Indicating familiarity

The primary motivation for indicating familiarity is to keep up with the expectations of the roles assigned to you.

The easiest way to do this is to click the purple "Indicate your familiarity" button which appears in the upper, right corner of your Focus dashboard whenever there are expectations associated with your roles with which you have not indicated familiarity.

You can reach your Focus dashboard by clicking the Wecomplish-logo in the upper, left corner.


When you click the purple button you are taken to the first expectation with which you have not indicated familiarity.

In the top, you will see a familiarity indication section. The left column is for indicating your familiarity, whereas the right column explains why you are expected to be familiar with this piece of information, and your overall awareness of role expectations.

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Individual role familiarity

If you want to focus on building familiarity with a particular role, select the role in question from the right column of the Focus dashboard...


...and click the purple "Indicate your familiarity" button in the context of the role:


Individual role expectation familiarity

If you want to indicate your familiarity with an individual role expectation, navigate to the role in question, select the expectation type in the right column, and then click the particular expectation in the left colum.

You can identify which expectations types have missing famiiarity by the first progress bar in the right column being less than 100%, and the expectation in the right column having no familiarity indicator.


For a detailed understanding familiarity, please review Familiarity as a concept and the Familiarity panel.

Standalone familiarity

A piece of insight does not have to be a role expectation for you to indicate familiarity with it.

If you want to indicate familiarity with a random piece of insight, navigate to the page of that insight and trigger the Familiarity panel.

Best practices

When indicating familiarity, you are only required to select the familiarity level. However, you are encouraged to reflect on and fill out the comments field explaining what's keeping you from reaching the next level of familiarity, as well as deciding on whether you would prefer mentor assistance with improving your familiarity.

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Completing these two extra pieces of information makes the familiarity indication vastly more useful both for yourself and your coworkers in identifying the next step to improving your familiarity.


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