Eric Partaker CEO coaching assessment

According to this video by Ali Abdaal, these questions are the ones used by CEO Coach Eric Partaker in preparation for his coaching.

Our company strategy can be communicated in a single sentence.
We have the right people in the company to achieve our ambitions.
Our 12 month projected cash flow demonstrates we have enough cash to achieve our objectives.
Sales are fully systematized and deliver a consistent and predictable number of new leads and customers every month.
Any customer or employee could clearly and quickly state the main problem our company solves and who we solve it for.
Every person in the company can immediately recite their team/individual goals, their progress against them, and how they contribute to the company's goals.
We regularly launch new products and have a balanced product portfolio that enables growth while also providing stable cash flow.
We have a strong company culture, with a purpose that positively impacts the world and a set of values that guide our behaviours.
Our topline revenue and profits are growing at the rate we would like.
I have transitioned from Founder to CEO. As a result, I'm no longer in the trenches or firefighting, I am working "on" the company rather than "in" the company.
As the CEO, I have developed a clear vision for the company and I ensure we are following the right strategy to achieve it.
I have protected time in my calendar every week that allows me to think about strategy and industry tends, as well as review company and team performance.
Everyone in the company can clearly articulate our vision and role model our values.
I am an excellent communicator and know how to inspire others through my words and actions.
I avoid overthinking, overanalyzing, and procrastinating when it comes to making decisions.
I am relentlessly reliable and set the benchmark in the company for personal consistency and follow-through.
I attract and retain people that are better than me in their roles, while eliciting peak performance from nearly every one of them.
I regularly adapt to change, capitalizing on new trends as well as getting rid of plans, routines, or approaches that no longer work.
I am consistently productive, minimizing distractions and fire-fighting so that I can focus on what matters most.
I feel like I have work-life balance.
I have the courage to step into difficult conversations when needed and set the benchmark for accountability.
I take consistent and deliberate action day after day AND this action generates the results I'm seeking.
I schedule time for continuous learning in my calendar.
I am clear about where I am headed in business and life and how to get there.
I regularly seek constructive feedback from my superiors, peers, and team members so I can further improve.
I belive my company makes a meaningful and positive impact on the world.
I believe I am operating at my full potential.

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