How well is my overview of the team?

As leader, you are responsible for identifying, coordinating and communicating the expectations of the team's skills, behavior and priorities. Use this survey to identify whether and where you as a team leader could potentilally improve your overview and control of your own team.

This survey is also available in a Norwegian version.

I have a good overview of what the team needs to know
I have a good overview of who knows what
I have a good overview of how well each individual masters different skills
I have a good overview of what each individual does not master well enough
I have a good overview of where people should prioritize developing themselves
I have a good overview of what each individual considers unclear
I have a good overview of what each individual would like help with
I have a good overview of what is expected of whom
I have a good overview of which responsibilities we need to take care of
I have a good overview of who is responsible for what
I have a good overview of how comfortable people are with their own responsibilities
I have a good overview of the extent to which people set aside time to practice their responsibilities
I have a good overview of which responsibilities people find unclear
I have a good overview of which responsibilities people would like help with in order to better take care of it
I have a good overview of what is most important for us to prioritize now
I have a good overview of why the most important priorities are important, and how we will measure success
I have a good overview of who contributes to which goals and projects
I have a good overview of progress and how far along we are
I have a good overview of whether we are on track
I have a good overview of how people should prioritize their own development
I have a good overview of what is and should be people's prioritized ambitions
I have a good overview of whether each individual has too much or too little to do
I have a good overview of whether overall we have too much or too little to do

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