How well equipped am I to sell this product?

Reflect on how capable and comfortable I am selling a certain product. Pin down issues causing hesitation to reach out. Better to expose to yourself and others which insight is lacking in order to be able to conduct sales effectively and confidently.

This survey is also available in Norwegian.

Target audience
I understand what characterizes people who are more likely to buy this product
I understand people's motivation for buying this product (what they are trying to accomplish)
I understand the characteristics of people who are hesitant to buy this product
I know how problem-aware the target audience is
I know how knowledgeable the target audience is
I know what the priorities of the target audience are
I know what problems people experience that are alleviated by buying the product
I know what alternatives people are already using to solve these problems (what the product replaces)
I know how well people understand the problem that the product alleviates
I understand how the product creates gains for the buyer
I understand how the product relieves pain for the buyer
I know what are the most common concerns people have when considering buying the product
I have credible answers to the most common concerns people have
I know where to find people who are inclined to buy the product
I know how to quickly disqualify people who are a bad fit for the product
I am confident that those I approach understand the problem well enough and experience it strongly enough that they are motivated to spend time hearing more about a solution
I am confident that the channel in which I approach people is an effective way of creating interest
I am confident that the message I approach people with will create resonance and interest
I have a "foot in the door" offer that is a "no-brainer" to accept because it requires little time, money, commitment and risk on the part of the buyer

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