To view your own allocations, go the focus dashboard.
The colored indicator displayed for each allocation reflects the duration of the allocation.
If the allocation is recurring, a Recurring indicator is displayed.
Allocations imported from a calendar also reflect the starting time of the calendar event.
By default, the focus dashboard displays allocations for the current week. Click the names and dates of the individuals days to expand and collapse the allocations for the given day.
To view the allocations for another time period, use the date picker in the upper right corner to select your desired date interval.
To navigate to the task/project/etc to which the allocation is related, click the desired location in the breadcrumbs trail.
In order to view the allocations of other team members, search for the person in question and navigate to their Focus dashboard.
In order to view all the future allocations of a person, search for the person in question and select "Allocations" from the left menu.