Generative AI

The platform uses generative AI to assist you in your management of organizational expectations, including organizational leadership, learning and development.

Background processing

Because generative AI processes can take some time to finish (expect 10 - 30 seconds), they are delegated to the background. This means that you can continue to browse and interact with the platform while the process finishes up.

Read more about background jobs.

Organizational context

Whenever a response is requested from the AI, it is first given the organizational context. This includes the 

  • Name of the organization
  • Purpose
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Values, and their meaning
  • Context
  • Organizational language

Please ensure that these pieces of information are up to date in order to help AI give you the best and most relevant responses.



Describing organizational expectations can be a tedious, laboursome and cognitively demanding process.

To help you lighten the load of coming up with and articulating expectations, the platform supports ideation.

Ideation is the process of generating ideas and suggestions. It is also commonly referred to as brainstorming.

The insight types which support ideation are listed in the ideatable trait. In addition to this list, ideation is also supported for

  • Team
    • Purpose
  • Role
    • Purpose
    • Expected skillsets

To trigger ideation, click the yellow "Have AI suggest..." button near the item list you would like to ideate. The button only appears when a list/field is empty.


Sometimes we can get a get a bit lost when it comes to making progress towards our priorities. When feeling stuck it's useful to have someone (or something) come up with helpful suggestions and challenge us to step out of our comfort zone.

To help you get unstuck the plattform imlements. the sparrable trait. Click the trait link to see which insight types are feedbackable. 


When we have built something, critiquing it helps us gain a new perspective and make additional improvements.

To help you gain constructive feedback quickly, the platform implements the critiqueable trait. Click the trait link to see which insight types are critiquable.

To trigger a critique, click the three dots in the upper right corner, and select "AI critique".

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