
In order to be successful, we need to get people to make the switch from whatever they are doing or using today, and over to us.

The more deeply we understand the alternative ways in which our market is getting the job done, the better equipped we will be at building better solutions and communicating the benefits of making the switch.

Ensuring that people are actually using alternatives also helps us to validate the fact that the problem is seen as worth solving by the market, and to refine our understanding of the problem and how it is understood by the people we want to help.

To facilitate this type of insight, the platform supports managing Alternatives as an information type.

Alternatives helps us share insight across the organization into how the market is currently solving the problem, and the advantages and disadvantages of those alternatives.

Alternatives might consist of neatly packaged products and services provided by organizations we consider to be our competitors, but they could just as well be Excel spreadsheets, templates, recurring meetings or other manual processes constructed to help get the job done.

Understanding the alternatives to our offering is valuable, not only to the people working inside the organization, but also to those who are considering investing in us. Being able to demonstrate a deep understanding of alternatives is highly valued by and reassuring to potential investors.

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