Growing familiarity

1 My team

As leaders and managers, one of our key responsibilities is to get the best out of our people.

In order to to so, we need to provide them with the training, priorities, and support they need in order to grow and excel in their roles and deliver their best work.

However, executing on this responsibility can pose a lot of challenges:

  • We're all busy, which can make it difficult for team members and leaders to be able to sync up and prioritize support efforts at the same time
  • Reflecting on, identifying and addressing development potential and support needs on the spot can be difficult
  • Some people require a lot of assistance while others prefer to be left alone, but everyone benefits from high-quality guidance and support

In order to make it easier to follow up with the people who report to you, the platform provides the My team support view. The goal of this view is to help you answer the question "How can I best support you?" for each of your individual team members.

You can reach the My team view by clicking the Wecomplish logo, and selecting Support Others > My team in the left column.

Support card

For each person in your team, you can find a card containing information on how to support them. Here's an example of what a card might look like:

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The card is divided into three main sections relevant for reflecting on how to best support that person:


What to expect/look for:

  • Awareness is at or close to 100%, or steadily growing (during onboarding)
  • Familiarity has been updated within the last week (click the "Familiarity" header to explore familiarity development over time)

How to act:

  • If awareness is <100% and there have been several weeks since the last familiarity update, consider clicking the "Request missing familiarity" button.


What to expect/look for:

  • The person has something to focus on
  • The person is not focused on too many things
  • The things the person is focused on reflects what you expect them to be focusing on (click the "Focus" header to explore individual focus items)


What to expect/look for:

  • The person has one or more mentors to which they can turn for guidance
  • The person is mentoring one or more people in something they are great at
  • The person is getting the assistance they have requested
  • The person masters the skillsets required by their roles

2 Improving familiarity with insight types

Central to the use of the Wecomplish platform is understanding and contributing to the different insight types that can be stored within the platform.

As a result, whenever you're looking to improve your ability to use the platform more effectively and autonomously, it makes sense to focus on improving your familiarity with the different insight types you're expected to contribute to.

Identifying which insight types a person is expected to contribute to

To uncover which insight types you're expected to contribute to, navigate to your profile and click the "Explore" button in relation to the Platform box.


This will display the "Only mine" view of the Overview-page, meaning you will only see the insight types the given user is expected to contribute to.


Insight type expectations

The insight type a person is expected to contribute are those with a light blue background, and where you, on the right hand side, can see either an indication of current familiarity, or an indicator showing that familiarity is missing.


If the insight type is light blue, but the right hand side is empty, the person in question does not have a role in which they are expected to contribute to this information type (yet).


Read more about the Overview-page and how it works here.

How to improve familiarity with a particular insight type

To improve your familiarity with a particular insight type, click its name, bringing you to the full view of the insight type.

From here, there are several different options you can choose from in order to better understand how the insight type works.

Understand how the insight type relates to others

In order to produce a predictable structure, there are predetermined rules dictating which insight types can be stored under which, and how they can be associated with oneanother.

Read more about how the insight types relate to eachother under the subheading "Understanding the relations" on the Overview-page.

Explore examples

In the white, middle card, there is a "Content" block showing three examples of the insight type published within your organization.

Click one of the items to explore it,or click the "Browse all" button to view more examples.


Read the documentation

Reading the documentation of an insight type is a great way to better understand the intention and value of managing a given piece of insight.

Provided that the insight type has an associated documentation page, you can find it by clicking the "How to contribute" button on the white card.


Try it out yourself

When you feel like you have a conceptual overview, there's no substitute for getting your hands dirty and trying it out yourself.

You can play around with an insight type by publishing, editing and deleting it, either within on of your own teams, or by creating a sandbox team in which you can experiment with diffent insight types.

3 Unclear expectations

One of the most common reasons why expectations are not met is because they are not properly understood.

To help identify expectations that are ambiguous, fluffy, confusing or just plain old difficult to understand, the platform implements the concept of unclear expectations.

When Indicating familiarity, the user can check the box indicating an unclear expectation.


This will result in a question mark icon appearing in relation to the familiarity indication, wherever it is visualized.

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In addition, unclear expectations are exposed in various views and context throughout the application.


To review which expectations a particular person considers unclear, navigate to that person and click the "Unclear expectations" link in the left navigation, in the "Support me" group.

This will display all the expectations marked as unclear by that person, grouped by type of information.

In order to more easily discover if a person has expectations they consider unclear, the amount of unclear expectations is displayed on their support card.



To review which expectations are unclear within a given team, navigate to that team and click the "Unclear expectations" link in the left navigation, in the "Reports" group.

This will display all the expectations belonging to that team that have been marked as unclear by one or more people.

In order to more easily discover if a team owns expectations that are considered unclear, the number of unclear expectations is displayed on the team dashboard.



To review unclear expectations at an organizational level, navigate to the organization and click the  "Structural capital" link in the left navigation, under the "Reports" group.

This will display all unclear expectations divided by team, including links to the unclear expectation report of each individual team. 

4 Expectations in focus

Most of us have lots of development potential. The indication of familiarity helps expose this fact, but can also make it feel overwhelming to get started improving ones familiarity ("Where do I start?").

In order to make the development process more tangible, better aligned with others perception of our potential and to enable us to better prioritize, the Platform uses the concept of expectations in focus.

Think of expectations in focus as providing you with a method for addressing the concept of people working with themselves in the context of a role. You can hear this referred to in day-to-day chatter as people saying "I'm working on that" or "He really needs to work on that".

With focus we can signal which specific expectations (be it a responsibility, a skill, etc) a person is expected to prioritize their development efforts towards. Put another way, we can communicate which expectations a person is expected to improve their familiarity with.

Focus can be set by the familiarity holder themselves, or by another person suggesting something that that person might benefit from focusing on.

Set focus

There are two ways in which you can set something in focus:

From the user side

To set focus on an expectation navigate to that user, make sure the "Expectations" tab is selected and click the "Add expectation" button.

This opens up a search field in which you can search for the expectation you would like to be put into focus.


From check-in

Start a check-in. When you get to the expectations step, click the "Add expectation" button.

This opens up a search field in which you can search for the expectation you would like to be put into focus.


From the expectation side

Navigate to the expectation.

If you want to set the expectation in focus for yourself, click the pin-icon to the right of the familiarity indicator. Click again to disable focus.

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If you want to set the expectation for someone else, toggle the familiarity panel and click the focus indicator corresponding with the person you want to focus on it.

Please note that this way of setting familiarity only works if the person has already indicated their familiarity. If the person has not indicated their familiarity yet, you can work around this by first setting the familiarity expectation for that individual, and then set focus on that expectation.

Focus limit

To prevent the expectation of focusing on too many things at once, a person can only have 5 expectations in focus at the same time.

If you attempt to set items in focus for a person who already has 5 items in focus, you will receive a warning and focus will not be set.

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View things in focus

In order to view which expectations a person is focused on improving, navigate to the Focus-dashboard for that person. The expectations in focused are displayed under the "Expectations" tab of the Priorities-section, which is visible below the Plans-section in the left column.

To review the focus of multiple individuals at the same time, use the Focus report.

Identifying things to put in focus

In the beginning, it can feel foreign and difficult to identify which things to put in focus. Consider using one or more of the following methods for identifying relevant expectations:

  • Select individual responsibilities or skills from the roles or skillsets you have an ambition of getting better at
  • Identify the roles with which you have the lowest familiarity and pick some of the expectations from this role in order to improve your overall comfort with the role.
  • Ask someone you trust (a leader/coworker/partner) which expectations they feel you might benefit the most from focusing on in order to improve your perceived performance.
  • Which tasks do you tend to procrastinate? In which ways do people signify frustration with your performance? Consider if the reason is expectations with which you are less familiar or comfortable.
  • Identify expectations you would not be uncomfortable delegating to someone else because they are not sufficiently clear, and use focus as a means to better describe them.

As you grow more familiar with the expectations in focus feature, so will your intuition for discovering and pinning expectations whenever you realize that there's something you would benefit from improving your familiarity with.

Maintain familiarity with things in focus

As a reminder to keep checking in with and reflecting over the expectations you have in focus, a purple play button appears at the top of your expectations in focus whenever you have one or more expectation with which you have not updated your familiarity the last 7 days.

Click the button to be taken through each pinned familiarity indication older than 7 days.

You can also use Check-in (one-on-one) to ensure that you maintain focus on both your expectations and other priorities.

5 Notification of completed familiarity

The first time someone completes indicating familiarity with all the expectations of a specific role or a skillset, an email notification is sent out to key stakeholders.

The purpose of the notification is two-fold:

  • Recognize: Reflecting on and indicating familiarity can be mentally taxing, especially for deep thinkers. Completion of a role or a skillset is a milestone which deserves a pat on the back.
  • Understand, focus and support: Once familiarity has been completed for a role or a skillset, you now have a lot of data which you can use to better understand the comfort level of that person, where they need help and what they consider unclear. Use this information to be proactive by deciding where you could clarify expectations, provide support or put specific expectations into focus.

Who is notified?

For role familiarity completion, the following people are notified, if specified:

  • Leaders (people the person indicating familiarity reports to)
  • Role mentors
  • The person who has indicated the role as an ambition

For skillset familiarity completion, the following people are notified, if specified:

  • Skillset mentors
  • The person who has indicated the skillset as an ambition

6 Development over time

The role list and single role view for a person includes charts indicating how that person is developing over time. In the context of the Platform, development is measured as a change in familiarity with role expectations.

There are two charts indicating changes in awareness and familiarity respectively. They are displayed at the top of the role list of a person, and at the bottom of the single role view of a person.

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Each chart has two Y (vertical) axis.

The left axis corresponds with the purple line and displays the score over time. This number is always expected to grow unless someone deletes or downgrades their familiarity.

The right axis corresponds with the green line and displays the percentage over time. This number will increase when familiarity is set/upgraded and drops when additional expectations are added to the roles assigned to that person.

7 Mentorship

We could all benefit some guidance and well-meaning nudges in order to progress in our roles and better master a skillset. And it's not neccessarily always our leader who is the best fit for this job.

To produce this type of social support and accountability, the platform implements the concept of mentors.

Mentor/mentee relationship

A mentor is someone who aims to provide someone else (the mentee) with intellectual and emotional support in an attempt to improve their understanding of and familiarity with a given role or skillset.

In order for the mentor/mentee relationship to work properly there needs to be an awareness of the relationship and regular communication between the two parties.

A mentor is responsible for helping the mentee, by:

  • Learning them the ropes (bring them along/include them when relevant)
  • Sharing best practices into how to best execute a given responsibility or skill that the mentee finds challenging.
  • Functioning as an accountability buddy (holding them accountable for improving)
  • Review and act on Notification of completed familiarity

In turn, the mentee should:

  • Ensure regular communication with the mentor
  • Convert mentor insight into insight reusable for other role/skillset holders

Assign a mentor

A mentor can be allocated to any specific role or skillset assignment of a person.

To assign a mentor, select the role/skillset in the training context of a given user and select a mentor in the right hand column.


If you check the box "Send notification", an email will be sent to the mentor notifying them of the mentorship  expectation and linking them to this documentation in order to improve their awareness of the mentorship concept.

A list of the roles and skillsets a person is mentoring others in is availble under the Mentorships menu item. 


Request assistance from a mentor

If you require outside assistance in order to improve your familiarity with something, check the "Request mentor assistance" checkbox when indicating familiarity.


This will result in a life ring icon appearing in relation to your familiarity indication, wherever it is visualized.

Mentors can easily see which mentees require assistance (and for which expectations) from their mentorship overview.


Review mentor assignments

For roles invested in making sure that there exists an network of mentors to help and produce accountability (CEO/insight manager/training and development manager), there exists an overall mentorships report. The report is only accessible to platform admins.

To view the report, go to Organization > Report > Mentorships.

Here's an example of a report:

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Use the report to ensure that:

  • The roles of mentor and mentee are evenly devided
  • Everyone/most people has someone who they help/are accountable for
  • Everyone/most people has someone who helps them/holds them accountable 

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