To search, click the search icon in the top, right corner or use the keyboard shortcut s
The following information types are searchable:
- Teams
- People
- Categories
- Anatomies
- Maps
- Roles
- Responsibilities
- Skillsets
- Skills
- Programs
- Evaluations
- Solutions
- Check-in types
- Perspectives
- Policies
- Processes
- Process steps
- Systems
- Prompts
- Vendors
- Equipment
- Presentations
- Objectives
- Profiles
- Propositions
- Segments
- Alternatives
- Information types
- Surveys
- Meetings
- Challenges
- Projects
- KPIs
- Checklists
- Templates
- Wiki pages
- Decisions
- Risks
- Hypotheses
- Tasks (from the last 3 years)
- Observations
- Accomplishments
You can use the arrow keys to change between the selected item in the search results and the "Enter" key to go to the selected item.
The information available in the search depends the access level of the logged in user.