How well does Wecomplish suit me and my team?

Ensure that a team has a sufficient need, motivation and attitude to successfully adopt Wecomplish. Weed out teams and team leaders who are a bad fit for Wecomplish. The survey is intended to be taken by the team leader.

This survey is also available in Norwegian.

Team leader attitude
I believe that leading and developing the team is at least as important as delivering
I believe in supporting and following up with people rather than requiring them to "figure it out"
I believe I will become a more effective leader if I learn more about management
Team leader motivation
I am motivated by the thought of being a great leader
I am motivated by the idea of working long-term with value creation and improvement within the team
I have a personal interest in (am personally incentivized by) the team performing at its best
I am motivated by the idea of working proactively with the well-functioning of the team
Team leader priorities
I am able to locate the time and motivation to prioritize things that are important, even if they are not urgent
I am motivated and able to set aside time for management and team development
Team leader confidence
I am comfortable establishing and communicating what I expect from people
I am not concerned that communicating clear expectations will negatively affect the team's morale and motivation
Team leader change tolerance
I am willing to adapt to new ways of working
I am open to the fact that my way is not necessarily the best way
I examine how I can improve before I ask others to improve
I am willing to take risks and try out new things to make the team work better
I am motivated to both change myself and lead the team through change
Technology and innovation
I am comfortable with and can easily adopt new technology
The team is comfortable with and easily adapts to new technology
The team can easily access digital devices in their daily work
I am comfortable trying out innovative solutions that are still in motion
I am ambitious on my own behalf
I am ambitious on behalf of my team
I would like the development of the team and its team members to take place in a more transparent, uniform and predictable way
I would like people to become more aware of where they can develop and improve
I would like us to communicate and work better together
I would like us to be more in sync
I would like us to reach an agreement more quickly and with less conflict
Role clarity
I would like the expectations of each individual to be more easily accessible and better understood
Goal clarity
I would like the current priorities of each individual to be more easily accessible and better understood
Role redistribution
I expect replacement/redistribution of team members in the future
I expect growth in the future
I would like for us to make less mistakes
I would like for us to repeat the same mistakes less often
I would like a better overview of who is responsible for and has done what
Structural tolerance
As a manager, I tolerate, value and am successful in maintaining structure in my daily work
The rest of the team tolerates, values and is successful in maintaining structure in their daily work
The team's culture and values is aligned with a structured and functioning-conscious work methodology

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