Activity is focused on

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In the context of the organization, a team and a persons, you can find a visualization of the activity.

The activities are grouped into three categories:

  • Executing: Displays activities related to tasks
  • Documenting: Displays activities related to insight locations, documentation, checklists, skills, roles and responsibilities
  • Improving: Displays activities related to observations, surveys and familiarity development

The charts display the activity count for the last 5 weeks. Point to the chart to see the exact week number and activity count for a given week.

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On the organization and team dashboard, the charts include a list of activity contributors in the upper, right corner, sorted in descending order by activity count. Point to a user to see the exact activity count for the entire period.

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How to use the charts

The purpose of grouping activity by executing, documenting and improving is to better expose how a team or a persons contributions is divided among short-term and long-term work. This can then be used as the basis for reflection and discussion during a team status meeting or a performance review.

The general expectation is that, once a team or person matures, activity is expected to shift more from the left (more operational activity) to the right (more strategic activity).

It's helpful to understand and be sensitive to different peopls proclivities towards either execution or facilitation (documenting and improving) when having this discussion, all the while calibrating expectations towards the relevant responsibilties and seniority/maturity.

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