Import calendar events as allocations
Planning time  

The platform integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. The integration means that calendar events can be imported automatically as allocations.

The integration imports the next 100 calendar entries as allocations every 5 minutes, while previously created allocations that no longer have a corresponding calendar entry are deleted.

The duration of the allocation corresponds with the duration of the calendar event.


The integrations have to be authorized in order to be activated.

Microsoft Outlook

To authorize the Outlook integration, go to Personal settings and click the "Activate Microsoft Outlook integration" link.

Google Calendar

Step 1: Organizational authorization

Because of the way the Google integration works, we first have to confirm in our Google integration setup that calendar requests may originate from your platform domain. Contact us with the name of the organization with which would like to use the Google Calendar integration.

If you encounter an error similar to the one below, it is due to the fact that the organizational authorization step has not been completed:

Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

The redirect URI in the request, https://[yoursubdomain].wecomplish.no/calendar/oauth2callback, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/442328454474-t9nvbc07rfnnohg44c0hh8vr7g201a5c.apps.googleusercontent.com?project=442328454474

Step 2: User authorixzation

To authorize Google Calendar integration, go to Personal settings and click the "Active Google Calendar integration" link.

Associate calendar imported allocations to platform content

By including an ID in the title of the calendar event, the allocation that is created is automatically linked to the relevant content in Wecomplish.

There is support for linking calendar entries to the following types of content:


To associate a calendar event with a task, add a hash symbol (#) followed by the task ID in the title of the calendar event.

For example, if you are going to have an interview in connection with the task with the ID 36964, you can write «Interview John Smith #36964» in the title.


To associate a calendar event with a checklist, use the hash symbol followed by the letter P and the ID of the checklist.


To associate a calendar event with a meeting, use the hash symbol followed by the letter M and the ID of the meeting.


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