How ready are we to scale?

Figure out if the time has come to scale the business, or of we first need to resolve issues in order to avoid multiplying them at scale.

This survey is intended to be used by leadership in conjunction with the Scaling readiness health check in order to produce alignment around the scaling readiness of the organization.

We have proven that we can deliver sustained and predictable value
Market satisfaction
Our customers are consistently deriving value our offering
We are in agreement that we have found product-market fit
Market demand
There is sufficient demand for our offering to scale it
Business model
We expect to be able to replicate our success in new markets or with a larger customer base
Operational efficiency
Our operational processes can deliver value in an efficient and streamlined manner at scale
Core operations can handle increased demand and volume without sacrificing quality or customer experience
We can scale production and delivery logistics without significant increases in costs
We have implemented automation and technology solutions to optimize processes where possible
We have the right talent to support our scaling efforts
Our people master the skills and behaviours required for us to deliver value at scale
We have sufficient capacity within our organization to scale our value delivery
We have sufficient capacity within our supply chain to scale our value delivery
Technology & Infrastructure
We have the systems and security in place to handled increased work load, data volumes and user activity
Risk management
We are cognizant of scaling risk and have identified the necessary measures to mitigate them
We are cognizant of the hypothesis we base our scaling on and how we will work to quickly validate or reject them
Unit economics
We have positive unit economics
Organizational structure
We have a clear organizational structure and division of responsibilities in place
The structures that we are scaling (processes, roles, skillsets) are clearly defined and well understood
We have leaders capable of leading people and scaling processes
Our leaders are sufficiently proficient within relevant scaling skillsets (i.e. hiring, leadership, business development and organizational development)
Market insight
We are intimately familiar with the markets, segments and profiles we plan to scale
We have a clear corporate strategy
We have a clear scaling strategy
We have the funds required to support our scaling strategy and investments

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