
To log in, go to https://app.wecomplish.no/ or directly to the tenant of your organization (https://[your-org].wecomplish.no/).

Log in using your email address and assigned password. Click the "Remember be" checkbox if you want to remained logged in across browser sessions.

Log in issues

If you are experiencing issues with logging in, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

Your email address is incorrect

Please make sure that you do not have any typos in your email address, and that the email address you are using is the one to which you received an invite from the system to log in.

Your password is incorrect

Please make sure that there are no typos in your password.

If you are copying and pasting your password from your registration email, please ensure that you are not including any extra characters or spaces when copying.

If you have not received a password, or are unsure if you are using the correct password, you can use the "Forgot password" link on the log in page to set a new password.

You are logging in at an incorrect URL

Please make sure that you are logging in to the tenant of your organization. The URL in the browser should be https://[your-org].wecomplish.no/

Change email login address

To change the email address with which you logi in and receive notifications, go to https://app.wecomplish.no/my/profile

Two factor authentication

If you want, you may activate Tofaktorautentisering after logging in for improved security.

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