How healthy is our team?

Identify how likely a team is to retain great people and produce great results.

This survey is also available in Norwegian.

We are in sync
Everyone has the same perspective of where we're going and how we'll get there
Everyone has a clear and shared understanding of our purpose
Everyone has a clear and shared understanding of our goals and how we measure their success
Everyone has a clear and shared understanding of their roles, and the roles of others
We establish and follow rules
Stakeholders can easily observe how work has been done
It's not ambiguous nor a secret how work is done
We hold each other accountable to our priorities, potential and inadequate performances
New insight and expectations can easily and quickly be pushed out to and familiarized by relevant role holders
We provide high output
People are doing the right things, the right way, every day
We predictably produce the output that is expected of us within a given timeframe
New members and stakeholders can easily explore the team/organization and how work is organized
People can do their work without having to rely on others
Being a part of the team is an enjoyable experience
People are provided with the knowledge, tools and support they require to do great work
How work is done is systematically and predictably improved
People feel safe to take risks, make mistakes and speak up
I trust and care about the well-being and success of my fellow team members
We are planning for the future and long-term success
If people leave or go on vacation, others know how to and can easily pick up the work
The team/organization changes to adapt to changing circumstances
Actions are deliberate and things happen for a reason
We are constantly improving and rethinking the ways in which we deliver value

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