intervall

7 Dele innhold på tvers av organisasjoner

Wecomplish har et bibliotek hvor organisasjoner som bruker Wecomplish kan dele velorganiserte løsninger på felles utfordringer. Løsningene er enkle å kopiere inn i egen organisasjon for videre tilpasning og bruk.

Typer innhold

Du finner følgende typer innhold i biblioteket:


For å gjøre en sjekkliste fra ditt eget team tilgjengelig i biblioteket, se Gjøre en sjekkliste tilgjengelig i biblioteket.

Kopiere inn innhold

For å kopiere innhold inn til din egen organisasjon, trykk på kopieringsknappen øverst på innholdet.

Du vil bli bedt om å logge inn og deretter få muligheten til å velge hvilken organisasjon og hvilket team du ønsker å kopiere innholdet til.

Relevant dokumentasjon










