Wecomplish | Wiki


1 Why we do what we do

1.1 Where we are going


Positively impact the well-functioning of individuals and teams so they can experience less friction and more flow.


Help leaders understand and manage the behavioural gaps of themselves and their team.


Make a badass out of you, allowing you to go further and faster than you thought possible.

1.2 Business model

Our business model describes the resources and processes we need in order to create, capture and deliver value. The model is structured based on Business Model Canvas.

1.2.1 Customer segments


  • Startups (too survival focused)
  • Scaleups (volatile working environment, high founder ego, low leadership awareness)


  • Small business owners
  • Team leaders in mature, larger businesses

1.2.2 Value proposition

We help leaders organize leadership and development so they can extract the true potential of themselves, their employees and the organization.

Our offering consist of

  • A library of assessments leaders can use to assess themselves and their team for health and well-functioning
  • Coaching to allow leaders to see leadership challenges more clearly
  • A platform for operationalizing the leadership and development of oneself, the team and the organization 

1.2.3 Channels

We meet our segments in the following channels:

Generating awareness


1.2.4 Customer relationships

1:1 coaching relationships to build trust, collect customer insights and establish product-market fit.

1.2.5 Revenue streams


Starts at 5.000 NOK/month for bi-weekly sessions.


380 NOK/user/month for active users.


Free for all.

1.2.6 Key resources

Key resources we rely on in order to provide customer value:

  • Coaches who understand people and organization
  • Digital know-how to develop and improve our digital products
  • Financial capital to ensure continued operation and growth
  • Wecomplish library content
  • Wecomplish platform and library source code

1.2.7 Key activities

The key activities we need to master in order to provide value:

  • Executive coaching
  • Business development
  • Market research
  • Digital product development
  • Networking

1.2.8 Key partnerships


  • Platform.sh delivering infrastructrure for our digital services
  • Algolia offering blazing-fast, flexible and relevant search
  • OpenAI offering generative insight

Business partnerships

No decision made.

1.2.9 Cost

Our primary costs are:

  • Saleries (for product development, sales and coaching)
  • Digital infrastructure

2 Hvordan vi gjør ting

2.1 Personvern

2.1.1 Hvordan vi verner om organisasjoners data

Vi leser eller aksesserer aldri en organisasjons data uten organisasjonens eksplisitte samtykke eller pålegg fra myndighetene.

Hvorfor vi gjør ting på denne måten

Ved å aldri lese eller aksessere en organisasjons data uten organisasjonens eksplisitte samtykke eller pålegg fra myndighetene oppnår vi flere fordeler:

  • Vi gjør eksisterende og potensielle brukere tryggere på å plassere dataene sine i Wecomplish
  • Vi gir brukere bedre oversikt og kontroll over hvor organisasjonens data befinner seg
  • Vi bidrar til å ivareta Datatilsynets strenge krav til personvern og datasikkerhet


Vår innstilling at vi har ingen større rett til å se på en organisasjons data enn vi har til å snike oss inn i deres lokaler og rote rundt i papirene deres.

Det finnes imidlertid noen få unntak hvor vi vil kunne trenge tilgang til kundens data.

Feilsøking av et problem

Vi tilstreber å reprodusere et problem en bruker av Wecomplish opplever i vårt lokale utviklingsmiljø med testdata. Dersom vi ikke lykkes å gjenskape problemet med våre testdata kan det være nødvendig/hensiktsmessig å forsøke å reprodusere problemet med kundens data.

I slike tilfeller bruker vi prosedyren for å kopiere en organisasjons produksjonsdata til et utviklingsmiljø for å forsikre at kunden kan gi oss sitt eksplisitte samtykke og får varsler om når vi har lastet ned og fjernet produksjonsdataene til feilsøkingsformål.

Pålegg fra myndighetene

Det er vanskelig å se for seg et scenario hvor myndighetene pålegger oss å utlevere en organisasjons data lagret i Wecomplish. Skulle likevel et slik usannsynlig forespørsel nå oss, si ifra slik at vi kan diskutere hvordan vi bør gå frem og hvem som bør få vite hva når.


2.2 Leveranse

2.2.1 Hvordan vi leverer Wecomplish-plattformen

Vi tilbyr Wecomplish-plattformen både som SaaS og on-premise, med mulighet til å flytte fra den ene til den andre ved behov.



SaaS er en engelsk forkortelse for "Software as a Service". Det beskriver en programvare- og leveringsmodell som innebærer at man lisensierer ut en programvare som et abonnement for bruk av andre. En slik tjeneste innebærer som regel at den som står bak er vert for tjenesten.


En on-premise løsning vil si at man drifter programvaren selv i egen eller tredjeparts infrastruktur.


Ved å tilby Wecomplish-plattfomen både som SaaS og on-premise, med mulighet til å flytte fra den ene til den andre ved behov, oppnår vi flere fordeler:

  • Vi gjør det enkelt å evaluere og komme i gang med å bruke plattformen (SaaS)
  • Vi gjør det mulig å velge plattformen også for organisasjoner med kompliserte krav til infrastruktur, sikkerhet, egenkontroll og tilpasninger av programvaren (on-premise)
  • Vi tydeliggjør og legger forholdene til rette for at både små og store organisasjoner kan bruke plattformen
  • Vi gir organisasjoner fleksibiliteten til å velge løsningen som passer de best
  • Vi holder mulighetene åpne for at organisasjoner som vokser ut av SaaS-versjonen kan flytte over til en on-premise versjon med lite innsats



SaaS er standardmåten vi leverer og tar betalt for plattformen.

Dette innebærer at organisasjonen får tilgang til en egen installasjon på [organisasjons-navn].wecomplish.no.

Installasjonen kan settes opp uten manuelt arbeid og driftes, feilrettes og videreutvikles av oss.

For priser, se !d787.


Kunder som ønsker det kan kjøpe en on-premise lisens for plattformen.

On-premise lisensen gir lisenshaveren tilgang til kildekoden, og en ikke-overførbar rett til å installere, bruke og tilpasse programvaren.

Lisensen gir ikke rett til å lage kopier av eller på andre måter videreselge programvaren.

For pris på on-premise lisens, ta kontakt.


Plattformen kan kjøres på et bredt spekter av kompatible infrastrukturer, enten i en PaaS (som f.eks. Platform.sh), i skyen eller i et lokalt datasenter.

Med lisensen følger tilgang til teknisk dokumentasjon med detaljerte instrukser for oppsett av plattformen i en ny infrastruktur.

Flytting av data fra SaaS til on-premise

Plattformens funksjonalitet for Dataeksport bidrar til at data organisasjonen har lagret i en eventuell SaaS-versjon av plattformen med enkle grep kan flyttes til en ny on-premise installasjon.

Vedlikehold, support og oppdateringer

Til forskjell fra SaaS leveransemodellen inngår ikke vedlikehold, drift, support, feilretting eller videreutvikling av plattformen i en on-premise lisens. Disse tjenestene må lisenshaveren enten forestå selv, eller kjøpe separat.

For priser priser på på vedlikehold, support og oppdateringer, ta kontakt.


2.3 Kontroll og kvalitetssikring

2.3.1 Hvordan vi følger opp viktige forventninger

Vi bruker KPI-er (Key Performance Indicators) til å følge opp et team eller et prosjekts viktige forventninger.

Hvorfor vi gjør ting på denne måten

Gjennom å følge opp viktige forventninger med KPI-er oppnår vi flere fordeler:

  • Vi identifiserer viktige forventninger og hva vi anser som akseptabel prestasjon
  • Vi kan følge med på og sammenligne prestasjonen over tid
  • Vi operasjonaliserer forventningen om å handle dersom prestasjonen faller utenfor akseptabelt intervall
  • Vi kan føle oss tryggere på at viktige forventninger ikke faller mellom sprekkene


Vi nyttegjør KPI-funksjonaliteten i Wecomplish som organiserer KPI-er pr team, samt tilgjengeliggjør KPI gruppene den enkelte har ansvaret for eller er bestiller av under Mine KPI-er.

Hva gjør vi når vi presterer utenfor akseptabelt intervall?

Dersom en KPI presterer utenfor akseptabelt intervall trenger vi først å forstå hvorfor. Når vi så gjør det kan vi ta stilling til hvordan vi ønsker å handle basert på hvordan vi forstår prestasjonen:

1. Prestasjonen er ikke som forventet/ønsket

Ta nødvendige steg for å sannsynliggjøre en bedre prestasjon i fremtiden.

2. Det akseptable intervallet matcher ikke våre faktiske (realistiske) forventninger

Justere det akseptable intervallet til noe som bedre matcher våre faktiske (realistiske) forventninger.

3. Prestasjonen er ikke representativ/tilstrekkelig problematisk

Dersom vi har grunn til å tro at prestasjonen ikke er representativ eller tilstrekkelig problematisk så tillater vi oss å lukke observasjonen uten tiltak. Indikasjoner på dette kan være at:

  • Vi ikke forventer at prestasjonen vil gjenta seg eller at utviklingen ikke vil fortsette i negativ retning
  • Prestasjonen er marginalt utenfor akseptabelt intervall
  • Vi ønsker å sikre handling dersom en tilsvarende dårlig prestasjonen gjentar seg

Observasjoner som lukkes uten tiltak skal inneholde en begrunnelse av hvorfor vi tillater oss dette.

For KPI-er som produseres ukentlig så aksepterer vi at prestasjonen havner utenfor akseptabelt intervall 2-3 ganger på rad før intervallet må justeres. For KPI-er som produseres månedlig så tillater vi at prestasjonen havner utenfor akseptabelt intervall én gang før vi justerer intervallet.


3 Hva vi bruker

3.1 Kompensasjon

3.1.1 Pensjonsordning (Danica Pensjon)


  • Gå til Danica Pensjon og logg inn på Bedriftportal
  • Velg Meld inn
  • Fyll inn all informasjon med unntak av Tilleggsopplysning og Vedkommende er for tiden sykemeldt [..]
  • Informasjonen skal være tilgjengelig i arbeidsavtalen
  • Klikk Lagre


  • Gå til Danicas bedriftsportal og logg deg inn
  • Klikk på medarbeider som skal meldes ut
  • Velg meld ut og fyll inn siste arbeidsdag.

3.2 Forsikring

3.2.1 Ansvarsforsikring (if)


Antall ansatte må løpende oppdateres ettersom prisen er satt iht enkeltpersoner og årsverk.

  • Logg inn hos If og gå til Mine forsikringer og klikk på ønsket forsikring
  • Velg Endre forsikring og fyll ut hva det gjelder og dato
    • Personforsikring: Øke antallet fra x ansatte til y ansatte
  • Send endringsforespørsel


  • Logg inn hos If og gå til Mine forsikringer og klikk på ønsket forsikring
  • Velg Endre forsikring og fyll ut hva det gjelder og dato
    • Personforsikring: Redusere fra x ansatte til y ansatte
  • Send endringsforespørsel

4 Hva vi leverer

En metode

Enkle kjøreregler som hjelper dere å luke ut feil i måten dere jobber på og gjøre innsikten i hvordan arbeidet bør gjøres lettere tilgjengelig.

En plattform

En digital hjerne som gjør det enkelt å gjenbruke og forbedre teamets innsikt uten å måtte lete i forskjellige systemer.

Et bibliotek

Et digitalt arkiv med beste praksiser organisert som maler og sjekklister du kan kopiere og tilpasse til ditt eget team.

4.1 The Wecomplish platform

The Wecomplish Platform makes it easier to organize, reuse and improve insight, allowing us to spend more time focused on producing value and less time on interruptions and answering questions.

The Platform poses questions that ambitious teams need easily accessible answers to, enabling everyone to contribute to shared insight and a well aligned team.

4.1.1 Create an account

In order to create an account for your organization, use one of the following account creation methods:

Quick start

Use the quick start if you're looking to get a new installation and running as quickly as possible.

The quick start is available at https://app.wecomplish.no/quickstart


Use the wizard if you want more information to be pre-created as a part of the account setup 

The wizard is available at https://app.wecomplish.no/hi

The setup wizard is available in English and Norwegian. 

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Here you will be asked a series of basic quesions about your organization in a chatbot-like manner. Once answered, a free 30 day trial account will instantly be created using your provided description of the organization.

Trial duration

If you do not opt to Upgrade to a paid account before the trial expires, access to your account will be revoked and you will be unable to log in.

4.1.2 Upgrade to a paid account

To upgrade your trial account to a paid account, click the Upgrade-link in the yellow box in the top navigation, or go to Organization > Account > Subscription.


This brings you to the subscription management page detailing your existing subscription, and providing you with the option of upgrading to a paid account.

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Upgrade to a paid account

To upgrade to a paid account, click the "Switch to this plan..." button in relation to the plan you would like to upgrade to. Once your existing plan expires, you will be switched over to the new plan.

Alter invoice recipient

To change the email address of the invoice recipient, click the pencil-icon in relation to the "Billing details"-section.

4.1.3 Support Setup guides

Some pages within the platform include setup guides.

The intention of these guides is to help you get started by explaining the purpose of the page and the recommended steps to complete in order to gain the intended value from it.

If a page has a setup guide (and you have not already disabled it), the guide appears at the top of the page.

Here's an example of what a setup guide looks like:

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The following pages have setup guides implemented:

  • Focus dashboard (the default starting page of the platform) (disabled 28.02.2023)

Close guide

To close (remove) a guide, click the "Close guide" button. Guides which have been closed can not be reopened.

Closing of guides is user-specific, meaning that if you close the guide on a page, the guide will still appear for other users (until they close it as well). Help (documentation)

To get help, click the question icon in the top, right corner to trigger the context sensitive help menu, or use the keyboard shortcut h.

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The help panel displays content from the documentation relevant to the page you're currently visiting.

When multiple documentation pages are relevant, click the title of the individual pages to expand and collapse their associated content. Report an issue

Whenever you encounter unexpected behaviour from the Platform, we would love to hear about it so that we can fix it.

Please report the issue via email to your designated insight consultant.

Here's the information we require in order to understand the issue as quickly and with as little back and forth as possible.

  1. Which user is experiencing the issue?
  2. At which URL did the issue occur?
  3. Which action did the user perform?
  4. What did the user expect to happen?
  5. What actually happened?

Any screenshots (including the URL bar) explaining the issue is also greatly appreciated. Request a feature

Whenever you feel that there's something missing from the platform, feel free to let us know.

We prefer feature request which focus on the problem the feature is intended to solve, rather than how you envision a solution.

A good way of requesting a feature is by means of a user story.  A user story follows the following format:

As a [role] I would like to [action] in order to [benefit experienced].

A user story has the advantage of exposing:

  • Who (what kind of role) is looking to solve the problem
  • What are they looking to do
  • Which benefit would they gain from completing the action

Here are some examples:

  • As a user, I want to upload photos so that I can share photos with others.
  • As an administrator, I want to approve photos before they are posted so that I can make sure they are appropriate.
  • As a social media manager, I want to tag the photos under specific categories so that I can filter and search the photos for future use.

4.1.4 Basic concepts Focus mode

Wecomplish helps you focus on the right stuff. Because when we work, it's easy to get caught up in the details and the familiar, and not see the bigger picture.

Many people have a tendency to spend too much time one zoom level deeper than their primary role suggests.

A team member may only be focused on their own tasks, whereas they should be focused on identifying and working more holistically on both their priorities and potential.

A team leader may be focused on his own work, whereas they should be more focused on supporting and enabling others.

An organizational leader may be focused on managing operational details, whereas they should be more focused on direction and organizational development.

This tendency may be caused by fact that when people are promoted or otherwise change roles, they are not neccessarily aware that their focus needs to change, nor do they understand what the new focus mode entails.

Here's a visualization of the different zoom levels, and the ideal primary focus based on role:

To create a better awareness of these zoom levels, Wecomplish uses the concept of focus modes.

This means that when you encounter the platform, you are be asked to select what you want to focus on, in the form of:


Use this focus mode when you have a contributor mindset, and want to complete the tasks assigned to you.


Use this focus mode when you have a team member mindset and want to identify your priorities and potential, and establish plans to work on them. 


Use this focus mode when you have a team leader, mentor or facilitator mindset and want to enable others to move faster and do their best work.


Use this focus mode when you have the mindset of an organizational leader, architect, or would like to develop a birds eye perspective on the direction and status of the organization.


You. can toggle between the different focus modes in the upper, right corner of the current focus mode:


Perhaps you'll have one focus mode today, and another one tomorrow. Either way, focus modes help you and your team become more aware of and able to have a constructive conversation about how much time each individual should spend in each mode. Operationalization review

At any given time, there are expectations within a team that people

  • are unaware of
  • don't really understand
  • feel uncomfortable with
  • consider counter-intuitive
  • or perhaps even find unreasonable

As a result, these expectations are either not adhered to very well, or might require a lot of time, repetition, friction and followup to get done right.

One way to reduce effort and friction as a leader is to identify these poorly operationalized expectations and make them the subject of clarification, training or perhaps even reconsideration.

Ideally, we would focus our efforts on those expectations that, if made more easily digestible, would have the biggest impact to the confidence, morale and productivity of the team.

What if you could identify those expectations, at the click of a button? The operationalization reports aim to do just that by providing you with a ranking of how poorly understood and automated individual expectations are. 

This allows you to uncover new aspects of your business that you hadn't thought about, helps you spend your time more wisely, and focuses your efforts on where it will have the most impact.

Ranking system (impact score)

The ranking of expectations is based on an impact score calculated based on the familiarity data collected by the platform.

The impact score takes the following parameters into account:

  • The number of people expected to be familiar with the expectation
  • The current level of automation, broken down into
    • Familiarity: How familiar people are with the expectation
    • Clarity: To which degree people find the expectation unclear
    • Autonomy: To which degreee people have requested assistance with the expectation
    • Intuition: To which degree people are specifically focused on the expectation

The worse something is automated, and the more people are expected to be familiar with it, the higher the impact score.

You can see the impact score appearing in different places throughout the different operationalization reports. Here is an example:


Operationalization reports

The operationlization reports are available at different zoom levels in the organization.

Organizational report

The organizational report takes the most zoomed out perspective by ranking how well expectations have been operationalized within each team.

The awareness, familiarity and impact indicators reflect the average of the expectations within the team.

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Click a team card to zoom into the team operationalization report.

Team report

The team report exposes the individual the expectations within a team and ranks how well each individual expectation has been operationalized.

An expectation in this context is defined as a piece of insight which at least one role holder is expected to be familiar with.

The awareness and familiarity indicators reflect an average of the actuall awareness and familiarity as reported by the people expected to be familiar with it.

Here is what the top five items in a product team report might look like:

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Expectation report

Clicking on a specific expectation gives you a detailed view of how familiarity is distributed across the different familiarity levels. Here you can more easily discover if the low ranking is a result of a lack of people indicating their familiarity, or if the indicated familiarity levels are low.

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You can also request familiarity from the people who have not indicated it yet, by blicking the orange bell icon in relation to the "Unknown" familiarity label.

Person report

The person report exposes the featured expectations that a leader should focus on better operationalizing.

This report is accessible by navigating to the team focus of that individual, and selecting the Operationalization-tab.


The report displays all the teams that individual is responsible for, and the top 5 recommendations as identified by the impact score, or overridden recommendations.

Overriding recommendations

There is only so much the system knows about your organization. As a result, you should not blindly accept the top ranking expectations as the ones to focus on.

Some expectations might take precendent due to circumstances or their expected impact on overall work.

You can combine system insight with your own personal insight by overriding recommendations. This is done by clicking either the "Pin recommendation" or "Reject recommendation" buttons, moving the recommendation to the top and bottom of the list respectively.

Generate/update report data

As the team and its amount of expectation grows, calculating the impact of each expectation can get time consuming.

To preserve the performance and user experience of the platform, report data is generated on demand, and cached for future page requests.

Generating, updating and removing the report data cache for a team is done on by manually by clicking the "Generate report"/"Refresh report" buttons on the organizational or team reports.

Recommendation overrides are lost when report data is cleared or regenerated. However, any user attempting to clear or regenerate report data will be made aware of and prompted to confirm deletion if any overrides exist. Overview

The Wecomplish Platform makes it easier to share and improve insight into how teams operate, allowing us to spend more time focused on producing value and less time on interruptions and answering questions.

The Platform exposes questions that ambitious teams need great answers to, enabling everyone to contribute to reusable insight and alignment of the team.

To better understand how to achieve a high-performing team, read about how to build a great team playbook.

How do we store answers?

Answers are stored in Wecomplish as different types of information referred to as information types.

Wecomplish is focused on supporting the information types needed to produce a great team playbook.

Here are some examples of the information types supported and the questions they answer:

  • Role: Who is expected to know and take care of what?
  • Responsibility: What do we need to take care of regularly and how?
  • Skillset: What do we benefit from being proficient in?

All the information types that Wecomplish supports, including the questions they are meant to answer, are viewable from the Overview.

You can access the overview by clicking the "Organization" link in the top, left navigation, and then selecting "Overview" in the left navigation.

Understanding the overview

By default, the overview lists all the information types that the Platform supports.

You can limit the list of information types to only contain information types you are expected to contribute to by selecting the "Only mine" view in the top:


Here's an excerpt of an overview in the context of an organization:

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Each card represents an information type that can be managed within the Platform. The cards are devided into categories representing different insight management domains.

To indicate that you want to manage a specific information type within the Platform, click the "Start managing" button.

Understanding a card

A card looks like this:


The card is blue if the information type is managed, and grey if it's not.

The card may contain the following information:

1. Information type state

At which level of the information type management process the information type is. Only displayed if the information type is managed.

2. Entity count

How many pieces of information are stored for this information type. Gives an indication of how important the information type is to the organization. Only displayed if any information exists.

3. Familiarity indicator

The level of familiarity you have indicated for the information type. Hover over the indicator to see the date of indication and any additional notes. Click the indicator to be taken to the information type where the familiarity can be edited. Only displayed if familiarity has been indicated for the managed information type.

A warning is displayed if no roles have been selected as contributors.

The same is true if you are associated with a role which is expected to contribute, but you have not provided your familiarity yet.

Understanding the relations

Understanding and automating how information types relate to eachother is very useful for internalizing a mental model of how to describe the organization and making it more intuitive to navigate throughout the platform.

In order to understand how an information type relates to others, click the title of the information type you want to explore, or click the "Explore relations" button in the top, right corner to start exploration at the top of the hierarchy (the Organization).

When you are exploring the relations of an entity, the view holds the following pieces of relation information:

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  1. Possible parents: The information types under which this information can be stored. Apart from the Organization information type, information types always have at least one possible parent. The same information type as a parent means that the information type can be stored in an indefinente hierarchy.
  2. Possible children: The information types that can be stored under this information type.
  3. Possible associations pointing into this information type
  4. Possible associations pointing out from this information type

The relational view also displays some additional options related to the information type like its definition, a link to browse the information (if possible) and a link to the documentation.

Click the information type cards to continue exploring the network of information type relations. Insight types as a concept

Most software in use by organizations represent some type of information management system, in that they enable users to either create, process, store and/or transmit information.

When we think about and refer to systems in our work, we usually do it in terms of the information management domain the system designers have decided to focus on. We refer to systems focused on managing client information as CRM systems and systems focused on managing bookkeeping information as accounting systems.

Within these systems, the information types relevant for their respective domains are managed. Within CRM the information types might be prospects and deals, whereas in accounting it's vouchers and vendors.


If we look at this conceptually, we can see that both prospects and vouchers are just different information types, with potentially different organizational expectations associated with them. These expectations might include how the information should be formatted, where it should be maintained, by whom and how regularly.

In the context of the Wecomplish platform, information types are referred to in two contexts:

Firstly, the platform supports a large array of information types relevant to the team and organizational domain. We refer to these information types as insight types. For a detailed list of insight types supported, please review the the list of insight types.

Secondly, the platform has an "information type" insight type, enabling the team to communicate the expectations of individual information types across the various systems used by the team (not just the platform). Read more in the context of Systems. Org and team playbook Verdien av å jobbe skalerbart og langsiktig

Vi laget Wecomplish fordi vi savnet bedre oversikt over

  • Hvordan arbeidet burde gjøres
  • Hvordan arbeidet ble gjort, og
  • Hvordan arbeidet kunne bli bedre

Etter at vi tok i bruk Wecomplish jobber vi mer skalerbart og langsiktig, og får verdi ved at:


  1. Vi er trygge på at arbeidet blir gjort riktig, også når vi ikke er fysisk tilstede
  2. Vi kan jobbe selvstendig og konsentrert/uforstyrret over lengre perioder
  3. Vi vet hva som forventes av oss og kan forsikre at det blir gjort på en god måte til rett tid
  4. Vi leverer uniform og forutsigbar kvalitet og trenger sjelden å gjøre om på arbeidet
  5. Vi leverer vellykkede prosjekter uavhengig av nøkkelpersoner og kompleksitet
  6. Vi kan vokse raskt og med lite voksesmerter
  7. Vi bruker lite tid på brannslukking eller omprioriteringer
  8. Vi vet hvem som har hvilke roller, hvilke roller som har ansvar for hva og hvordan ansvaret ivaretas
  9. Vi bruker de samme begrepene og har den samme forståelsen av forskjellige typer forventninger til arbeidet (eks. retningslinjer, sjekklister, KPI-er, etc)
  10. Vi føler vi har god oversikt over og kontroll på arbeidet
  11. Vi vet hvor vi finner og forventes plassere innsikten vi opparbeider oss
  12. Vi gjenbruker og forbedrer teamets innsikt på en effektiv måte
  13. Vi må sjelden stresse eller jobbe overtid for å nå fristene våre
  14. Vi opplever at systemene og verktøyene våre hjelper oss med å gjøre en bedre jobb
  15. Vi holder dialogen fokusert rundt arbeidet som skal gjøres
  16. Vi føler vi jobber smart og effektivt

Hva vi bør gjøre når og hvordan

  1. Vi finner raskt svar på ting på egen hånd, uten å avbryte eller forstyrre noen andre
  2. Nøkkelpersoner er ikke en flaskhals for at jobben skal gjøres riktig
  3. Vi frykter ikke å miste innsikt i hvordan arbeidet bør gjøres dersom noen blir syke eller slutter
  4. Vi er samkjørte på hvorfor og hvordan arbeidet bør gjøres
  5. Vi har god oversikt over hvem som er forventet å bruke hvilken tid på hva
  6. Vi har dokumentert arbeidet på en måte som gjør det enklere å gjenskape, forbedre, automatisere eller sette bort

Hva som ble gjort når og hvordan

  1. Det er enkelt å finne ut av hvem som har gjort hva når og hvordan, samt hva som gjenstår
  2. Vi rekker å fullføre det vi har planlagt
  3. Vi har god innsikt i hvordan vi har prestert

Hvordan vi kan bli bedre

  1. Vi får stadig ny innsikt i måten arbeidet bør organiseres og utføres
  2. Vi får løftet opp og handlet på ting før det er for sent
  3. Vår får stadig bedre og tydeligere prosesser
  4. Vi etablerer i langsiktige løsninger og har få gjentagende problemer
  5. Vi er samkjørte på når våre prestasjoner er innenfor og utenfor akseptabelt intervall Dele innhold på tvers av organisasjoner

Wecomplish har et bibliotek hvor organisasjoner som bruker Wecomplish kan dele velorganiserte løsninger på felles utfordringer. Løsningene er enkle å kopiere inn i egen organisasjon for videre tilpasning og bruk.

Typer innhold

Du finner følgende typer innhold i biblioteket:


For å gjøre en sjekkliste fra ditt eget team tilgjengelig i biblioteket, se Gjøre en sjekkliste tilgjengelig i biblioteket.

Kopiere inn innhold

For å kopiere innhold inn til din egen organisasjon, trykk på kopieringsknappen øverst på innholdet.

Du vil bli bedt om å logge inn og deretter få muligheten til å velge hvilken organisasjon og hvilket team du ønsker å kopiere innholdet til.

4.1.5 General functionality Prioritizing and delegating organizational improvements (flagging)

At any given time, there are structures, expectations and insight within the organization that could benefit from some attention: Some are lacking, some are too complex, some are poorly understood, some are outdated, some are not performing as well as we would like and in some cases, we might realize that there really exists no proper insight at all.

Once you start realize this, a few things might start to happen:

  • You get overwhelmed by the amount of potential improvement, causing you to either spend too much time improving insight, or to become paralyzed due to not knowing where to start and what to prioritize
  • People disagree about prioritization, or don't understand why the improvement of a certain piece of insight is prioritized over another
  • You might work on improving the most recent piece of insight you have discovered needs attention, as opposed to the insight that would have the greatest impact if improved

To help you work methodically and organized with the improvement of insight, the platform allows you to flag insight you would like to designate attention, prioritize improvements in relation to eachother and delegate the responsibiltiy for improving different insights to different people.

Some use cases for flagging insight might be to:

  • Make a category or area of responsibility more comprehensive
  • Make a clarity domain (i.e. focus, role, team, market) better understood
  • Make a policy easier to understand and adhere to
  • Make a process less complex to complete
  • Make it easier to adhere to a responsibility (improve familiarity)
  • Design measures to improve the performance of a health perspective


When flagging, think of yourself as an organizational inspector, and the act of flagging as putting a red sticker on a part of the organization you would like to see improved or given special attention.

To flag a piece of insight, navigate to that insight and click the flag icon in the subheader.

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When flagging, you will be asked to provide the motivation for flagging.

To unflag the same piece of insight, click the flag icon again.

The insight types which support flagging are listed in the flaggable trait.

Working with flagged insight

To work with your flagged insight, navigate to Organization > Priorities > Flagged insight report, or clich the flag icon in the upper right corner.

From here you can:

  • See which pieces of structure have been flagged
  • Prioritize the improvement of each piece of structure in relation to eachother
  • Edit the motivation for flagging a piece of structure
  • Delegate the responsibility for improving a piece of structure to someone, in order for it to show up in their focus mode Generative AI

The platform uses generative AI to assist you in your management of organizational expectations, including organizational leadership, learning and development.

Background processing

Because generative AI processes can take some time to finish (expect 10 - 30 seconds), they are delegated to the background. This means that you can continue to browse and interact with the platform while the process finishes up.

Read more about background jobs.

Organizational context

Whenever a response is requested from the AI, it is first given the organizational context. This includes the 

  • Name of the organization
  • Purpose
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Values, and their meaning
  • Context
  • Organizational language

Please ensure that these pieces of information are up to date in order to help AI give you the best and most relevant responses.



Describing organizational expectations can be a tedious, laboursome and cognitively demanding process.

To help you lighten the load of coming up with and articulating expectations, the platform supports ideation.

Ideation is the process of generating ideas and suggestions. It is also commonly referred to as brainstorming.

The insight types which support ideation are listed in the ideatable trait. In addition to this list, ideation is also supported for

  • Team
    • Purpose
  • Role
    • Purpose
    • Expected skillsets

To trigger ideation, click the yellow "Have AI suggest..." button near the item list you would like to ideate. The button only appears when a list/field is empty.


Sometimes we can get a get a bit lost when it comes to making progress towards our priorities. When feeling stuck it's useful to have someone (or something) come up with helpful suggestions and challenge us to step out of our comfort zone.

To help you get unstuck the plattform imlements. the sparrable trait. Click the trait link to see which insight types are feedbackable. 


When we have built something, critiquing it helps us gain a new perspective and make additional improvements.

To help you gain constructive feedback quickly, the platform implements the critiqueable trait. Click the trait link to see which insight types are critiquable.

To trigger a critique, click the three dots in the upper right corner, and select "AI critique". Background jobs

Some actions within the platform can take some time to complete. Examples including adding large list of subtasks to a task, or requesting a response from the Generative AI.

In the cases where we suspect that the process will take some time to complete, the process is delegated to the background.

This means that rather than for you to have to sit around and wait for the process to finish, you can continue to navigate and interact with the platform while the process does its work.

Background delegation

When you trigger a time consuming process, a notice will appear in the top, right corner notifiying you that the process has been delegated to the background.

In addition, a yellow spinning cog will appear in the top navigation indicating that you have processes running in the background.

You can now continue to navigate around and interact with the platform while the process finishes. When it does, the cog will stop spinning and turn green.

Review job status

To view the result of the background processes, click the cog icon to view the list of completed background processes. Click the individual item to be taken to the output produced by that process.

Failed jobs

Sometimes background jobs fail. This happens most frequently with AI jobs, as the output of the generative AI can sometimes be unpredictable.

When a background job has failed, it will appear with the status of "Failed" in the background jobs list.

If a job fails once, we encourage you to try it again. If it fails multiple times, please get in touch with us so we can look into it. Navigation

On a desktop sized screen, the platform interface consists of three, main sections:

  1. Top navigation
  2. Left navigation
  3. Content area


Top navigation

The top navigation consists of a left and right section.


Left section

The left section of the top navigation includes links to the main information types in the platform.

These are:

  • People
  • Projects
  • Teams
  • Organization

By click on the one of the information types, a dropdown opens where you can either go the complete list of items, search for an item within the given type, or select an item from the list of items you've recently viewed:

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Right section

The right section includes links to commonly triggered actions:

Left navigation

The left navigation changes dependent on the selected navigation item in the top navigation.

That means that depending on the selected top navigation item, you may see one of four different left menus:


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The left colum has a header signifying what type of navigation which is currently displayed, and a background color representing that type. The background color matches the selected item in the top navigation.


The text beneath the header displays the navigation context, meaning the name of the team in a team context, the name of a project in a project context, etc.

A lot of the time, the left colum is longer than the allocated screen height, meaning that you need to scroll in the left colum in order to reach the bottom most navigation items.

Minimizing left navigation

If you find the left navigation distracting, or just want a larger working space, you can minimize the navigation by clicking the double arrows near the top of the navigation column.


This will narrow the column down to just the icons representing the menu items. Click the double arrows again to expand the column.

When the column is minimized, you can hover over the icons in order to have the menu items appear.

Content area

The content area changes based on the selected navigation item in the left navigation.

The header represents the name of the current page. If they current page is hierarchically positioned under another page, you can see the parent page in smaller text next to it.

Skjermbilde 2022-02-02 kl. 13.14.26.png Edit existing information

Existing information in the platform is editable via a dropdown menu in the upper, right corner. In order to trigger the menu, click the button with the ellipsis (...) icon in the upper, right corner.


The various edit actions available depend on the information type being edited. Provided that your user is granted access, you can always expect to find the ability to Edit and Delete existing information.

Some information types also support being moved, copied, etc. Logging in

To log in, go to https://app.wecomplish.no/ or directly to the tenant of your organization (https://[your-org].wecomplish.no/).

Log in using your email address and assigned password. Click the "Remember be" checkbox if you want to remained logged in across browser sessions.

Log in issues

If you are experiencing issues with logging in, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

Your email address is incorrect

Please make sure that you do not have any typos in your email address, and that the email address you are using is the one to which you received an invite from the system to log in.

Your password is incorrect

Please make sure that there are no typos in your password.

If you are copying and pasting your password from your registration email, please ensure that you are not including any extra characters or spaces when copying.

If you have not received a password, or are unsure if you are using the correct password, you can use the "Forgot password" link on the log in page to set a new password.

You are logging in at an incorrect URL

Please make sure that you are logging in to the tenant of your organization. The URL in the browser should be https://[your-org].wecomplish.no/

Change email login address

To change the email address with which you logi in and receive notifications, go to https://app.wecomplish.no/my/profile

Two factor authentication

If you want, you may activate Tofaktorautentisering after logging in for improved security. Få Wecomplish som et eget ikon/app/snarvei

Wecomplish er en webbasert applikasjon. Det betyr at du som et utgangspunkt får tilgang til applikasjonen via nettleseren.

Ønsker du imidlertid raskere og enklere tilgang til Wecomplish finnes det forskjellige måter å tilgjengeliggjøre applikasjonen som et eget ikon/snarvei på enheten din.



  1. Åpne Safari-nettleseren på mobilen og logg inn i Wecomplish
  2. Trykk på menysymbolet (firkanten med pil) og sveip bortover til du ser «Legg til hjemskjerm»-merket
  3. Gi snarveien navnet Wecomplish

Vipps – så har du laget snarvei til nettsiden (bakerst) på telefonen.

Det er fullt mulig å flytte på snarveiene: Hold fingeren på symbolet noen sekunder. Når den begynner å røre på seg, drar du den bare dit du vil ha den.


  1. Åpne nettleser og skriv inn nettadressen på siden du vil lagre
  2. Trykk på menysymbolet (de tre prikkene) og velg «Add to Home screen» eller «Legg til på startside» på norsk.
  3. Gi snarveien navnet Wecomplish
  4. Velg «ADD» i menyboksen om du vil den skal legge seg automatisk på hjemskjermen, eller «Touch and hold» hvis du vil plassere den manuelt akkurat der du vil ha den.


Stegene for å få Wecomplish som en egen desktop applikasjon er litt teknisk intrikate. Vi utfører derfor gjerne stegene for deg og sender deg en ferdig program-fil. Gi oss beskjed om du ønsker en desktop-app til Mac eller Windows.

Om du er teknisk kyndig kan du nyttegjøre følgende steg:

  1. Installer nativifier
  2. Last ned vedlagte ikon-fil (electron.icns)
  3. Åpne et terminalvindu og skriv:
nativefier [org].wecomplish.no -i electron.icns -n Wecomplish --internal-urls ".*?\.wecomplish\.*?"

...hvor [org] erstattes med subdomenet for din Wecomplish-installasjon. Language

The user interface in Wecomplish is available in Norwegian and English.

In order to change the default language of the organization, go to Organization > Settings > Default language.

To override the language selection for an individual user, edit the users preferences. Check-in (one-on-one)

A common practice when collaborating is to check in with each other on a regular basis in order to see how work is progressing and if assistance is required.

The platform allows for the logging of such check-ins through a streamlined check-in process which reuses the existing focus data of individual users.

The purpose of the check-in functionality is to ensure that check-ins happen, and that they are as effective, efficient, accountable and on-point as possible.

By utilizing check-ins we 

  • Can more easily feel that someone cares about us, the work we do and the challenges we face
  • Can more easily understand and sync up/align with the priorities of someone
  • Can more easily reflect on and ensure that we are using our time wisely
  • Ensure that everyone has someone who checks in with them regularly
  • Hold each other accountable to our priorities
  • Expose the need for focus
  • Can more easily expose if someone is stretched too thin (focus dilution) or are out of work
  • Maintain focus on both execution (short term effort) and development (long term effort)
  • Increase the probability of identifying and addressing obstacles
  • Increase the probability of the platform accurately reflecting what people are focused on
  • Avoid time confetti by accumulating issues and discussing them during the check-in
  • Provide an arena for asking questions and airing out work related friction, feelings and frustrations
  • Facilitate transparency into our work and build trust
  • Get a chance to reflect on priorities and consider delegation

Log a check-in with someone

In order to log a check-in with someone, go to the Focus-dashboard of that person and click the "New check-in button.


This will first take you to the check-in preview. 

Check-in preview

The purpose of this step is to:

  • Better understand the purpose of the check-in and what it entails
  • Get an overview of what the check-in will contain
  • Determine if the person is ready to be checked in with (if the check-in is expected to be useful)
  • Decide what to include in the check-in (which steps)

The left column contains the different steps that can be checked in with. Hover over each item to see an explanation.

Toggle the checkbox to include or exclude the step in the check-in. By default, steps which have data are pre-selected to be included. If the step has been checked in previously, you can see how long ago since someone checked in with this person and the particular step.

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The different types of check-inable items are:

  • Developmental priorities
    • Expectations the person is focused on
    • Ambitions the person is focused on
  • Operational priorities
    • Projects the person is focused on
    • Objectives the person is focused on
  • Guidance
    • Expectations the person has requested assistance with
    • Skillsets insufficiently mastered
  • Clarification
    • Expectations the person considers unclear
    • Miscellaneous stuff you would like to discuss
  • Leadership
    • People who report to you (if any)
    • Insight available in the teams you manage (if any)
    • People you mentor (if any)

Each step lists the items the person you are checking in with is currently focused on, and an ability to add notes in association to those items where relevant. The right column displays an indicator or which check-in step you are currently on, and a list of generic discussion questions related to the the current step.


For each item in the check-in process, you can add relevant notes. These might be feedback, additional info or things to followup on in upcoming checki-ins.

To add a note, click the grey "Add a note" label.


If an item has a note from a previous checkin, a purple label is displayed indicating the last time a note was added to this item. Click the label to expand the actual note.


Refresh step

If you reach a step which does not correctly reflect the current priorities of a person, use a separate tab to remove outdated prioritites and/or add missing prioritites, and then click the "Refresh" button in the lower, right corner.


This will fetch an updated set of priorities, while maintaining any comments you have added to pre-existing prioritites before refreshing.

View a past check-in

In order to review a past check-in, go to Support Others > Check-ins of the person who did the check-in, and select the relevant check-in from the list. Individual check-ins are only viewable by the person who did the checking in and the person who was checked in with.

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The check-in view includes a list of the items checked in with and their associated notes in the left column, and a navigation in the right column indicating the various item types, their count and whether or not there are notes associated with those item types.

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Check-in reporting

To ensure that people are actually being checked in with, use the Individual priorities report, accessible from Organization > Priorities > Individual priorities.

The Individual priorities report exposes when a person was last checked in with, and the percentage of people who were checked in with during the last 7 days.

Focus.png Find information (navigate) Search

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To search, click the search icon in the top, right corner or use the keyboard shortcut s.

The following information types are searchable:

  • Teams
  • People
  • Categories
  • Anatomies
  • Maps
  • Roles
  • Responsibilities
  • Skillsets
  • Skills
  • Programs
  • Evaluations
  • Solutions
  • Check-in types
  • Perspectives
  • Policies
  • Processes
  • Process steps
  • Systems
  • Prompts
  • Vendors
  • Equipment
  • Presentations
  • Objectives
  • Profiles
  • Propositions
  • Segments
  • Alternatives
  • Information types
  • Surveys
  • Meetings
  • Challenges
  • Projects
  • KPIs
  • Checklists
  • Templates
  • Wiki pages
  • Decisions
  • Risks
  • Hypotheses
  • Tasks (from the last 3 years)
  • Observations
  • Accomplishments

You can use the arrow keys to change between the selected item in the search results and the "Enter" key to go to the selected item.

The information available in the search depends the access level of the logged in user. Browse

If you're not sure what you're looking for or don't know the name of it, you can use the Browse view as an alternative to search when locating information.

The browse view displays all information stored across all the teams you have access to in one, convenient location. To access the Browse view, select Organization and then Browse in the left hand navigation, trigger the search panel (keyboard shortcut "s") and click the "Browse" link.

To browse, select the information type you want to explore. This will list all the information for that information type. Use the right column to filter the list by searching for a piece of text contained within the information type.

Some information types support additional categorizable filters like team, categories, etc. Bookmarks

Bookmark are a way of easily and quickly getting back to information you access often.

Add/remove a bookmark to a page by clicking the star icon to the right of the page title.

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To view your current bookmarks, click the star icon in the upper, right corner or use the keyboard shortcut b.

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See the bookmarkable trait to uncover which insight types support bookmarking. Add new information

There are two options when you want to to add new information to the platform:

  • Context creation
  • Quick creation

Context creation

Information in the platform is mainly created via green buttons displayed in relation to information lists where the information it expected to be stored.

These buttons can generally be found in the upper right corner of list pages

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...or to the right of headings representing a section where additional items can be added.

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Quick creation

Quick creation allows you to create new content regardless of where in the platform you are currently located.

In order to quick create information, click the "Add information" button in the top, right corner and select the type of information you want to create. Scroll within the panel to see all the options.

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Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts as displayed when hovering over an information type.

The following information types are supported by quick create (keyboard shortcuts in parentheses):

  • Organization
    • Team (if you are an admin user)
    • Person
  • Evaluation
    • Health check 
    • Surveys
  • Talent development
    • Roles (r)
    • Skillsets
    • Programs
  • Priorities
    • Tasks (t)
    • Projects (p)
    • Objectives (g for Goal)
  • Obstacles
    • Decision
    • Challenge
    • Risk
    • Observations (o)
  • How we work
    • Policy
    • Process
    • Checklists (c)
  • What we use
    • Systems (i)
    • Vendors
    • Templates
    • Presentation
  • Market
    • Alternative
  • Misc
    • Notes (n) Wecomplish Library

Allthough unique insight can be what sets an organization apart, a lot of insight is reusable across organizations and does not make sense to reinvent.

To save you time and reuse the mental efforts of others, we offer the Wecomplish library. The library contains generalized insight that can be easily copied into your own organization where you can reuse and adapt it to your particular needs.

Accessing the library

Insight from the library is made accessible in the following ways:

From the wecomplish.no web site

For users who do not yet have their own Wecomplish-account, the library is searchable and browseable when click the Library menu item on the public facing website.

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When adding content

When you are adding new content (like adding a role), there are some places which support selecting content from the library.

You can tell that an information type supports library-selection if the "Browse library" button appears.


When you select content from the library, that piece of content will be copied into the team.

The following information types support library selection when adding content:

  • Anatomies
  • Roles
  • Skillsets
  • Programs
  • Check-in types
  • Checklists
  • Surveys
  • Processes

When browsing for linked content

When you are looking to link up content to eachother (like linking which roles are assigned to a person), there are some places which support selecting content from the library.

You can tell that field support library-selection by clicking the "Browse all" button and look for the "Wecomplish library".


When you select content from the library, that piece of content will be copied into your organization. If you have more than one team, you will be promped to select into which team the content should be stored.

The following contexts support library selection:

  • You can select roles from the library when
    • Assigning a role to a person
  • You can select skillsets from the library when
    • Assigning a skillset expectation to a role
    • Assigning a skillset to a person
  • You can select an anatomy from the library when
    • Assigning an anatomy to a map

In preview mode

Content that is marked as publicly available is automatically made available in a preview mode. The preview mode of a piece of information is available to anyone on the internet, regardless of whether they are logged in or not.

The purpose of the preview mode is to allow users to preview a particular piece of information in order to consider copying it to their own organization, or simply to use it as inspiration.

When adding content and browsing for linked content, click the purple eye icon to preview the content.


For information publically available within your own organization, you can view the preview mode of a entity by clicking the yellow padlock icon indicating that the content is publicly available.

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Advanced use

If you want to highlight a particular piece of information when sharing a preview with someone, you can use the following parameters to expand items and scroll to them respectively:

  • Add ?open[]=[NO] to the URL to have that item be open.
  • Add ?open=all to the URL to have all items be open.
  • Add #item-[NO] at the end of the URL to scroll to that item.
  • Add #category-[NO] at the end of the URL to scroll to that category.

Point to the item or category in order to determine it's ID.

Here's an example of an URL which opens item 33 and 34, and scrolls to item 33:


Making content available in the library

Any organization using Wecomplish can make content available in the library. To make the content available, edit the piece of information and check the "Publicly available" checkbox.

The following information types support being made available in the library:

  • Anatomies (and, by association, their components)
  • AI templates
  • Roles (and, by association, their responsibilities)
  • Skillsets
  • Surveys
  • Checklists
  • Processes
  • Categories
  • Profiles
  • Solutions
  • Check-in types
  • Programs
  • Presentations
  • Challenges

If you want to limit the content you're seeing when browsing to the content provided by the Wecomplish organization, use the Organization-filter.

Mouse_Highlight_Overlay.png Featured content

The front page of the library includes a "Featured content" section, which showcases some of the content that can be found in the library.

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The purpose of the featured content section is to create interest and better get a feel for what sort of content one can expect to find in the library.

The content is horizontally scrollable, meaning that one can either click the left and right navigation arrows, or use the swipe action on your device to scroll between the featured items.

The featured content section is divided into a Work and a Life section, where the Work section is the one visible by default.

The specific content displayed in the featured content section is managed in the platform code base. Bookmarks

Most of the content in the library can be bookmarked. The motivation for bookmarking pieces of information is to collect information that is relevant to you or someone else, in order to review it all in one place, or share it with others.

The following information types support bookmarking:

  • Categories
  • Anatomies
  • AI templates
  • Roles
  • Skillsets
  • Surveys
  • Checklists
  • Processes
  • Responsibilities
  • Profiles
  • Solutions
  • Check-in types
  • Programs
  • Challenges

To bookmark a piece of information, click the small, purple button with the bookmark icon  in the line or full view of the piece of information.




This will produce a dropdown menu where you can choose to bookmark the item, or add it to a specific bookmark collection.

View bookmarks

To view all bookmarked pieces of content, click the bookmark indicator in the top, right corner.


Bookmark collections

Bookmark collections allows you to group a set of bookmarks with a specific purpose. Use cases might be wanting to share a specific collection of resources with a friend or colleague, or creating a more generic, bookmark collection that you think might be suitable for types of people you encounter more often.

Bookmark collections work similar to how you playlists work in an app like Spotify.

To add a bookmark to a bookmark collection, click the bookmark indicator and select the collection in question, or create a new collection.

To view all existing bookmark collections, click the bookmark indicator in the upper, right corner.

To share a specific bookmark collection with someone else, click the "Share" button in relation to the collection.

To edit or delete a bookmark collection, click the name of the collection and then the Edit or Delete button. Assessments

Assessments are meant to help you systematically organize input on potential from both yourself and others, and use that information to prioritize your development efforts.

An assessment is a high-level, opinionated perception of how well someone masters a role or a skillset, and how impactful we would expect it to be if they were given the proper development opportunities and applied themselves.

Read more about the concept of assessments.

In the context of the library, assessments are meant to help you build awareness and identify where it potentially makes sense to dive deeper in and Test yourself.

How to make an assessment

To make an assessment, navigate to the item in the library in which you want to assess ability, and trigger a new assessment by clicking the green star indicator.

You can trigger an assessment in the following contexts:

  • Categories: Takes you through the assessment of the roles and skillsets associated with the category.
  • Programs: Takes you through the assessment of the roles and skillsets associated with the program.
  • Roles: Takes you through assessment of the role itself and any associated skillsets associated with the role.
  • Skillsets: Takes you through assessment of the skillset itself.
  • Profiles: Takes you through the assessments of the roles and skillsets associated with the profile, and the roles and skillsets associated with the categories. associated with the profile.

Once you have been taken through each assessment item, you will be sent to the assessments page which lists all your assessments, grouped by information type, and sorted in descending order of your potential.

View assessments

Once you have assessed yourself in something, a indicator is shown communicating your potential.

The potential indicator has four levels:

  • High potential
  • Moderate potential
  • Limited potential
  • No potential

To view all your assessments in one, convenient location, click the Assessments indicator in the top, right corner.

Assess other

When you trigger a new assessment, the default assumption is that you want to assess yourself. However, you can just as easily add other people and assess them. Typical use cases for this is coworkers or partners invested in helping each other improve.

To add a new person to assess, trigger a new assessment and click the "Add new person" link, or click the assessments indicator in the top, right corner and manage the people you want to assess from there. Test yourself

Using the library, anyone can test themselves to see how familiar they are with a role or skillset. Testing yourself does not require any form of registration.

The purpose of this feature is to:

  • Allow anyone to gain more value from the library content by more actively engaging with it
  • Enable champions to share, create curiosity around and engage others in library content specifically relevant to them
  • Create awareness of the library and, by association, the platform
  • Allow people to get a better feel for the platform (by indicating familiarity) without having to make any type of commitment

To test yourself, navigate to a role or skillset in the library and click the "Test yourself" button.


This will cycle you through the particular expectations of the selected role or skillset allowing you to reflect on your familiarity and what's holding you back.

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Once you're done, you are sent to a summary page showing your overall familiarity, and your familiarity with the individual expectations.

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Being able to expose, explore and understand how different pieces of information relate to one another is one of the significant advantages of the platform.

Much like the hyperlinks of the internet allows you to explore different topics, the platform uses the concept of related content to tie together different pieces of information that are relevant to eachother.

Some typical use cases for related content include:

  • Relating to a responsibility the various pieces information required to execute on that responsibility (i.e. checklists, policies, processes, etc)
  • Relating to a risk the various piecing of information that help mitigate that risk (i.e. checklists, policies, responsibilities, etc)
  • Relating to a process step the various elements involved in completing that step (i.e. roles, checklists, systems, equipment, vendors, etc)
  • ...and so on

Here's what some different pieces of related content look like in the context of a responsibility:


Adding related content

To add a piece of content as related, click the green plus icon in relation to the "Related content" header on the relevant page, and search for the content you would like to add.

For a complete list of insight types which support being added as related content, check out the Relatable trait. Notifications Inbox

If you are tagged (using the @ sign) in a comment you will, in addition to receiving a notification (applies only to tasks) also receive an item in your inbox. The purpose of the inbox is to ensure that comments requesting your specific attention don't get lost.

If there are any unread items in your inbox, they will be displayed in the right column of your focus dashboard, beneath the personal development section, sorted from the youngest to the oldest item.

Items in the inbox are automatically marked as read when you reply rr react to the comment in which you were tagged. You can also manually mark inbox elements as read manually by clicking the checkbox icon in association to the relevant inbox item. Email notifications

For some activities within the platform, email notifications are sent out.

Send scheduele frequency

How quickly a notification is sent from the system depends on how "nice to have" the notification is assumed to be.

Tagged in a comment

If you are tagged in a comment on a task or an observation, you will receive a notification within the next 5 minutes.

Following a task or holding a role in an observation

For tasks you follow or observations you holde a role in, the default platform behaviour is to send you a daily summary of activity.

For tasks, check out Følgere for which types of activities followers are notificed of.

For observations, anyone holding a role in the observation are notified of new comments.

If you want to be notified within a 5 minute period for these types of notifications as well, you can activate this in your personal settings. Follow

If you or someone else is particularly interested in a piece of information or the activity surrounding it, you can add that person as a follower.

A follower will get Email notifications when key activities are triggered.

The following information types support following:

Information types Followers are notified of
  • New comments
  • New estimates
  • Changes from one stage to another
  • New assignees
Wiki (page/section)
  • Changes to the followed page or one of its child pages
  • New survey responses
KPI group
  • New KPI reports
Health checks
  • New checkins are logged Rik formatering


For å lenke mellom innhold i Wecomplish, bruk formatet !X123 hvor X representerer forbokstaven til typen innhold det lenkes til, og 123 representerer ID-en. Finn ID-nummeret som de siste sifferne av URL´en.

Skriv eksempelvis ! (utropstegn) etterfulgt av:

  • o123: Lenke til en observasjon med ID 123
  • b123: Lenke til et en oppgave i en sjekkliste (b for Blueprint) med ID 123. Ved påføring av sjekklisten vil lenker til oppgaver i sjekklisten erstattes av lenker til den faktiske oppgaven som opprettes ved påføringen.
  • t123 (eller bare !123): Lenke til en oppgave (t for Task) med ID 123

Følgende entiteter støtter å bli internlenket til:

  • Observasjoner (o)
  • Sjekklister (c)
  • Oppgaver i sjekklister (b)
  • Dokumentasjonssider (d)
  • Prestasjoner (a)
  • KPI-er (k)
  • KPI grupper (g)
  • Prosjekter (p)
  • Retningslinjer (y)
  • Roller (l)
  • Ansvar (r)
  • Hypoteser (h)
  • Undersøkelser (s)
  • Oppgaver (t eller ingen bokstav)

Fordelen med å bruke internlenker fremfor harde lenker er at lenken vil gjenspeile oppdaterte navn på entiteten det lenkes til og at navnet vil være gjennomstreket dersom entiteten er lukket.

Dersom du kun ønsker å få produsert lenken til innhold i Wecomplish, men selv styre hva lenken heter kan du bruke | fremfor !, eksempelvis:

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Kommentarer og beskrivelser støtter Github flavoured Markdown.

Les introduksjon til kommandoer.

Om Markdown er nytt for deg er det spesielt nyttig å lære seg:

  • Overskrifter
  • Fet skrift, kursiv og gjennomstreking
  • Lister
  • Lenker
    • Klammene [ ] oppnås ved å bruke alt+8 og alt+9
  • Sitater Reaksjoner

Du kan reagere ved hjelp av emojis på forskjellige typer innhold i Wecomplish og se hvem som har reagert på ditt innhold.

Støtte for reaksjoner

Det er mulig å reagere på følgende innhold:

  • Kommentarer
  • Prestasjoner
  • Dokumentasjonssider

Legge til en reaksjon

For å legge til en reaksjon, trykk på smilefjeset i tilknytning til innholdet du ønsker å reagere på.

Dersom det ikke har vært reagert på innholdet tidligere vises smilefjeset øverst til høyre:


Dersom noen allerede har reagert kan du legge til ytterligere reaksjoner ved å trykke på smilefjeset ved siden av de eksisterende reaksjonene, eller ved å trykke på en av de eksisterende reaksjonene.


Fjerne en reaksjon

For å fjerne en av dine reaksjoner, trykk på reaksjonen du ønsker å fjerne.

Se hvem som har reagert

Pek på reaksjonen for å se hvem som har reagert.

Se reaksjoner på ditt innhold

For å se alle reaksjonene på ditt innhold, klikk på menyvalget Meg > Reaksjoner i venstre kolonne.

Menyvalget viser en grå indikator når du har nye (uleste) reaksjoner. Endre plasseringen av innhold

Innhold i Wecomplish er ordnet i et hierarki. Hvilken del av hierarkiet innholdet tilhører styrer hvem som har tilgang til innholdet.

Administratorer har tilgang til alt innhold. Team-medlemmer kan kun se innhold tilhørende sitt eget team.

Innholdets nåværende plassering gjenspeiles i brødsmulestien.

Endre plassering

For å flytte innhold, trykk velg "Flytt" fra nedtrekksmenyen øverst til høyre , eller bruk tastatursnarveien Shift + Cmd + P (for Parent).

Søk opp innholdet du ønsker å legge inneværende innhold under, og velg denne.

Følgende typer innhold kan flyttes på denne måten:


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Oppgaver
  • Prosjekter

Dersom du forsøker å søke opp en konkret oppgave, men ikke får opp oppgaven opp blant topp-treffene kan du søke opp oppgaven ved hjelp av oppgavens ID i stedet.


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team
  • Oppgaver
  • Observasjoner


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team
  • Dokumentasjonssider


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Roller


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team
  • Sjekklister
  • Prosjekter
  • Oppgaver
  • Observasjoner

Oppgaver i sjekklister

Kan plaseres underlagt:

  • Sjekklister
  • Oppgaver i sjekklister


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Ferdighetssett


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team

KPI grupper

Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team
  • Mål


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team
  • Segmenter


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team
  • Hypoteser


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Anatomier


Kan plasseres underlagt:

  • Team


Prompter plasseres underlagt:

  • Team Verifying that information is accurate and up-to-date

Using the verification functionality you can verify that the information on a given page is accurate and up-to date, or request that someone else verifies the information.

Relevant use cases are:

  • You're creating/updating information, but you suspect you don't hold the complete picture by yourself
  • You want to ensure that the information you're seeing is accurate and up-to-date
  • You want to signify that information is considered valid
  • You want to ensure that someone feels ownership to a piece of information

Verification indicator

Pages where the information can be verified are identified by the shield icon to the right of the page title:

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Hovering over the shield will indicate the verification status of the page. There are three indications:

No verification

Indicates that the information on the page has never been verified. 

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Pending verification

Indicates that the page is pending at least one verification request.

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Indicates that the page has been verified.

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Managing verifications

Click the verification indicator or use the keyboard shortcut "v" to toggle the verification panel for the page you're looking at.

When the page has no prior verifications, the panel looks like this:

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Verifying that information is accurate

If you hold the best source of truth for whether or not the information is accurate and up-to-date, you can quicky indicate this by clicking the "Verify that the information is accurate" button. This will move the verification indication to the verified state. 

Requesting verification from someone else

If you suspect that other people might be better equipped at verifying the information, you can easily request their assistance.

Click the "Request information from someone else" button and fill out the form that appears.

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When you click the "Ask for help" button an email is sent to the person you selected notifying them of your request for help. The email contains a link that will take them to the page with the verification panel open, which will appear something like this:

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When the invitee has reviewed the information they can change the state of the verification from Uncertain to Verified. This will send an email to the person who requested the verification notifying them that the information has been verified, and the verification panel will look like this:

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Requesting verifications from multiple people

If you want, you can request verifications from multiple people.

A good use case for this might be to ensure ownership to the information across a group, or when there are multiple people each holding a section of the entire picture. Keyboard shortcuts

For power users, there are multiple keyboard shortcuts scattered throughout the platform to make navigating the platform more efficient.

The most common, global keyboard shortcuts are collected here for convenience: Duplication notification

In order to prevent duplication of information, the Platform produces a warning whenever you create a new item for which there aleady exists an item with the same name.

The warning appears in the top, right corner of the next page load, including a link to the duplicated item.

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For a complete list of insight types which are checked for duplication upon creation, check out the Duplication preventable trait. Lock down ability to edit information

The default behaviour of the platform is to make information easily accessible and editable. This is based on a belief that the more people are able to contribute to the information, the greater the probability is of the information improving in quality over time.

However, some information is not meant to change a lot, and some might even be harmful and non-compliant if it were inadvertantly changed.

To accomodate this use case, the platform implements the concept of locking down information. Locking a piece of information limits edit access to only admins.

Toggling lock state

The ability to lock piece of information appears near the bottom of a page. The option only appears if you are an admin. You also need to be an admin in order to actually lock and unclock information.

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If a piece of information is locked, this will appear to everyone.

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Information types supporting locking

The following information types support locking:

  • Policies Toggle features

The Platform has a lot of features. However, any given moment in time, only a subset of the available features might be relevant to a specific individual, team or organization.

To make it clearer which features are expected to be used you can disable the features you don't need, care about or are. handling in some other way.

The following supports being disabled:

  • For teams
    • Insight types
  • For people
    • Priority queues
  • For maps
    • Anatomy components

To disable a feature, first navigate to the context in which you want to disable the feature. 

Then, select the "Disable" option from the dropdown menu in the upper, right corner.



From this view you can disable specific items (i.e. perspectives or insight types) that the person, team or organization is not expected to use at the present moment.

4.1.6 Focus dashboard

4.1.7 Organizational overview

The organizational overview provides transparency into how an organization operates by starting with a birds-eye overview of the organization.

From here you can use the platform to explore and explain the organization via different organizational perspectives in order to better understand, improve and contribute to it.

The overview consists of three primary sections:

  1. Where we are going
  2. Our core values
  3. Organizational perspectives


Where we are going

This section describes the direction of the organization. It is broken down into the organization's

  • Purpose
  • Mission
  • Vision

If these directional concepts are unfamiliar to you, you can read more about them and how they differ in the Organizational identity skillset.

Our core values

Core values, when done right, guide everything you do at work.

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of values, you can read more about it in the Values-documentation.

Organizational perspectives

Organizational perspectives are the different ways in which we can examine the organization. Which perspective makes sense to use at any given time depends on what you're trying to uncover or explain.

People responsible for ensuring a healthy and resilient organization should take care to regulary cycle through the different perspectives in order to ensure that they are properly adhered to.

Read more about Organizational perspectives. Organizational perspectives

Organizational perspectives are the different ways in which we can examine the organization. Which perspective makes sense to use at any given time depends on what you're trying to uncover or explain.

People responsible for ensuring a healthy and resilient organization should take care to regulary cycle through the different perspectives in order to ensure that they are properly adhered to.

Here are the different perspectives supported by the platform, and when it might make sense to use them:


The teams perspective presents the organization as a set of teams working together towards a common purpose.

Use the teams perspective when you want to understand or communicate how the organization has organized its work, and who is contributing to which types of work.


The people perspective presents the organization as a set of people contributing to the organization.

Use the people perspective when you want to understand or communicate the size of the organization, who reports to who, and the priorities, plans and development of each individual.


The insight perspective presents the organization in terms of it's know-how.

Use the insight perspective to understand and communicate what the organization has learned about itself and the market, and how it informs its day-to-day work.


The development perspective presents the organization in terms of it's health and how we are working to improve our teams and our people.

Use the development perspective to understand and communicate the current organizational health indicators, to which extent development efforts are happening, how far along each team and individual has come, and where support is needed. 


The leadership perspective presents the organization in terms of it's leadership.

Use the leadership perspective to understand and communicate to which extent people are being supported and held accountable to their priorities and potential.


The priorities perspective presents the organization in terms of what it is currently focused on.

Use the priorities perspecticve to understand and communicate what is currently considered most important.


The activity perspective presents the organization in terms of what people are doing.

Use the activity perspective to understand and communicate who is contributing to the insight contained within the platform, and how they are contributing.

4.1.8 Insight types Organization Values

Organisational values, when done right, guide everything you do at work.

They describe the core ethics or principles which the company will abide by, no matter what. They inspire employees’ best efforts and also constrain their actions.

Strong, clearly-articulated values should be a true reflection of your organisation’s aspirations for appropriate workplace behaviour, and play an important role in building a positive culture in your organisation.

Well-drafted and current organisational values:

  • Guide staff behaviour, as well as strategic and operational decisions
  • Provide a solid foundation for your policies, and “fill the gaps” where policies are silent
  • Over time, improve the organisation’s ethical character as expressed in its operations and culture
  • Demonstrate integrity and accountability to external stakeholders
  • Set the organisation apart from its competitors
  • Reduce risk of inappropriate behaviour
  • Strengthen the employment value proposition

Every organisation preferences some values over others. If you are unfamiliar with values as a concept, check out this article for a list of value examples, and this article which discusses the dangers of half-assing a values initiative.

Manage values

To manage the values of your organization, click Organization in the top navigation and look for core values in the right column.

Values support familiarity and related content. Team Create a new team

Go to Organization > Teams and click the green plus icon. Alternatively, use quick create.

Provide the team name and the optional parent team. Grant access to a team

A team can have one of two access levels, open or private. Read more about how to change the team access level in Users and access.

Open teams are available to any user in the organization. Private teams are only available to those with specific access to the team.

Grant a user access to a private team

To grant a user access to a private team, navigate to the team and select "Access" in the left colum menu.

From there you can add either a new user to the team, or an existing user aleady registered with the organization.

If you would like to add a user which you know already has a Wecomplish account within a different organization, use the "Add new user" option, but only fill out the email address field. The remaining fields will automatically be fetched from the existing user account when added. Team members

Team members are the people who are expected to contribute to a team.

Assigning team members is done by assigning someone a role in the context of that team.

The people who have a role in the team are displayed in the upper right corner of the team card, and as a list on the team dashboard.


Customer_success.png People Position in organizational hierarchy

Indicate the position of a person in the organizational hierarchy (meaning who they report to and who reports to them) by adding their leaders and or/direct reports in the right column of their profile page.


The list of people in the organization (Organization > People) is indented in accordance with the organizational hierarchy to produce a simple Organizational chart.

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Leaders receive Notification of completed familiarity. Opprette et nytt medlem
  1. Naviger til teamet som medlemmet skal tilknyttes
  2. Gå til "Medlemmer" og trykk på "Ny bruker"
  3. Fyll ut brukerens detaljer
  4. Trykk "Lagre"

Brukeren vil motta en e-post med brukernavn og passord til innlogging. Brukere med tilknytning til ett team vil automatisk videresendes til sitt teams oppgaveliste når de logger inn. Add a person to an existing team
  1. Navigate to the persons profile page
  2. Click the pencil icon in relation to the heading "Teams I am a member of"
  3. Select which teams the person is expected to be a member of Notes

Notes are a simple when of jotting down and collaborating around a thought, an idea or the minutes of a converstation.


You have access to view and edit the notes you have created yourself, and the ones to which you have been assigned the role of contributor. View notes

In order to view your notes, select Improvement > Notes in the left colum navigation.

The notes are sorted from youngest to oldest by last edit date.

If the note has no title, and excerpt from the body is displayed as the summary of the note. Create a note

You can create a new note in one of two ways: Edit a note

The changes you make to a note are automatically saved when you stop typing. If anyone else has edited the same note in the meanwhile, you will be notified. Note collaboration

You can collaborate on a note by adding contributors. Users added as contributors can view and edit the note. Fjerne et medlem
  1. Naviger til teamet som medlemmet skal tilknyttes
  2. Gå til "Medlemmer"
  3. Finn frem til medlemmet som skal fjernes og klikk på krysset til høyre Mine KPI

Viser KPI gruppene du har rollen som bestiller, ansvarlig eller produsent, gruppert på hyppigheten de forventes produsert (hyppigst først). Mine aktiviteter

Mine aktiviteter lar deg bedre og enklere forsikre at tid ført matcher det du har gjort.

Les mer om aktiviteter på What are activites.


Brukergrensesnittet viser som standard informasjon for dagens dato. Ved å legge til /YYYY-MM-DD(eks. /2018-01-01) til URL-en kan du se din tid og aktiviteter for en annen dato.

Tid ført

Tid ført vises på en tidslinje som gjengir den aktive datoen.

Tidslinjen strekker seg fra den aktive datoens tidligste til seneste aktivitet eller timeføring. Pek på tidslinjens ytterpunkter for å se hvilken tidsperiode tidslinjen strekker seg over.

  • Perioder med tid ført vises i mørkeblått, med hvite, vertikale skillelinjer som adskiller hver timeføring.
  • Perioder uten tid ført vises i hvitt.
  • Perioder uten tid ført, men som har aktiviteter i perioden, vises i lyseblått.


Aktivitetene vises i grupper basert på tilknytning. Aktivitetene kan være knyttet til et av følgende grupperingsnivåer:

  • Team
  • Prosjekt
  • Oppgave

Grupperingsnivåene er gjengitt hierarkisk, slik at oppgaver viser under relevant prosjekt, og prosjekter under relevant team.

Innenfor hver aktivitetsgruppe er aktivitetene gjengitt på en aktivitetsindikator. Indikatoren er inndelt i perioder med samme målestokk som tidslinjen.

Aktiviteter gjenspeiles med ett mørkegrått felt i høyden pr aktivitet.

Aktiviteter hvis relasjon til team ikke kan identifiseres (eksempelvis fordi det er kommentert på en oppgave eller observasjon som senere er slettet) vil samles i en gruppe med navn [Ukjent].



Ved pek på tidslinjen fremheves tilsvarende periode (og evt aktiviteter i perioden) på aktivitetsindikatorene. Dersom du peker på et felt med tid ført fremheves også aktivitetsgruppen timeføringen er knyttet til. Dette kan brukes til å kontrollere at timeføringen matcher aktivitetsnivå.

Ved pek på en aktivitetsindikator fremheves samme periode på øvrige aktivitetsindikatorer, samt på tidslinjen.


Du kan velge en eller flere deler av tidslinjen ved å klikke på disse.

  • Klikk på en periode for å velge denne
  • Hold Cmd inne og klikk på en ny periode for å legge til denne
  • Hold Shift inne og klikk på en ny periode for å velge alle perioder mellom allerede valgte periode og denne
  • Klikk, dra og slipp for å velge et utvalg av perioder

Trykk på "Opphev valg" for å deaktivere valg av samtlige perioder. Lenken vises kun dersom minst en periode er valgt.

Når du har valgt en eller flere perioder vises kun aktivitetsgrupper med aktivitet innenfor de valgte periodene. Dersom ingen aktivitetsgrupper har aktivitet innenfor de valgte periodene vises alle aktivitetsgrupper.

Dersom du har valgt en eller flere perioder med tid ført vises timeføringene for disse periodene. Du kan peke på en periode på tidslinjen for å fremheve den enkelte timeføringen for denne perioden.

Dersom du har valgt en eller flere perioder uten tid ført utløses timeføringsskjemaet ferdigt utfylt med start- og slutttid tilsvarende første og siste periode uten tid ført for den valgte perioden.

Dersom du i tillegg klikker på en av aktivitetsgruppene fylles også automatisk timebeskrivelsen ut med en beskrivelse av aktivitetene for den valgte gruppen. Dersom aktivitetsgruppen er for en oppgave fylles også automatisk feltet for relasjon ut. Personal settings

To edit the personal settings of a user, navigate to the user in question and select the "Edit profile" option from the action dropdown. Kapasitet

Lar deg spesifisere for hvilke perioder en bruker har kapasitet, og evt mengden belastbar kapasitet for perioden.

Det er ikke nødvendig å spesifisere redusert kapasitet for helligdager, da disse trekkes ut i rapporter automatisk.

Valg av første leveransedato er obligatorisk. Dersom ingen siste leveransedato settes regnes kapasiteten for å vare i det uendelige.

Ved overlappende kapasitetsperioder vinner perioden med siste leveransedato over perioder uten siste leveransedato, og perioder med kortere varighet over perioder med lengre varighet. Tofaktorautentisering

Du kan gjøre det vanskeligere for uvedkommende å få tilgang til dine data i Wecomplish ved å aktivere tofaktorautentisering.

Tofaktorautentisering betyr at du i tillegg til passord må angi en engangskode hver gang du logger inn.

Engangskoden får du fra appen Google Authenticator etter at du har lastet ned denne fra din telefons app store og skannet QR koden for tofaktorautentisering i Wecomplish.

For å sette opp tofaktorautentisering, gå til Meg > Innstillinger > Preferanser > Aktiver tofaktorautentisering og følg instruksene på skjermen. Når tofaktorautentisering er aktivert kan du deaktivere autentiseringen fra samme side. Ukentlig statusrapport på e-post

Dersom du vil kan du aktivere funksjonen for ukentlig statusrapport. Dette gjør du ved å gå til Meg > Innstillinger > Preferanser og kryss av for å motta ukentlig statusoppdatering pr e-post.

Når funksjonen er aktivert vil du få en e-post hver mandag morgen med informasjon om:

  • Foregående uke
    • Antall timer registrert
    • Antall observasjoner registrert
    • Antall prestasjoner registrert
    • For hvert prosjekt du er bestiller av: Tidsbruk forrige uke og totalt
  • Avventer
    • Antallet innboks elementer som avventer deg
    • Antallet observasjoner som avventer deg
  • Kommende uke
    • Allokeringene som er planlagt.

Dersom du ikke har hatt noen aktivitet foregående uke, ingenting avventer deg og ingenting er planlagt, vil du ikke motta noen e-post den uken.

Du kan også gå til /review/week for å se innholdet i e-posten slik den ville blitt sendt deg for inneværende uke. Mine timer

Tid du har ført. For mer informasjon, se generell dokumentasjonen for timerapporter. Mine observasjoner Mine oppgaver

Mine oppgaver viser en liste over oppgaver som du har ansvaret for og en liste over oppgaver som du har bestilt. Sistnevnte vises kun dersom antallet oppgaver er under 500 stk. Kommentarer

Flere forskjellige steder i Wecomplish er det mulig å legge til en kommentar. Noen steder produserer kommentarene også Email notifications.

Støtte for kommentarer

Det er mulig å legge til kommentarer på følgende innholdstyper:

  • Oppgaver
  • Observasjoner
  • Prestasjoner
  • Dokumentasjonssider

Redigere/slette en kommentar

For å redigere en kommentar, trykk på pilen som peker nedover i kommentarens øvre høyre hjørne og velg "Rediger" eller "Slett". Vanlige brukere kan redigere egne kommentarer. Ansattbrukere kan redigere alle kommentarer.


Kommentarer støtter rik formatering. Etterhvert som du skriver en kommentar vises en forhåndsvisning av hvordan kommentaren vil bli seende ut under.

Skjule en kommentar

Dersom du er en ansatt og ønsker at en kommentar ikke skal være synlig for kunder, krysse av for "Skjult for kunde" i sjekkboksen, eller ved hjelp av tastatursnarveien Cmd + K.

En skjult kommentar gjengis med grålagt bakgrunn for andre ansatte og er ikke synlig for vanlige brukere. Legge til en kommentar

Trykk på "Ny kommentar" og skriv inn din kommentar. For å lagre, trykk på "Lagre" knappen eller bruk tastatursnarveien Cmd + Enter. Be om tilbakemelding på en kommentar

Dersom du ønsker å be om tilbakemelding eller trekke en persons oppmerksomhet spesielt mot en kommentar kan du gjøre dette ved å skrive @ etterfulgt av navnet eller e-postadressen til vedkommende. Når du skriver @ vil det komme opp en liste over forslag bestående av alle dine team-medlemmer.

Brukere som @-es vil få et element i innboksen sin og potensielt et Email notifications avhengig av om dette er støttet for typen innhold. Organisasjoner Create an organization

Check out Create an account. Administratorer

Lar deg legge til og fjerne administratorer av organisasjonen. Se Users and access for mer informasjon om administratorers rettigheter. Innstillinger Dataeksport

Fra denne siden kan du eksportere alle data som din organisasjon har lagret i Wecomplish, eller gjøre dataene tilgjengelige for en Wecomplish utvikler for å gjøre feilsøkingen av et problem mer effektiv.


Du må ha rollen admin for å få tilgang til å se og opprette data eksporter. Du har rollen admin dersom du opprettet organisasjonen.

Eksport format

Data eksporten produseres som SQL insert statements. Dette gjør eksporten velegnet til:

  • Import inn i et utviklermiljø for feilsøking
  • Import inn i en ny Wecomplish-database eller installasjon (f.eks. ved ønske om å sette opp Wecomplish om premise)
  • Flytting av data over i andre systemer

Opprette en ny data eksport

  1. Trykk på "Ny data dump"
  2. I feltet Mottaker, oppgi e-postadressen til vedkommende som skal kunne laste ned data-dumpen
  3. Kryss av for "Be om slette-bekreftelse" dersom du ønsker at mottakerne av dataene skal bekrefte at dataene er slettet etter bruk (relevant ifm feilsøking)
  4. Trykk "Lagre"


Følgende e-postvarsler produseres i tilknytning til dataeksporter:

Mottaker av en data-eksport

  • Varsles om at en data-eksport er opprettet og hvor den kan lastes ned

Oppretter av en data-eksport:

  • Varsles om at en data-eksport er lastet ned
  • Varsles om at en data-eksport er bekreftet slettet (forutsetter at "Be om slettebekreftelse" har blitt valgt) Ferie

Legg inn ferie på tvers av hele organisasjonen.

Ferie overstyrer (nullstiller) Kapasitet for samtlige team-medlemmer for perioden, og viser et varsel i toppen av alle sider om at organisasjonen er på ferie i perioden hvor ferien er angitt. Observasjonskategorier

Legg til, endre slette og ordne observasjonskategorier.

Observasjonskategorier brukes til å klassifisere observasjoner etter type og deres relative prioritet. Når observasjoner vises i en liste vises de gruppert på observasjonskategori og sortert synkende etter observasjonskategoriens prioritet.

Observasjonskategorier markert som "Haster" vil resultere i at observasjoner som bruker denne kategorien vil få spesiell oppmerksomhet i listen over den enkeltes observasjoner.

For å endre på observasjonakategorienes prioritet, dra og slipp kategoriene i ønsket rekkefølge.

Her er et eksempel på observasjonskategorier som du kan vurdere å bruke som utgangspunkt for din egen organisasjon:

Skjermbilde 2020-10-06 kl. 08.41.10.png
Skjermbilde 2020-10-06 kl. 08.41.21.png Lønnsarter

Legg til, endre og slette lønnsarter.

Lønnsarter brukes (valgfritt) når man registrerer timer for å klassifisere hva slags type lønn som forventes for arbeidet.

Timerapportene gjør det mulig å gruppere timer pr lønnsart. Organisasjon

Tilpass organisasjonens innstillinger.


Her kan du endre navnet på organisasjonen slik dette refereres til på forskjellige steder i systemet.


Her kan du inn egen CSS kode for å tilpasse applikasjonens utseende til organisasjonen.

Å legge inn egen CSS-kode kan være spesielt nyttig for brukere som er medlem av flere organisasjoner, da en visuell distingvering vil gjøre det enklere å skille mellom når man befinner seg i hvilken organisasjon.

En enkel CSS-tilpasning kan gjøres ved å inkludere følgende kode, hvor #HEX erstattes med organisasjonens primærfarge.

.button, .button:hover, ul.menu li a:hover {
    background-color: #HEX;

ul.menu li a {
    color: #HEX;


Her kan du legge nettadressen til et skreddersydd favicon slik at det er enklere å identifisere din Wecomplish installasjon i listen over faner.


E-postadresse for fakturamottak

Her kan du styre hvilken e-postadresse som skal motta fakturaen for organisasjonens Wecomplish abonnement. Profile

Using the Profile view of a person you can gain instant insight into how that person is contributing and working. This makes it easier to ensure that everyone have what they need in order to produce meaningful outcomes for the organization.

To see the profile view, select the indivial person from Organization > People, or search for the name of the person for which you would like to see the profile.

Here's an excerpt of the profile view for a single person:

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How to utilize the insight

Use the insight on the profile to determine if the person:

  • Has produced any activity within the expected time frame
  • Has access to a set of clear roles and responsibilities in order to work efficiently and independently
  • Holds the neccessary skillsets to do the work properly, and/or if they hold skills that are poorly distributed across the team or organization
  • Is involved in too many or too few projects
  • Is assigned to too many or too few tasks (and if any of them are past due)
  • Plans too much or too little work, and if they have automated the allocation of responsibilities and other recurring events
  • Is being asked their opinon, and how recently they've given it
  • Knows which objectives they're working towards Training & development Programs

In the platform, programs represent a collection of resources we would like people to step through in order to better prepare for existing and future roles.

Some use cases for programs include:

  • Educating existing team members within a certain topic
  • Checking the progress on a specific set of resources when onboarding new team members
  • Custom programs for an individual struggling with a certain type of problem

Creating programs

When creating a program, you can decide between building one from scratch, or copying a program from the Wecomplish library. To do the latter, click the 

Selecting a program from the library will copy the program and all it's publicly available resources.

Click the purple eye-icon to preview the contents of a program before copying it.


Adding resources

Once you have created or copied a program, you may select which resources to add. See the programmable trait for which types of resources support being included in a program.

Use the sort-handle to drag and drop resources in the order you prefer participants to go through them.


Adding participants

In order for someone to be exposed to a program, you need to add them as a participant. A participant can be any pre-existing user within the platform.

To add a participant, select the participants tab, clich the "Add participant" button, and start typing to search for the user, or click the "Browse all" to search for users.


Viewing participant progress

To view participant progress, click the name of the participant in the participant list, or navigate to the dashboard of that user and locate the "Potential" section of the Me-focus.


From the dashboard, you can see the amount of resources completed, how long ago since the last time there was any program activity by the participant, and any expectations that the participant may find unclear or would like some assistance with.

By clicking into the program you get a more detailed view of the progress and evaluation of each resources. Here, the resources not yet completed are grouped at the top, and the completed resources are shown at the bottom, sorted in descending order by participant evaluation.

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The evaluation is based on the participant familiarity with the resource, expect for surveys and healthchecks where the evaluation represents the survey response and check-in score respectively.

Program overview

The Program overview shows all the programs within the organization, grouped by team and category, and displaying the participants of each program.

Navigate to the program overview by selecting Organization in the top navigation, and then Enablement > Programs in the left column. Familiarity Refamiliarization

After some time has gone since your familiarity indication, you might want to refamiliarize yourself again. Use cases for this include:

  • To evaluate your progress, for instance, in relation to an ambition
  • To repeat something for the purposes of better understanding, increased awareness or compliance
  • To assess to which extent your familiarity has changed
  • To have something remain top of mind

You can refamiliarize yourself with roles and skillset. The button for refamiliarization appears on the role or skillset assignment page, if there is more than 30 days since you last updated your familiarity with one of the expectations.


One you click the "Update your familiarity" button, you will be brought through all and any expectations where the last time you updated familiarity is more than 30 days ago. Familiarity as a concept

Ensuring that people grow and remain familiar with policies, responsibilities, skills, etc is one of the great operational challenges of an organization. And the more often there are changes in people, roles or expectations, the more challenging it becomes to keep expectations and familiarity in sync.

To address this challenge we allow for people to communicate to which extent they are familiar with something. We refer referred to as familiarity.

Familiarity provides us with a more effective and efficient way of identifying and updating people's understanding of, belief in and comfort with something.

We find familiarity to be a great indicator of to which extent a person can realistically be expected to to comply with expectations, and a useful way of communicating the levels involved in reaching an operational and value-adding state.

Familiarity indication levels

When someone indicates their familiarity with something, they are prompted to select from one of four levels. These are:

  1. Aware: I am aware of the expectation
  2. Understand: I understand when and how to meet the expectation
  3. Comfortable: I am comfortable meeting the expectation
  4. Automated: I have automated or intuitively meet this expectation

Here's an example of familiarity indication in the context of a system:


How to think about familiarity

The familiarity levels builds on top of one another. That means that if you indicate that you are Comfortable, you are also expected to Understand, and if you indicate that you are Automated, you are also expected to be Comfortable.

As a leader (or any person having expectations of someone else, for that matter), consider the fact that we can't realistically expect people to predictably meet an expectation unless they have indicated that they are Automated.

Familiarity reporting

When familiarity data is aggregated and reported on, it is reported as two percentages:

  • Awareness
  • Familiarity

The percentage is calculated relative to the context.

You'll usually see these indicators appear next to eachother, in the form of two progress bars:

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The awareness percentage indicates if any familiarity has been given (regardless of level), whereas the familiarity percentage takes the explicit familiarity level into account.

The point of distinguishing between the two is that we want to focus on building awareness of expectations first, and then later focus on improving familiarity levels where neccessary.

Read more about how to explore familiarity.

Information types supporting familiarity

The overview of the familiarity information type describes which specific information types that support indicating familiarity (in the "Outgoing associations" column).

You can also identify if a specific page supports familiarity by whether or not the familiarity icon appears on the right hand side of the subheader.


When you have indicated your familiarity with something, the icon is replaced a familiarity indicator indicating your current level of familiarity:


Familiarity vs proficiency

People sometimes confuse the platform concept of familiarity with the platform concept of proficiency (the latter being related to skillsets).

It makes sense to distinguish the two concepts like this:

  • Familiarity is subjective. It aims to communicate your own personal comfort level with expectations.
  • Proficiency is objective. It aims to communicate your skill level as perceived by your peers. Familiarity panel

Communication of familiarity is done via the familiarity panel. From this panel you can:

  • Communicate your own familiarity for a given piece of information
  • Reflect on an make notes of what's keeping you from reaching the next level of familiarity
  • Request mentor assistance
  • Review other peoples familiarity with a given piece of information
  • Review the overall awareness and familiarity with a given piece of information relative to the roles expected to be familiar with it

When !ddocs, the panel is automatically opened. To open and close the panel manually, click the familiarity indicator icon in the top, right corner or use the keyboard shortcut f.

The familiarity panel answers the following questions:

How familiar are people with this piece of information?

At the top, you can see the level of awareness and familiarity for this piece of information. The awareness  bar indicates if people have indicated any form of familiarity, wheres the familiarity bar indicates how familiar people are.


The percentages are relative to the people who hold roles expected to be familiar with the information.

Who is familiar with this piece of information and to what extent?

Next comes a list of the people who have indicated their familiarity, including their level of familiarity. Hover over the individual familiarity indicators to view any additional notes given by each user.


If you have indicated your own familiarity, it is displayed at the top of the list:

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Who is not familiar with this piece of information?

If there are any people who have roles which are expected to indicate familiarity, but have not done so yet, you can see those people by scrolling to the bottom of the panel:

5246.png Indicating familiarity

The primary motivation for indicating familiarity is to keep up with the expectations of the roles assigned to you.

The easiest way to do this is to click the purple "Indicate your familiarity" button which appears in the upper, right corner of your Focus dashboard whenever there are expectations associated with your roles with which you have not indicated familiarity.

You can reach your Focus dashboard by clicking the Wecomplish-logo in the upper, left corner.


When you click the purple button you are taken to the first expectation with which you have not indicated familiarity.

In the top, you will see a familiarity indication section. The left column is for indicating your familiarity, whereas the right column explains why you are expected to be familiar with this piece of information, and your overall awareness of role expectations.

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Individual role familiarity

If you want to focus on building familiarity with a particular role, select the role in question from the right column of the Focus dashboard...


...and click the purple "Indicate your familiarity" button in the context of the role:


Individual role expectation familiarity

If you want to indicate your familiarity with an individual role expectation, navigate to the role in question, select the expectation type in the right column, and then click the particular expectation in the left colum.

You can identify which expectations types have missing famiiarity by the first progress bar in the right column being less than 100%, and the expectation in the right column having no familiarity indicator.


For a detailed understanding familiarity, please review Familiarity as a concept and the Familiarity panel.

Standalone familiarity

A piece of insight does not have to be a role expectation for you to indicate familiarity with it.

If you want to indicate familiarity with a random piece of insight, navigate to the page of that insight and trigger the Familiarity panel.

Best practices

When indicating familiarity, you are only required to select the familiarity level. However, you are encouraged to reflect on and fill out the comments field explaining what's keeping you from reaching the next level of familiarity, as well as deciding on whether you would prefer mentor assistance with improving your familiarity.

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Completing these two extra pieces of information makes the familiarity indication vastly more useful both for yourself and your coworkers in identifying the next step to improving your familiarity. Explore familiarity

Exploring familiarity can be done in multiple contexts depending on which question you are looking to answer.

Information familiarity

If you want to know who is familiar with a given piece of information (and how familiar they are), navigate to that piece of information and open the Familiarity panel.

Relative information familiarity

If you want to know the level of familiarity of pieces of information relative to their siebling, select the "Familiarity" view type in the view type dropdown.


This will display the awareness and familiarity of each individual item, sorted in ascending order first by awareness, and then by familiarity.

The familiarity view type is supported when viewing:

  • Training & development
    • The people who master a skillset
    • The people who hold a role
    • The responsibilities of a role
    • The (top level) skills of a skillset
    • The expectation type of a role holder
  • What we use
    • The systems of a team
    • The vendors of a team
    • The equipment within a team
  • How we work
    • The checklists of a team
    • The policies of a team
    • The processes of a team
    • The insight types associated with a category
  • Improvement
    • The risks within a team

Role familiarity

If you want to know how familiar all role holders are with a given role, navigate to that role, scroll down to the "Role holders" section and examine the progress bars located there.


Role holder familiarity

If you want to know how familiar a specific person is with a specific role, navigate to their role assignment.

This can be done either via navigating to that person and their list of roles:


...or via the role and the list of role holders.


Role expectation (type) familiarity

If you want to know how familiar a person is with (1) a specific role expectation or (2) a type of role expectations, navigate to that role holder via the person or the role.


Person familiarity

If you want to know how familiar a person is with all their role expectations, navigate to that person and examine either their familiarity with (1) overall role expectations or (2) specific skillset expectations.


People familiarity

If you want to know how familiar each individual is with role expectations, navigate to the organizational Familiarity report (Organization > Reports > Familiarity).

Organizational familiarity

If you want to know how familiar the entire organization is with expectations, navigate to the organizational dashboard.

Organization_dashboard-2.png Maintaining familiarity with expectations

In order for familiarity to be truely useful it needs to be exposed in the context of expectations. That's what the Training view is for.

The training view provides a birds eye view of what a person is expected to familiarize themselves with in order to meet the expectations of a role or skillset, including the progress of that familiarization.

Use cases include:

  • Onboarding: When a person is new in a role and needs to focus on getting up to speed
  • Skill training: When a person wants or needs to adopt a new skillset
  • Updated role/skillset expectations: When the expectations of a role or a skillset have been updated and the role/skillset holder needs to familiarize themselves with the updated expectations

To access your own training view, click either the "Roles" or "Skills" link in the left hand side navigation, or select the role you would like to train on from the right hand column in the focus view.


You can access the training view of others by searching for that person and clicking the "Roles" or "Skills" links in the left navigation.


Role training is the primary training type, and allows you to train and communicate familiarity in the various expectation types associated with a role.


Allthough skillset training is also a part of roles (provided that the role expects the given skillset), skillset training is also its own thing. This is relevant for those cases where you would like to train in a skillset which is not (yet) required by any of the roles you hold.

Training view

Clicking the name of the role or skillset will bring you to the training view. In the context of a role, the training view might look something like this:


Navigation and overall familiarization

In the right column there is a navigation with the different types of expectations associated with the role/skillset, and a percentage indicator displaying your awareness and familiarity for that type of expectation.

The color of the indicator is red between 0% and 33%, yellow between 34% and 66% and green between 67% and 100%.

List of expectations 

In the left column there is a list of the specific expectations, including their associated familiary level.

Clicking the name of an item will take you to that piece of content with the familiarization panel open so you can update your familiarity.

Clicking on the purple "Indicate your familiarity" button will take you to the next expectation for which you have not yet indicated your familiarity.

Recency of familiarization updates

You can see how recently someone has updated their familiarity with their roles, skillsets  and individual expectation types in various places:



Indicating standalone familiarity

Indicating familiarity is usually done in the context of role or skillset expectations.

However, you can also update your familiarity with singular pieces of information not neccessarily expected by a given role or skillset.

To update your familiarity with a given piece of information, trigger the Familiarity panel and click the "Indicate your level of familiarity" button, or update the existing familiarity indication. Managing familiarity expectations Setting familiarity expectations

As a leader or experienced worker, you know that there is a lot of different information which others in your organization would benefit from being familiar with. By making it more clear who is expected to be familiar with what, we can more easily ensure that the right people are exposed to the right information.

Most often the expectation of being familiar with something occurs in association with a role, meaning that we expect a person holding the role to be familiar with certain aspects of the role.

For instance, we might expect someone who is a project manager to be familiar with the responsibilities they are expected to practice, the processes they are expected to contribute to, the risks they are expected to mitigate, etc.

In other cases, we might have particular expectations of certain individuals to be familiar with a particular piece of information.

The platform supports both these use cases, by providing two ways of setting familiarity expectations both for roles and individuals.

Set familiarity expectations of a role

Setting familiarity expectations for a role consists of dictating which roles are expected to be familiar with a given piece of information.

This is the preferred method of indicating familiarity expectations, as it will ensure that both existing and future role holders will be exposed to the expectation.

In order to request familiarity via a role, add the roles you would like to be familiar with the information under the "Relevant for" section in the right column of the piece of content.


Requesting familiarity via roles does not produce any specific email notifications to role holders, but rather assumes that users are utilizing the Maintaining familiarity with expectations functionality in order to remain up-to-date with role expectations.

Set familiarity expectations of individuals

In some cases, you might want to specifically request familiarity from individuals. Use cases include information which does not require familiarity from a given role, but you still want a particular person to be familiar with it.

When you request familiarity, an email is sent to that person. The email contains a link that will take them to the relevant context where familiarity can be set.

To request individual familiarity, open the Familiarity panel, click the "Request familiarity from someone else" button and fill out the form that appears.


When the invitee changes the state of their familiarity, a new email is sent to the person who requested the familiarity notifying them of their familiarity level. Requesting familiarity updates

In some cases, you might want to specifically request that someone update their familiarity. Use cases include

  • When you want to draw attention to a particular piece of information
  • When information has changed sufficiently to warrant refamiliarization 
  • As reminders/social accountability when people have not updated their familiarity in accordance with the expectations of the organization, team or team leader.
  • When you feel like the familiarity indication of an individual does not accurately reflect their current familiarity

When you request an update to familiarity, an email is sent to that person. The email contains a link that will take them to the relevant context where familiarity can be updated.

Why requesting familiarity updates is a manually triggered process

You might wonder why requesting updates to familiarity isn't triggered automatically by the system.

The reasons for requiring individuals to trigger this manually are:

  • We are more prone to respond to requests from an actual person rather than a system (especially if that person is someone we care about, or someone who holds judgement on our performance).
  • In very busy periods, updating familiarity might not be what's most important, and having an automated system continuously nagging about this could result in the recipient slowly developing notification blindness.
  • Some organizations/teams/team leaders have come far and have high expectations when it comes to keeping familiarity updated, while others have not (yet). By triggering requests manually the requests remain more relevant and in sync with the actual expectations of the organization and its leaders.
  • It's more motivating to update familiarity when we know that a real person actually cares about or is looking to gain insight into our familiarity.

You can request familiarity from individuals in the following contexts.

Piece of information

Request missing familiarity

If you would like to request familiarity from the people who hold roles which are expected to be familiar with the information, but have not yet indicated familiarity, trigger the Familiarity panel and click the orange bell button in relation to the header "Missing familiarity from".


Request an update to familiarity

If you have made significant updates or changes to a particular expectation, it's useful to allow the people who have already indicated their familiarity to familiarize themselves with the updates.

Whenever you edit a piece of information with which people have already indicated their familiarity, you will be prompted whether or not you would like to request a familiarity update from those people.

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You can also trigger a familiarity update request manually by opening the Familiarity panel, clicking the "Request an update to familiarity" button and filling out the form that appears.

When you request an update to familiarity, an email is sent to everyone who has already indicated their familiarity requesting them to update it.


If you want to request a familiarity update from a single person, click the allipsis in association with that person and select "Request updated familiarity".

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If you would like a person to update familiarity to all the role expections with which they are not 100% aware, navigate to the focus dashboard of that person and click the orange bell button in relation to the "Training and development" heading.

The button only appears if there are role expectations with which the awareness is below 100%.


Expectations in focus

If you would like a person to update familiarity with their expectations in focus, navigate to the focus dashboard of that person and click the orange bell button in relation to the "Expectations in focus" heading.

The button only appears if there are at least 6 days since familiarity was last updated for any of the expectations.



If you would like a person to update familiarity with the expections of a specific role expectation with which they are not 100% aware, navigate to the role holder view and click the orange button with the text "Request missing familiarity".

The button only appears if there are expectations with which the role holder awareness is below 100%.

CFO.png Growing familiarity My team

As leaders and managers, one of our key responsibilities is to get the best out of our people.

In order to to so, we need to provide them with the training, priorities, and support they need in order to grow and excel in their roles and deliver their best work.

However, executing on this responsibility can pose a lot of challenges:

  • We're all busy, which can make it difficult for team members and leaders to be able to sync up and prioritize support efforts at the same time
  • Reflecting on, identifying and addressing development potential and support needs on the spot can be difficult
  • Some people require a lot of assistance while others prefer to be left alone, but everyone benefits from high-quality guidance and support

In order to make it easier to follow up with the people who report to you, the platform provides the My team support view. The goal of this view is to help you answer the question "How can I best support you?" for each of your individual team members.

You can reach the My team view by clicking the Wecomplish logo, and selecting Support Others > My team in the left column.

Support card

For each person in your team, you can find a card containing information on how to support them. Here's an example of what a card might look like:

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The card is divided into three main sections relevant for reflecting on how to best support that person:


What to expect/look for:

  • Awareness is at or close to 100%, or steadily growing (during onboarding)
  • Familiarity has been updated within the last week (click the "Familiarity" header to explore familiarity development over time)

How to act:

  • If awareness is <100% and there have been several weeks since the last familiarity update, consider clicking the "Request missing familiarity" button.


What to expect/look for:

  • The person has something to focus on
  • The person is not focused on too many things
  • The things the person is focused on reflects what you expect them to be focusing on (click the "Focus" header to explore individual focus items)


What to expect/look for:

  • The person has one or more mentors to which they can turn for guidance
  • The person is mentoring one or more people in something they are great at
  • The person is getting the assistance they have requested
  • The person masters the skillsets required by their roles Improving familiarity with insight types

Central to the use of the Wecomplish platform is understanding and contributing to the different insight types that can be stored within the platform.

As a result, whenever you're looking to improve your ability to use the platform more effectively and autonomously, it makes sense to focus on improving your familiarity with the different insight types you're expected to contribute to.

Identifying which insight types a person is expected to contribute to

To uncover which insight types you're expected to contribute to, navigate to your profile and click the "Explore" button in relation to the Platform box.


This will display the "Only mine" view of the Overview-page, meaning you will only see the insight types the given user is expected to contribute to.


Insight type expectations

The insight type a person is expected to contribute are those with a light blue background, and where you, on the right hand side, can see either an indication of current familiarity, or an indicator showing that familiarity is missing.


If the insight type is light blue, but the right hand side is empty, the person in question does not have a role in which they are expected to contribute to this information type (yet).


Read more about the Overview-page and how it works here.

How to improve familiarity with a particular insight type

To improve your familiarity with a particular insight type, click its name, bringing you to the full view of the insight type.

From here, there are several different options you can choose from in order to better understand how the insight type works.

Understand how the insight type relates to others

In order to produce a predictable structure, there are predetermined rules dictating which insight types can be stored under which, and how they can be associated with oneanother.

Read more about how the insight types relate to eachother under the subheading "Understanding the relations" on the Overview-page.

Explore examples

In the white, middle card, there is a "Content" block showing three examples of the insight type published within your organization.

Click one of the items to explore it,or click the "Browse all" button to view more examples.


Read the documentation

Reading the documentation of an insight type is a great way to better understand the intention and value of managing a given piece of insight.

Provided that the insight type has an associated documentation page, you can find it by clicking the "How to contribute" button on the white card.


Try it out yourself

When you feel like you have a conceptual overview, there's no substitute for getting your hands dirty and trying it out yourself.

You can play around with an insight type by publishing, editing and deleting it, either within on of your own teams, or by creating a sandbox team in which you can experiment with diffent insight types. Unclear expectations

One of the most common reasons why expectations are not met is because they are not properly understood.

To help identify expectations that are ambiguous, fluffy, confusing or just plain old difficult to understand, the platform implements the concept of unclear expectations.

When Indicating familiarity, the user can check the box indicating an unclear expectation.


This will result in a question mark icon appearing in relation to the familiarity indication, wherever it is visualized.

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In addition, unclear expectations are exposed in various views and context throughout the application.


To review which expectations a particular person considers unclear, navigate to that person and click the "Unclear expectations" link in the left navigation, in the "Support me" group.

This will display all the expectations marked as unclear by that person, grouped by type of information.

In order to more easily discover if a person has expectations they consider unclear, the amount of unclear expectations is displayed on their support card.



To review which expectations are unclear within a given team, navigate to that team and click the "Unclear expectations" link in the left navigation, in the "Reports" group.

This will display all the expectations belonging to that team that have been marked as unclear by one or more people.

In order to more easily discover if a team owns expectations that are considered unclear, the number of unclear expectations is displayed on the team dashboard.



To review unclear expectations at an organizational level, navigate to the organization and click the  "Structural capital" link in the left navigation, under the "Reports" group.

This will display all unclear expectations divided by team, including links to the unclear expectation report of each individual team. Expectations in focus

Most of us have lots of development potential. The indication of familiarity helps expose this fact, but can also make it feel overwhelming to get started improving ones familiarity ("Where do I start?").

In order to make the development process more tangible, better aligned with others perception of our potential and to enable us to better prioritize, the Platform uses the concept of expectations in focus.

Think of expectations in focus as providing you with a method for addressing the concept of people working with themselves in the context of a role. You can hear this referred to in day-to-day chatter as people saying "I'm working on that" or "He really needs to work on that".

With focus we can signal which specific expectations (be it a responsibility, a skill, etc) a person is expected to prioritize their development efforts towards. Put another way, we can communicate which expectations a person is expected to improve their familiarity with.

Focus can be set by the familiarity holder themselves, or by another person suggesting something that that person might benefit from focusing on.

Set focus

There are two ways in which you can set something in focus:

From the user side

To set focus on an expectation navigate to that user, make sure the "Expectations" tab is selected and click the "Add expectation" button.

This opens up a search field in which you can search for the expectation you would like to be put into focus.


From check-in

Start a check-in. When you get to the expectations step, click the "Add expectation" button.

This opens up a search field in which you can search for the expectation you would like to be put into focus.


From the expectation side

Navigate to the expectation.

If you want to set the expectation in focus for yourself, click the pin-icon to the right of the familiarity indicator. Click again to disable focus.

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If you want to set the expectation for someone else, toggle the familiarity panel and click the focus indicator corresponding with the person you want to focus on it.

Please note that this way of setting familiarity only works if the person has already indicated their familiarity. If the person has not indicated their familiarity yet, you can work around this by first setting the familiarity expectation for that individual, and then set focus on that expectation.

Focus limit

To prevent the expectation of focusing on too many things at once, a person can only have 5 expectations in focus at the same time.

If you attempt to set items in focus for a person who already has 5 items in focus, you will receive a warning and focus will not be set.

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View things in focus

In order to view which expectations a person is focused on improving, navigate to the Focus-dashboard for that person. The expectations in focused are displayed under the "Expectations" tab of the Priorities-section, which is visible below the Plans-section in the left column.

To review the focus of multiple individuals at the same time, use the Focus report.

Identifying things to put in focus

In the beginning, it can feel foreign and difficult to identify which things to put in focus. Consider using one or more of the following methods for identifying relevant expectations:

  • Select individual responsibilities or skills from the roles or skillsets you have an ambition of getting better at
  • Identify the roles with which you have the lowest familiarity and pick some of the expectations from this role in order to improve your overall comfort with the role.
  • Ask someone you trust (a leader/coworker/partner) which expectations they feel you might benefit the most from focusing on in order to improve your perceived performance.
  • Which tasks do you tend to procrastinate? In which ways do people signify frustration with your performance? Consider if the reason is expectations with which you are less familiar or comfortable.
  • Identify expectations you would not be uncomfortable delegating to someone else because they are not sufficiently clear, and use focus as a means to better describe them.

As you grow more familiar with the expectations in focus feature, so will your intuition for discovering and pinning expectations whenever you realize that there's something you would benefit from improving your familiarity with.

Maintain familiarity with things in focus

As a reminder to keep checking in with and reflecting over the expectations you have in focus, a purple play button appears at the top of your expectations in focus whenever you have one or more expectation with which you have not updated your familiarity the last 7 days.

Click the button to be taken through each pinned familiarity indication older than 7 days.

You can also use Check-in (one-on-one) to ensure that you maintain focus on both your expectations and other priorities. Notification of completed familiarity

The first time someone completes indicating familiarity with all the expectations of a specific role or a skillset, an email notification is sent out to key stakeholders.

The purpose of the notification is two-fold:

  • Recognize: Reflecting on and indicating familiarity can be mentally taxing, especially for deep thinkers. Completion of a role or a skillset is a milestone which deserves a pat on the back.
  • Understand, focus and support: Once familiarity has been completed for a role or a skillset, you now have a lot of data which you can use to better understand the comfort level of that person, where they need help and what they consider unclear. Use this information to be proactive by deciding where you could clarify expectations, provide support or put specific expectations into focus.

Who is notified?

For role familiarity completion, the following people are notified, if specified:

  • Leaders (people the person indicating familiarity reports to)
  • Role mentors
  • The person who has indicated the role as an ambition

For skillset familiarity completion, the following people are notified, if specified:

  • Skillset mentors
  • The person who has indicated the skillset as an ambition Development over time

The role list and single role view for a person includes charts indicating how that person is developing over time. In the context of the Platform, development is measured as a change in familiarity with role expectations.

There are two charts indicating changes in awareness and familiarity respectively. They are displayed at the top of the role list of a person, and at the bottom of the single role view of a person.

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Each chart has two Y (vertical) axis.

The left axis corresponds with the purple line and displays the score over time. This number is always expected to grow unless someone deletes or downgrades their familiarity.

The right axis corresponds with the green line and displays the percentage over time. This number will increase when familiarity is set/upgraded and drops when additional expectations are added to the roles assigned to that person. Mentorship

We could all benefit some guidance and well-meaning nudges in order to progress in our roles and better master a skillset. And it's not neccessarily always our leader who is the best fit for this job.

To produce this type of social support and accountability, the platform implements the concept of mentors.

Mentor/mentee relationship

A mentor is someone who aims to provide someone else (the mentee) with intellectual and emotional support in an attempt to improve their understanding of and familiarity with a given role or skillset.

In order for the mentor/mentee relationship to work properly there needs to be an awareness of the relationship and regular communication between the two parties.

A mentor is responsible for helping the mentee, by:

  • Learning them the ropes (bring them along/include them when relevant)
  • Sharing best practices into how to best execute a given responsibility or skill that the mentee finds challenging.
  • Functioning as an accountability buddy (holding them accountable for improving)
  • Review and act on Notification of completed familiarity

In turn, the mentee should:

  • Ensure regular communication with the mentor
  • Convert mentor insight into insight reusable for other role/skillset holders

Assign a mentor

A mentor can be allocated to any specific role or skillset assignment of a person.

To assign a mentor, select the role/skillset in the training context of a given user and select a mentor in the right hand column.


If you check the box "Send notification", an email will be sent to the mentor notifying them of the mentorship  expectation and linking them to this documentation in order to improve their awareness of the mentorship concept.

A list of the roles and skillsets a person is mentoring others in is availble under the Mentorships menu item. 


Request assistance from a mentor

If you require outside assistance in order to improve your familiarity with something, check the "Request mentor assistance" checkbox when indicating familiarity.


This will result in a life ring icon appearing in relation to your familiarity indication, wherever it is visualized.

Mentors can easily see which mentees require assistance (and for which expectations) from their mentorship overview.


Review mentor assignments

For roles invested in making sure that there exists an network of mentors to help and produce accountability (CEO/insight manager/training and development manager), there exists an overall mentorships report. The report is only accessible to platform admins.

To view the report, go to Organization > Report > Mentorships.

Here's an example of a report:

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Use the report to ensure that:

  • The roles of mentor and mentee are evenly devided
  • Everyone/most people has someone who they help/are accountable for
  • Everyone/most people has someone who helps them/holds them accountable Familiarity cache

In order to make sure that familiarity data is presented quickly, and to report on Development over time, a persons awareness and familiarity with roles is cached. The cache means that a persons familiarity with roles does not have to be calculated with each page load.

The cache is used the following places:

  • The list of roles in the right colum of the Focus dashboard
  • The list of roles in the right column of the Roles list of a person
  • The Role familiarity report

Automatic rebuilding of cache

The cache is automatically rebuilt when:

  • Someone updates their familiarity
  • Someone is removed from a role
  • Someone is added to a role

Manual rebuilding of cache

There are cases where the cache can grow outdated. Most commonly this happens when new expectations are added, and none of the automatic triggers for cache rebuilding has occured since.

Outdated cache can most easily be recognized on the Roles-list of a person, where the left column list of roles is uncached, and the right column list is cached.

If you suspect that the cache is outdated for a given person, you can manually trigger an update of the cache by clicking the refresh icon in the right column of the Focus-dashboard, or in the Role familiarity report.

Mouse_Highlight_Overlay.png Roles and responsibilities

Using the functionality for roles and responsibilities you can clearly communicate and manage

  • Which people hold which roles and the state of the individual role assignments
  • Which responsibilities a particular role entails
  • How often responsibilies are expected to be addressed and actually set aside time to address them
  • Insight relevant for managing each responsibility in accordance with expectations and best practices
  • Which responsibilities are unmanaged

Roles are intended to function as living, up-to-date job descriptions which gradually evolve as the role holder and organization in general learns more about what the responsibilities should entail and how to operationalize them.

By making proactive use of the role functionality, roles and responsibilities are easily redistributable as the organization grows and adapts.

Here's an example of how a role might appear:

Skjermbilde 2022-01-18 kl. 15.43.00.png Create a new role

Roles are created in the context of a team. To create a role, click the plus icon in the upper, right corner and select "Role", or use the keyboard shortcut "r".

4632.png Assign a role to someone

You can assign a role to a person by navigating to that Person > Roles and adding the role.

You can also assign a person to a role by navigating to the role in question and add the person as a role holder. The effect of assigning a role to a person and a person to a role is the same.

The remainder of this documentation is focused on assigning roles to a person.

Assigning a role to a person

When assigning roles to a person, you can either select from the list of pre-existing roles, or have a new role created.

Create a new role

If you type in the name of a role which does not already exist, the role is created for you. If your organization consists of multiple teams, you will be prompted to select the team which is expected to maintain the role.

Selecting a pre-existing role

In order to select a pre-existing role, start typing into the role name field in order to get an autocomplete list of existing roles matching your query within your organization.

To see all roles,  click the "Browse all" link in the right corner to expand the available role options. This expands not only the list of roles within your own organization, but also the roles that publicly available within the Wecomplish Library.

Role assignment states

The following states are available for the role assignment:

  • Suggested
  • Evaluating
  • Intended
  • Rejected
  • Onboarding
  • Practicing
  • Operational
  • Offboarding

You can see all your own roles and their current state by selecting the view of you role, or see all the roles of a coworker by searching for that user which will bring you to their role page. Manage skillset expectations

If the role assumes certains skillsets in order to comply with quality expectations and regulations, you can add skillset expectations to the role.

To add a skillset expected of a role, navigate either to the role in question and add the skillset expected:


...or navigate to the skillset in question and add the role which expects it:


When adding a skillset expectation, you are asked to select the minimum level of proficiency expected. Hover over the question marks to get a detailed explanation of how each proficiency level is defined.


Once you are done specificing which skillset you expect of which roles, and at which level, use Skillsets with insufficient proficiency to collect information about how well someone masters a skillset and identify where people need to improve. Responsibilities Manage responsibilities

Responsibilities are primarly managed in the context of a role. If you're not sure who holds (or should hold) the responsibility, you can create an unmanaged responsibility directly on the team.

Each responsibility has a given frequency (or alternatively "ongoing") explaining the expectation of how often the responsibility should be adressed.

The responsibilities are grouped by category when displayed. Here's an excerpt of the list of responsibilities from the team leader role:

Skjermbilde 2022-01-18 kl. 15.41.35.png Recurring allocation of responsibilities

Assigning someone to a role does not automatically ensure that the associated responsibilities are adhered to. People are busier than ever, so unless a responsibility has been properly automated as default behaviour, it can quickly be forgotten.

Use recurring allocations to make sure that a given individual has reserved time for a given responsibility.

The avatars in the list of responsibilities indicate which users (if any) that have recurring allocations for a given responsibility.


Click into the responsibility to see details of the associated recurring allocations. Best practices Keeping roles and responsibilities market/country neutral

For organizations expected to grow into new markets and countries, it makes sense to reuse roles and responsibilities across different markets/countries.

In order to be able to do this, you should aim to maintain market/country neutral roles, and rather indicate country/market as a part of the team in which the role is assigned.

Here is an example of a role that is market/country specific:

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And here is that same role, reorganized to be market/country neutral:

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This example applies specifically to roles and responsibilities, but the same goes for skillsets, processes and other types of structural capital that might be relevant to reuse in different markets/geographical locations. Categorizing responsibilities

As roles and their associated responsibilities grow in size, the amount of responsibilities can make it more difficult to gain an overview of the role and, as a result, maintain role clarity.

To preserve role clarity of a growing role you can categorize the responsibilities that naturally fit togheter. Categorizing a responsibility is done by clicking the name of the responsibility and managing the categories in the right column.


The result of categorizing responsibilities with the same category is that the appear together in the list of responsibilities.

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In the context of role familiarity, categorizing responsibilities has the added value of accumulating familiarity pr category. By selecting "Familiarity" in the dropdown and clicking "Collapse categories", you can more easily analyze which categories of responsibilities a role holder is more and less comfortable with.

Team_leader.png Skillsets

Ferdighetssett (skillsets) hjelper teamet å få oversikt over hva man forventes å kunne for å levere effektivt i en eller flere roller på teamet, og hvilke personer som besitter hvilke ferdighetssett.


Ferdighetssett er en samlebetegnelse på et sett med ferdigheter som gjør at man ville svart "ja" når noen spør deg om du kan ferdighetssettet.

"Føre regnskap" og "Spille gitar" er eksempler på ferdighetssett.

Legge til et ferdighetssett

For å legge til et ferdighetssett, gå til teamet hvor ferdigheten forventes, velg "Kompetanse" i menyen og trykk på "Nytt ferdighetssett".

Personer som mestrer et ferdighetssett

For å se personer som mestrer et ferdighetssett, klikk deg inn på ferdighetssettet.

Her kan du se alle som mestrer ferdighetssettet, sortert kronologisk etter når de begynte å praktisere ferdighetssettet.

For å legge til flere personer som mestrer ferdighetssettet, trykk på "Legg til person", søk opp personen det gjelder og angi når vedkommende begynte å praktisere.

Du kan se alle ferdighetssettene en person mestrer ved å trykke på vedkommendes navn i listen over personer, eller ved å søke opp vedkommende og velge "Kompetanse" i navigasjonen. Skillsets and skills as a concept


A skillset is something that someone can be considered proficient in (aka "good at"). Playing guitar is a skillset. The same is Cold calling a prospective client.

In order to identify if something is a skillset, try asking the following questions:

  • Does it make sense to refer to someone as being really good at [skillset]?
  • Do I have particular expectations of role holders mastering the skillset on a certain level of proficiency?

If the answer to at least one of the above questions is "yes", then you are probably dealing with a skillset.


Skillsets are broken down into the particular skills on is expected to be able to perform/know in order to be considered proficient in the skill. Skills can be broken down into subskills where neccessary.

In the context of the Playing guitar skillset, skill examples might include

  • I can tune the guitar
  • I know the most common chords
  • I can read sheet music
  • I can play the guitar using different techniques
    • I know common strumming patterns
    • I know common fingerpicking patterns
  • etc...

Distinction from resembling information types

Skillsets are sometimes confused with the closely resembling information types skills and policies.

Here's how to think about these three information types in order to better distinguish between them.


Describes expected proficiency/level of mastery. Collection of singular skills.


Describes a singular ability one is expected to be familiar with in order to be considered proficient in the parent skillset.


Describes expected behaviour. Skillsets with insufficient proficiency

When associating a skillset with a role, you can select which level of proficiency is expected of the role holder.

This makes the platform able to expose which the skillsets in which a person has insufficient proficiency, based on their roles.

Information about insufficient proficiency can be used to:

  • Communicate to an individual where their roles require them to improve
  • Better understand how well someone perceive themselves to master something
  • Identify, on a team level, where we have the larges discrepancies between expected and actual mastery

To get to the insufficient proficiency view for an individual, navigate to that individuals Focus dashboard and click the "Unmastered" indicator in the right column.


To get to the insufficient proficiency view for a team, navigate to that team and click the "Unmastered" menu item in the left column.

How to read the view

Person report

The report displays all the skillsets insufficiently mastered by the individual, grouped by the roles expecting them.

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For each skillset you can see the expected proficiency on the left, and the current proficiency on the right. You can also see by whom the current proficiency has been set.

If no proficiency is set yet, a purple "Indicate proficiency" button is displayed. Click it in order to indicate proficiency.

The list only includes the skillsets in which the person is insufficiently proficient. Once a sufficient proficiency-level is set, the skillset is removed from the view.

Team report

The report displays all the skillsets insufficiently mastered by the role holders of the roles owned by the team.

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For each skillset you can see the expected proficiency on the left, and the status of the current proficiency on the right.

The current proficiency is broken down into three numbers:

  • Level difference: Many many levels are there between the expected level of proficiency and the current one. The higher the number, the larger the deviation between the expected and actual know-how of the team. The skillsets are sorted from the highest to the lowest level differrence.
  • Unmastered: The amount of role holders who do not master this skillset proficiently.
  • Unspecified proficiency: The people for which there has not been set a specific proficiency. If this number is high, you can not trust the other numbers to accurately reflect the actual situation.

How to decide on the right proficiency

People take a lot of pride in what they know, which means that dictating proficiency can sometimes be a delicate process.

We recommend that two people sit down together to discuss and set proficiency for a person. Ideally these two people are the one who is expected to master the skillsets, and a person who has observed them practicing the skillsets.

This enables a discussion around which level of proficiency the role holder is currently at.

In cases of disagreement on proficiency, calibrate yourself towards the familiarity indicated by that person. You can see the familiarity of the skillset by clicking the name of the skillset. Here are some guidelines for how to align proficiency with familiarity:

  • Intended: No familiarity
  • Foundational: 0 - 35% familiarity
  • Novice: 35% - 50% familiarity
  • Intermediate: 50% - 75% familiarity
  • Advanced: 75% - 90% familiarity
  • Expert: 90% - 100% familiarity Copy a skillset

To copy a skillset, click the edit-button in the upper right corner and select Copy.

Skillsets can be copied to a different team. If you want to copy a skillset to a different organization, your user needs access to both the organization currently holding the skillset, and the destination organization.

When skillsets are copied, it's the skillset and underlying skills that are copied. Associated content like roles expected to master the skill or content related to a particular skill is not copied. Ambitions

In the platform, ambitions represent people's overall and long-term desires to get better and produce more value.

Working towards our ambitions should give us a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, and make us better at practicing the roles we would like to hold, both now and in the future.

Compared to the concept of objectives, which are team-specific, ambitions are personal, meaning they relate to an individual's growth and development potential.

Compared to the concept of Expectations in focus, ambitions are more holistic, less granular and are expected to take longer to develop. Picking specific expectations in focus from ambitions is, however, one concrete way of working towards an ambition.

How it works

The ambitions of someone can be associated with

  • A role they would like to get better at/grow into (or even hand over to someone else), or
  • A skillset they belive will make them more well-functioning and able to deliver better value

You set something as an ambition by clicking the seedling indicator near the current state og the role or skillset assignment in question.


Setting an ambition can be done from the following views:


  • The list of roles for a person
  • The list of role holders when viewing a role


  • The list of skillsets not mastered proficiently by a person (aka Unmastered)
  • The list of skillsets of a person
  • The list of people mastering a skillset when viewing a skillset
  • The list of skills a role holder is expected to be familiar with

If you set something as an ambition of someone else, you will receive a Notification of completed familiarity.

When setting something as an ambition, it is displayed in the on the Ambitions tab of the priorities widget on the Focus-dashboard.

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The view includes the roles and skillsets set as ambitions, including their current state and their mentors (if any). Evaluations

As leaders, we have a responsibility to identify and communicate to our team what well-functioning looks like, and evaluate how well each individuall stacks up to those expectations and best practices.

To help leaders practice this responsibility, the platform provides the Evaluation information type.

Evaluations helps us reflect, learn, understand and make better decisions by collecting people's opinions on how someone currently stacks up, and to which extent they are expected to be able to improve.

The platform supports the evaluation of people and their ability to master and improve in practicing different roles, skillsets and values.

Some use cases of evaluations include:

  • Hiring
    • Evaluating potential hires in the context of the values, roles and skillsets that are a prerequisite for employment.
  • Onboarding
    • Evaluating new hires in the context of organizational values and their inteded roles near the end of their probation period.
  • People development
    • Evaluating existing team members in the hard and soft skills that would make them more well-functioning in their roles.
    • Self-evaluation of ones own ability to master roles currently held or intended for the future. Assessments

When we are looking to grow and develop ourselves or others, there's potentially an infinite number of places we could start.

This can present some issues:

  • How do we avoid growing overwhelmed with options, which in turn can keep us from getting started?
  • How do we avoid wasting precious development efforts on something that is considered of low impact or importance by either ourselves or the ones around us?
  • How we identify what should be our top priority, and avoid focusing on too many things at once (thereby diluting our progress in any one area)?

To cut down on the number of options and better identify where our potential is the greatest, the platform uses the concept of assessments.

An assessment is a high-level, opinionated perception of how well someone masters something (i.e a role or a skillset), and how impactful we would expect it to be if they were given the proper development opportunities and applied themselves.

Assessments are meant to help people systematically collect input on potential from both themselves and others, and use that information to prioritize their development efforts.

Why you might want to use assessments

Use cases for assessments include:

  • People development
    • Build awareness, reflect on and identify your own biggest potential for improvement
    • Crowdsource input from others (friends/familiy/team members/leaders/mentors) on what they consider to be you biggest improvement potential (as an input into identifying our ambitions). In other words: Granting people permission to tell you how you suck.
    • Identify the basis for a custom management or talent development program
  • Hiring and firing
    • Assessments and self-assessment in the context of recruiting (i.e. the people skills of a leader), and have that assessment follow over into the employment relationship for accountability and further development efforts
    • Assess new hires at the end of their probition period
    • Assess someone who is thought not to be working out very well
  • Motivation
    • Identify High Potentials (HiPos) within an organization
    • Let people know that their high performance (and potential) isn't going unnoticed

Separating assessments from similar concepts

Assessments bear some resemblance to other, neighbouring development concepts, like ambitions, familiarity and proficiency. Here's how assessments differ from:

  • Ambitions: Like ambitions, assessments are holistic, focusing on high level development like roles and skillsets. Unlike ambitions, assessments only point to potential areas of improvement, whereas an ambition signals a concrete decision for someone to improve within something.
  • Proficiency: Like proficiency, assessments reflect an opinion on level of mastery. Unlike proficiency, assessments provide a subjective and opinionated view on performance as seen from the perspective of the assessor, whereas proficiency is a person's company agreed upon level of mastery within a given skillset.
  • Familiarity: Like familiarity, assessments can be used for self-evaluation and self-reflection. Unlike familiarity, assessments are more high level, allowing a person to identify in which areas (roles and skillsets) they have the most potential for improvement, before diving in and investing more time in indicating familiarity. Calculation of potential

During an assessment, the person doing the assessing is asked to evaluate someone's current performance and the expected impact of improvement if that person were given the proper development opportunities and applied themselves.

Based on these two primary factors, the system calculates a person's potential. The calculation looks like this:

Potential = Impact + (Impact - Performance)

The different performance and impact options are assigned the following values in the calculation:

  • Performance
    • Poor: 0
    • Moderate: 1
    • Well: 2
    • Outstanding: 3
  • Impact
    • None: 0
    • Limited: 1
    • Moderate: 2
    • High: 3

Here's are a couple of calculation examples:

Someone's is considered to be performing Well (2) in a role, with a Limited (1) improvement impact. Their potential is calculated as 1 + (1 - 2) = 0.

Another person is considered to be Moderate (1) in a particular skillset, with a High (3) improvement impact. Their potential is calculates as 3 + (3 - 1) = 5.

To assign meaning to the outout of the calculation, they resulting scores are grouped into the following labels:

  • -3 - 1: No potential
  • 0 - 2: Limited potential
  • 3 - 4: Moderate potential
  • 5 - 6: High potential Platform assessments Performance Objectives and key results (OKR)

The setting and measuring of goals in the Wecomplish platform is built around the universal goal-setting framework OKR.

OKR us short for Objectives and Key Results and is a methodology ideal for defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes in agile teams.

An OKR is made up of an objective - a clearly defined goal - and specific measures used to track the achievement of that goal. The goal of OKR is to define how to achieve objectives through concrete, specific and measurable actions.

Here's an example of what an OKR looks like in Wecomplish:

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Create an objective

Objectives are managed in the context of a team to promote aligning OKRs with the teams purpose. To create a new objective, navigate to the team and select OKR in the left hand side navigation or use quick create.

Objective states

The objective can be in one of the following states:

  • Suggested: Someone has suggested that this is an objective we might benefit from focusing on at some point.
  • Planning: We have started work on describing and planning how to achieve this objective.
  • Focusing: We are currently focused on achieving this objective.
  • Pending: The objective has been temporarily put on hold.
  • Archived: The objective has been archived, either due to it having been met, or due to it no longer being considered relevant.


By adding initiatives you raise awareness of how work is associated with objectives as well as increase the likelihood of work actually being aligned with objectives.

Initiatives can be pre-existing projects or tasks defined in the platform. Items added as initiatives display their related objectives on the reverse side.

Owner, responsible and contributor

By adding an owner, responsible and contributors you make it clear who is expected to hold which role in the achievement of the objective. 

The people you add you add will see their objectives, grouped by their role, in their "Planned work" view.

Skjermbilde 2021-05-23 kl. 09.13.23.png Key results

By adding key results you make it more clear how the team plans to measure the achievement of the objective.

Each key result has a current and target performance expectation, making it clear and measurable to which extent objectives are met.

The OKR methodology comes with the following recommendations for key results:

  • Create 3 - 5 key results pr objective, preferably balancing each other to ensure that when one indicator improves, another one doesn't worsen.
  • Key result targets are meant to be ambitious and force the team to re-evaluate how they work, not just shift gears. Targets are considered ideal when the average fulfillment is 60 - 70%.

Tracking progress on key results

The platform suports tracking progress on key results, so that we can more easily follow how close we are to achieving the result.

Progress is typically reported by the person responsible for the objective, making it easily available to all other objective stakeholders.

To track progress on a key result, click the key result and then click the green plus-icon in relation to the Progress-header. Progress is indicated by a percentage of the target for the key result (aka fulfillment).


When viewing an objective, the list of key results includes a progress bar of the most recent progress indication.

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Sorting key results

Key results can be manually sorted in the order you would like. This can be useful if the nature of the objective makes is natural to tackle one key result at a time, in a specific order.

Click and drag the hamburger-icon on the rigth-hand side of a key result in order to give it its preferred priority. Related objectives

Objectives come in different shapes and sizes. Some are high-level and long-lasting (aka North Star Objectives), whereas others are more concrete, shorter lived and exist primarily to impact higher level objectives.

For instance, a product team objective of improving self-service abilitites and a sales team objective of closing x deals within the quarter might both be designed to impact a higher level Annual Recurring Revenue objective.

Ideally, any objectives we set out to accomplish can somehow be associated with on or a select few top level objectives.

In order to better understand how objectives are meant to impact eachother, the platform allows for relating objectives to other objectives they are expected to impact.

Relating objectives

Relating objectives is done under the "Related objectives" section in the right column of an objective.

When relating objectives you decide if you want to relate objectives that are:

  • Impacted by this objective (meaning higher level objectives)
  • Impacting this objective (meaning lower level objectives)

If you are looking to break down a big and unmanagable objective into smaller objectives that can be more easily managed, the Sub objectives function might be a better fit.

Viewing related objectives

To view all active, related objectives across the entire organization, check out Organizational objectives. Sub objectives

Some objectives are too big to tackle on their own, or for any one person to be responsible for. In order to break more complex objectives into smaller, more managable objectives, use the sub objectives. Sub objectives allow you to create a hierarchy of objectives however deep you would like.

If you are looking to break up a high level objective into more concrete objectives managed by different teams, the Related objectives function might be a better fit. Organizational objectives

The Organizational objectives overview allows us to:

  • Get an overview of the objectives the organization is currently focused on, and how they tie together
  • Single out objective orphans (objectives not designed to impact strategic, higher-level objectives)
  • Allow for a team to better understand how their specific objectives fit into the objectives for the entire organization

The report displays all objectives across all teams that are either in the planning or focusing stage.

The report takes Related objectives into account, indenting objectives that impact eachother under eachother. The top level objectives (after taking related objectives into account) are grouped by team.

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The right column includes a team-navigation displaying which teams own how many objectives in the current view. By clicking on the team name, the objectives owned by that particular team light up.

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Ensuring proper objective relations

Ideally, every active team objective is tied to a more high-level objective on the organizational level. You should therefore strive to have only the team representing the organization appear as a group in the left column.

If you have multiple team groups appear, it might be an indication that the impact of those objectives on  higher level objectives are poorly understood, or worse yet, that the objective is not designed to impact a higher level objective (in which case it should probably be abandoned). KPI

KPI-er (Key Performance Indicators) er indikatorer som vi er opptatt av hvordan presterer, og som vi handler på når prestasjonen faller utenfor det vi definerer som et akseptabelt intervall. KPI typer

En KPI type er en type viktig forventning med logiske regler knyttet til seg som lar systemet automatisk samle informasjon om KPIens prestasjon. Unntaket er KPI typen "Manuell" hvor prestasjon må legges inn manuelt.

Se underlagte artikler for informasjon om de enkelte KPI typene. Hastighet på budsjettforbruk

Måler andelen (i prosent) av timene brukt for et budsjett.

Følgende informasjon overstyres automatisk for KPI-typen (og innhentes derfor ikke):

  • Enhet: Automatisk satt til %
  • Mål: Beregnes automatisk basert på et jevnt forbruk av budsjettet mellom budsjettets første og siste leveransedato
  • Intervall relativt ift mål: Automatisk satt til "på"
  • Lave tall er positivt: Automatisk satt til "av"

Følgende informasjon innhentes i tillegg til øvrige KPI-er:

  • Budsjett: Hvilke budsjett som KPI-en skal måle forbruket for. Søkefunksjon basert på alle aktive budsjett. Estimat vs budsjett

Måler hvordan resten av det pessimistiske estimatet for et prosjekt presterer ift rest budsjett (for å vurdere om budsjettet vil strekke til).

Følgende informasjon overstyres automatisk for KPI-typen (og innhentes derfor ikke):

  • Enhet: Automatisk satt til timer
  • Mål: Beregnes automatisk basert på resterende realistisk estimat for prosjektet
  • Intervall relativt ift måltall: Automatisk satt til "av"
  • Nedre akseptabelt intervall: Automatisk satt til 0
  • Øvre akseptabelt intervall: Automatisk satt til resterende pessimistisk estimat
  • Lave tall er positivt: Automatisk satt til "på"

Følgende informasjon innhentes i tillegg til øvrige KPI-er:

  • Budsjett: Hvilket prosjekts budsjett * som KPI-en skal måle estimater og resterende budsjett. Søkefunksjon basert på alle aktive budsjett. Prosjektframdrift

Måler andelen (i prosent) av oppgavene i et prosjekt som er utført, basert på oppgavenes estimat.

Følgende informasjon overstyres automatisk for KPI-typen (og innhentes derfor ikke):

  • Enhet: Automatisk satt til %
  • Mål: Beregnes automatisk basert på et jevnt forbruk av budsjettet mellom budsjettets første og siste leveransedato
  • Intervall relativt ift mål: Automatisk satt til "på"
  • Lave tall er positivt: Automatisk satt til "av"

Følgende informasjon innhentes i tillegg til øvrige KPI-er:

  • Budsjett: Hvilket prosjekts budsjett * som KPI-en skal måle fremdrift for. Søkefunksjon basert på alle aktive budsjett.

Årsaken til at man velger budsjett og ikke prosjekt som relasjon er at det er budsjettet som holder på første og siste leveransedato, som trengs for å beregne forventet fremdrift. Registrerte observasjoner/antall timer

Teller antallet observasjoner en bruker har registrert manuelt i rapportperioden, og deler disse på antallet timer arbeidstid ført i samme periode. Arbeidstid er tid med en av følgende lønnsarter:

  • Ordinær arbeidstid
  • Overtid
  • Overtid: Support videreformidling (1t pr enhet)
  • Overtid: Support håndtering (hhv 1/2 og 1t)

Brukeren velges ved å søke opp vedkommendes navn i feltet "Owner" når man oppretter KPI-en. Work in progress

Beregner automatisk work in progress (på tidspunktet hvor rapporten opprettes) for en bruker ved å legge sammen realistiske estimater for oppgaver som er åpne, som har nådd implementering eller lenger, og som brukeren har ansvaret for.

Brukeren velges ved å søke opp vedkommendes navn i feltet "Owner" når man oppretter KPI-en. Manuell

Typen Manuell har ingen spesiell logikk knyttet til seg og forutsetter at du beregner KPI-prestasjonen på egen hånd.

Følgende felter nyttegjøres:

  • Navn: KPI-ens navn
  • Enhet: I hvilken enhet prestasjonen måles (f.eks. %, stk, timer, etc)
  • Mål: Måltallet som KPI-prestasjonen søker å treffe
  • Intervall relativt ift mål: Hvorvidt de nedre og øvre akseptable intervallet er absolutt eller relativt ift måltallet. Dersom intervallet er relativt regnes nedre og øvre akseptable intervall om til absolutte verdier når KPI-rapporten produseres
  • Nedre akseptable intervall: Den laveste akseptable prestasjonen. Prestasjoner lavere enn dette vil automatisk produsere en observasjon.
  • Øvre akseptable intervall: Den høyeste akseptable prestasjonen. Prestasjoner høyere enn dette vil automatisk produsere en observasjon.
  • Lave tall er positivt: Hvorvidt lavere prestasjoner er mer positive enn høye (eksempelvis kostnader)
  • Kildebeskrivelse: Hjelpetekst som forteller hvor man kan innhente data om prestasjonen. Vises ved opprettelse av rapporten
  • Forslag til tiltak ved mangelfull prestasjon: Legg inn forslag til tiltakene som kan vurderes når KPI-en presterer utenfor akseptabelt intervall. Forslagene vil vises på KPI-ens prestasjonsside (dersom prestasjonen er utenfor akseptabelt intervall) og i observasjonen som automatisk opprettes.
  • Forelder KPI: Hvilken annen KPI denne KPI-en hierarkisk sorterer under KPI prestasjon

Du kan se prestasjonen for en KPI ved å klikke deg inn på den relevante KPI-gruppen, og deretter inn på den aktuelle KPI-en.

  • Bullet graph: KPI-ens prestasjon gjengitt i bullet graph form
  • Notater for perioden: Her kan vedkommende som er ansvarlig for rapporten notere seg tanker om/begrunnelse for KPI-ens prestasjon.
  • Historisk utvikling: Hvordan KPI-en har prestert de siste 12 måneder (eller så langt bakover som det finnes data). Blå linje angir mål, blått område angir akseptabelt intervall, orange linje angir faktisk ytelse
  • Sammenligning med andre perioder: Hvordan KPI-en har prestert denne perioden sammenlignet med andre perioder.
  • Sammenligning med mål: Hvordan tidligere KPI-en tidligere har prestert sammenlignet med mål
  • Avvik fra forventing: Observasjoner tilknyttet prestasjon utenfor akseptabelt intervall eller andre avvik fra forventning. Legg inn en ny prestasjon

For å opprette en ny prestasjon for et sett med KPI-er, trykk på "Ny rapport" øverst til høyre inne på KPI-gruppen som inneholder KPI-ene du ønsker å legge inn prestasjoner for.

Dersom prosjektet eller KPI gruppen består utelukkende av automatiske KPI typer vil prestasjoner legges inn automatisk og "Ny rapport" lenken vises ikke. KPI grupper

KPI-er organiseres i KPI grupper. En KPI gruppe er en samling med KPI-er som har en sammenheng, og som rapporteres på med samme frekvens. En rapport er en gjengivelse av KPI-enes faktiske prestasjon for en gitt periode.

I listevisning gjengis KPI-gruppen med gruppens navn, samt navn og helhetlig prestasjon på siste rapport. Helhetlig prestasjon gjenspeiles med en prikk med en farge, som signaliserer følgende:

  • Grønn: Alle KPI-prestasjonen er innenfor akseptabelt intervall
  • Blå: Alle KPI-prestasjonene er innenfor akseptabelt intervall, eller utenfor akseptabelt intervall men i positiv favør
  • Rød: Minst en av KPI-prestasjonene er utenfor akseptabelt intervall, i negativ favør
  • Grå: Minst en av KPI-prestasjonene mangler akseptabelt intervall

En KPI gruppe kan ha en bestiller, en produsent og en ansvarlig. Mine KPI-er gjengir KPI-ene man har en eller flere roller. Prestasjoner utenfor akseptabelt intervall

For KPI-er som presterer utenfor akseptabelt intervall opprettes det automatisk en observasjon.

Dersom KPI gruppen har en bestiller og en ansvarlig settes bestiller som observasjonens innmelder og ansvarlig som observasjonens ansvarlig.

Dersom roller ikke er definert for KPI gruppen settes rapportutformer som innmelder når rapporten opprettes.

Dersom observasjonen har en ansvarlig settes observasjonen direkte til Ny, hvis ikke settes den til Kartlegges.

Observasjoner som ikke automatisk får en ansvarlig settes til kundeansvarlig for teamet. Accomplishments

Prestasjoner (aka Accomplishments) er ting du føler du selv eller noen andre har fått til.

På "Mine prestasjoner" siden ser du prestasjonene du er en bidragsyter til, sortert synkende etter når de ble opprettet.


Du kan velge for hvilket datointervall du ønsker å se prestasjoner. Standard datointervall er inneværende uke.


Prestasjoner støtter Kommentarer. Opprette en prestasjon

Gå til Meg > Prestasjon > Prestasjoner > "Ny prestasjon" eller nyttegjør Add new information. Bidragsytere

En prestasjon kan knyttes til flere bidragsytere. Når du oppretter en prestasjon blir du automatisk lagt til som bidragsyter.

Du kan se andre brukeres prestasjoner ved å søke opp brukerens navn og velge "Prestasjoner".

Når du legger til en annen person som bidragsyter vil denne personen bli gjort oppmerksom på prestasjonen i form av et varsel til innboksen. How we work Health checks

Checking in with stuff is a big part of management, collaborating, achieving goals and operating an organization in general.

Nearly all teams develop some sort of check-in scheduele over time to ensure that things run smoothly.

Check-ins help us:

  • Short term
    • Identify and address friction and blockers
    • Exchange relevant information and sync up around priorities
    • Avoid tunnel vision and misunderstandings
  • Medium term
    • Ensure that we are on track (or manage expectations if we're not)
    • Offer support and accountability
  • Long term
    • Stop up, zoom out and reflect on the path taken, and the road ahead

Some check-in patterns that commonly develop in teams over time are:

  • Daily check-in with personal progress and obstacles (i.e. daily standups)
  • Weekly check-in with projects
  • Monthly check-in with overall progress
  • Quarterly check-in with high-level objectives
  • Yearly check-in with employee engagement and development 

Check-ins as meetings

Commonly, check-ins are organized as meetings amongst team members. This may or may not result in an effective check-in.

It all depends on whether:

  • The purpose of the meeting is clear to everyone
  • The agenda is focused and effective in uncovering relevant information
  • Stuff from previous check-ins can easily be resurfaced in order to hold people accountable to their commitments

To help alleviate these potential pitfalls, the platform supports health checks.

Health checks allow you to organize and share your thinking around who should check in with what, why, at which intervals and how. Health checks also allow you and your team to log actual check-ins with a health check, making it easier to share the information uncovered, agreements made, as well as ensuring that the health checks are actually being conducted.


Each health check is broken down into perspectives. Perspectives are the different aspects you want to look at when checking the health of something.

For instance, if the focus of a health check is projects, some relevant perspectives might include:

  • Budget (are we over or under?)
  • Deadlines (are we meeting them?)
  • Progress (are we ahead or behind scheduele?)
  • Blockers (what's keeping us from moving ahead?)

For each perspective, you can share insight around which data to review and which questions to ask in order to best evaluate the perspective. Policies

Policies are a great way of sharing and aligning preferred team behaviour.

A policy consists of

  • Summary: A shortened version of the intention of the expected behaviour
  • Purpose: Why the policy needs to exist
  • Why: The advantages of doing things this way, or which problems we avoid.
  • How: A detailed description of how to think and behave in order to comply with the policy

Add a new policy

In order to add a new policy, use the quick create functionality or navigate to the relevant team, select Policies and click the green plus icon.


Policies can be categorized in order to group similar policies together. Policies are grouped by their categories when displayed in the context of the team.

Relevant for

Linking policies to roles help ensure that people remain familiar with relevant behavioural expectations as the organization grows and policies adapt.

Linking a policy to a role is what ensures that the policy appears in the training view for that role.

State of policy

A policy can have one of the the following states:

  • Draft
  • Pending review
  • Active
  • Retired

The current stat of the policy is displayed to the right of the policy title. Sjekklister

Sjekklister er den etablerte/offisielle måten å gjøre noe på.

Sjekklister knyttes til et team og består av et hierarki av deloppgaver som kan påføres nye eller eksisterende oppgaver.

Tilgang til sjekklister

Teamets sjekklister er som et utgangspunkt kun tilgjengelig for brukere som har tilgang til teamet.

Unntaket er dersom du har valgt å Gjøre en sjekkliste tilgjengelig i biblioteket. Create a checklist

You may use the quick create functionality or navigate to the relevant team, select Checklist in the left menu and click the green plus icon in the up-right corner. Oppgaver i sjekklister

Opprette en ny oppgave

Oppretting av nye oppgaver i en sjekkliste fungerer på samme måte som oppretting av nye deloppgaver.

Endre en oppgaves plassering

Du kan endre en oppgaves plassering i oppgavehierarkiet ved å dra og slippe oppgaven til ønsket plassering. Dersom du ønsker å plassere en oppgave dypere i oppgavehierarkiet, klikk på tallet som indikerer antallet underlagte oppgaver for å å åpne opp det relevante hierarkiet.

Slette en oppgave

  1. Klikk på oppgavens navn for å gå inn på oppgaven
  2. Klikk på pilen som peker nedover i tilknytning til oppgavens tittel
  3. Trykk på "Slett"

Redigere en oppgaves tittel

  1. Klikk på oppgavens navn for å gå inn på oppgaven
  2. Klikk på pilen som peker nedover i tilknytning til oppgavens tittel
  3. Trykk på "Rediger" Informasjon om oppgaver (meta data)

Vi kaller informasjon om oppgaver i sjekklister for meta data. Meta data er informasjon du ønsker at enten skal kopieres inn i oppgaven når sjekklisten opprettes, eller på en annen måte hensyntas når sjekklisten påføres.

Typer metadata

Oppgaver i sjekklister støtter følgende typer metadata:


Personen du ønsker skal tildeles oppgaven når sjekklisten påføres.


En beskrivelse du ønsker kopiert inn som oppgavebeskrivelse når sjekklisten påføres.


Signalisering av at en oppgave er blokkert av en annen. Når sjekklisten påføres vil blokkerne knyttes mellom oppgavene som opprettes.


Et etimat du ønsker kopiert inn som oppgave estimat når sjekklisten påføres.


Signalisering av at en oppgave har en frist. Når sjekklisten påføres vil du bli bedt om å angi de konkrete fristene for oppgavene.


Signalisering av at en oppgave skal innlemme en annen, frittstående sjekkliste. Når sjekklisten påføres vil den frittstående sjekklisten kopieres inn på rett plass i oppgavetreet.

Legge til metadata på en oppgave

  1. Klikk på oppgavens navn for å gå inn på oppgaven
  2. Trykk på "Legg til"
  3. Velg ønsket meta type

Redigere eksisterende metadata om en oppgave

  1. Klikk på pilen som peker nedover på høyre siden av meta dataen du ønsker å redigere
  2. Velg "Rediger"

Etter du har redigert eksisterende metadata vil du bli spurt om du ønsker at endringene skal forplantes til åpne oppgaver.

Forplanting av endringer i metadata

Når du legger til eller endrer metadata vil du, dersom det finnes åpne oppgaver basert på sjekklisten, bli spurt om du ønsker å oppdatere disse oppgavene med sjekkliste-endringene.

Det er støtte for å forplante følgende typer meta-endringer:

  • Oppgavetittel
  • Beskrivelse
  • Estimat Bruke en sjekkliste

Du bruker en sjekkliste ved å påføre den på et prosjekt eller en oppgave.

En påføring vil si at sjekklisten brukes som mal for å opprette et oppgave-tre hvor det er mulig å kommentere, føre fremdrift, logge tid og skape annen sporbarhet i gjennomføringen av arbeidet.

Du kan påføre sjekklister på forskjellige måter på forskjellige steder:

Opprette en oppgave/et prosjekt basert på en sjekkliste

  1. Finn fram til sjekklisten
  2. Velg Legg til sjekklisten på oppgave/prosjekt og fyll ut følgende detaljer
    1. Tittel på oppgave/prosjekt: Navnet på oppgaven eller prosjektet du ønsker å opprette
    2. Opprett underlagt...: Søk opp oppgaven, prosjektet eller teamet som den nye oppgaven skal opprettes under. Dersom du velger et team som forelder vil det opprettes et prosjekt. Hvis du velger et prosjekt eller en oppgave som forelder vil det opprettes en oppgave
  3. Velg "Tilfør sjekkliste"

Tilføre en sjekkliste til en eksisterende oppgave/prosjekt

Fra sjekklisten

  1. Finn fram til sjekklisten
  2. Velg Legg til sjekklisten på oppgave/prosjekt og fyll ut følgende detaljer
    1. Tittel på oppgave/prosjekt: Søk opp oppgaven/prosjektet du ønsker å tilføre sjekklisten
  3. Velg "Tilfør sjekkliste"

Fra en oppgave

  1. Naviger fram til oppgaven du ønsker å tilføre sjekklisten
  2. Trykk på "Legg til sjekkliste" og søk opp sjekklisten du ønsker å tilføre
  3. Velg "Tilfør sjekkliste"

Forespørsel om input ved påføring av sjekklisten

Dersom sjekklisten som påføres har oppgaver med meta data som krever input vil denne inputen bli etterspurt når du påfører sjekklisten.

Følgende meta data krever input:

  • Frist

Advarsel ved mangel på innlemmet sjekkliste

En prosdyre kan innlemme andre sjekklister.

Dersom en av sjekklistene som er innlemmet mangler på påføringstidspunktet vil du bli varslet om dette slik at du kan velge om du ønsker å opprette/kopiere inn sjekklisten, eller fortsette påføringen uten den innlemmede sjekklisten. Eksporter til Jira

Det er mulig å eksportere punktene i en sjekkliste til en issue i den utbredte issue trackeren Jira.

Eksport av sjekkliste

  1. Finn fram til sjekklisten
  2. Trykk på pil ned i tilknytning til sjekklistens navn, og velg "Eksporter til Jira" (første gang du forsøker å eksportere en sjekkliste vil du bli bedt om å legge til et Atlassian API token)
  3. Fyll ut følgende detaljer
    1. Jira project: Jira prosjektet som holder issuen du ønsker å eksportere sjekklisten til
    2. Jira issue nummer: Komplett Jira issue nummer, eks "ABC-1234"
    3. * Lag deloppgaver av alle nivåer
  4. Velg "Eksporter sjekkliste"

Eksporten oppretter deloppgavene i sjekklisten som subtasks i Jira, med e-postadressen til den innloggede brukeren i NM Project som reporter.

* Lag deloppgaver på alle nivåer

Ettersom Jira ikke støtter et hierarki av subtasks vil sjekklister bestående av et hierarki som et utgangspunkt innlemmes deloppgaver på nivå 2 og dypere som oppgavebeskrivelser.

Krysser du imidlertid av for "Lag deloppgaver på alle nivåer" så ville alle deloppgaver i hele hierarkiet konverteres til en flat deloppgavestruktur.

Eksempelvis vil følgende sjekkliste

  Barn 1
  Barn 2

...importeres inn som følgende to subtasks:

  • Mor > Barn 1
  • Mor > Barn 2


For å kunne eksportere sjekklister til en Jira issue må du sette opp et eller flere Jira prosjekter. Det finnes i dag inget grafisk grensesnitt for å legge til Jira prosjekter. De må redigeres direkte i databasen, i tabellen JiraProject. Kategorisere sjekklister

For team med mange sjekklister kan du kategorisere disse. Sjekklistene vil grupperes på kategoriene på teamets liste over sjekklister.

Kategorisere en sjekkliste

For å kategorisere en sjekkliste, gå inn på sjekklisten og trykk på "Legg til kategori".

Skriv inn ønsket kategori-navn og trykk på Legg til. Dersom du har lagt til kategorier tidligere vil det å begynne å skrive et kategorinavn søke blant disse. Se hvordan en sjekkliste har blitt brukt

I høyre kolonne, under deloverskriften "Påføringer", kan du  se hvor, når og av hvem sjekklisten har blitt påført.

Du kan også klikke deg videre ut til prosjektet eller oppgaven sjekklisten har blitt påført om du ønsker å studere nærmere hvordan arbeidet har blitt gjort. Finne fram til en sjekkliste


  1. Naviger fram til teamet som sjekklisten hører til
  2. Velg Sjekklister og deretter den relevante sjekklisten

Sjekklistene er organisert i grupper basert på hva de er tagget med. Sjekklister uten tags vises først.


Bruk det globale søket for å søke opp sjekklisten ved navn. Flytte en sjekkliste

Du kan flytte en sjekkliste til et annet team ved å trykke på ikonet av et hus i tilknytning til brødsmulestien, eller ved å nyttegjøre tastatursnarveien Cmd + Shift + P.

Dette vil utløse en modalboks hvor du kan søke opp teamet du ønsker å flytte sjekklisten til. Endre en sjekklistes tilstand

En sjekkliste kan ha forskjellige tilstander som gjenspeiler forventningene til sjekklistens bruk. De alternative tilstandene er:

  • Utkast
  • Aktiv
  • Arkivert

Nye sjekklister som opprettes får automatisk tilstanden "Utkast". Det er kun sjekklister med tilstanden "Aktiv" som forventes nyttegjort. Når sjekklister ikke lenger er i bruk settes de til tilstanden "Arkivert".

For å endre en sjekklistens tilstand, klikk på pilen som peker ned ved siden av tilstandsangivelsen i toppen av sjekklisten i fullvisning og velg en ny tilstand. Kopiere en sjekkliste

Du kan kopiere sjekklister du har tilgang til å se. Et use case for å kopiere en sjekkliste er dersom en annen organisasjon som bruker Wecomplish har en sjekkliste som du ønsker å kopiere til et av dine egne team.

For en nærmere forklaring, se Dele innhold på tvers av organisasjoner. Gjøre en sjekkliste tilgjengelig i biblioteket

Dersom du ønsker å dele en sjekkliste med andre utenfor din organisasjon kan du gjøre den tilgjengelig i Dele innhold på tvers av organisasjoner.

For å gjøre sjekklisten tilgjengelig og søkbar i biblioteket, rediger sjekklisten og kryss av for "Offentlig tilgjengelig" og velg en kategori som sjekklisten skal presenteres under i listen "Offentlig kategori". Wiki

The platform allows you to create a wiki for a team or a project in the form of pages organized in a hierarchy with associated Kommentarer. The pages support rich formatting, familiarity and are searchable in the global search.

Access to wiki

By default, the wiki is only accessible to logged in users who have access to the team or project with which the wiki is associated.

However, by editing the team and checking the "Make wiki publicly available" option, the wiki is made available to anyone on the internet, without having to log in.

Look for this indicator to see if the wiki page you're currently working on is a part of a publicly available wiki:

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For å endre rekkefølgen på sider, dra og slipp sidene i ønsket rekkefølge. Du kan kun endre rekkefølgen på sider underlagt siden du befinner deg på. Endre en sides plassering

For å endre en sides plassering, trykk de tre prikkene øverst til høyre og velg "Flytt".

En sides forelder kan være et team, et prosjekt eller en annen side. Varsel om endringer

Abonnere på endringer

Dersom du ønsker å motta varsel om endringer i et teams wiki må du abonnere på dette.

For å opprette et abonnement, naviger deg fram til den delen av wiki-en du ønsker å bli varslet om endringer for og trykk på knappen "Varsle meg om endringer" i høyre kolonne.

Når du har aktivert varsling endres knappen til "Ikke varsle om endringer". Trykk på denne om du ønsker å skru av abonnementet igjen.

Direkte og indirekte abonnement

Et abonnement gjelder for siden du abonnerer på (direkte abonnement) og alle underlagte sider (indirekte abonnement).

Det betyr at et abonnementet du oppretter på wiki-forsiden vil resulterte i et indirekte abonnement på hele teamets wiki, mens et abonnement opprettet på en konkret side kun vil resultere i indirekte abonnement på sider underlagt denne.

Administrere abonnenter

Ansatte kan, i tillegg til å styre eget abonnement, legge til og fjerne andres abonnement på wiki-en.

Administrasjon av abonnementer gjøres ved å trykke på teksten i høyre kolonne som viser hvor mange som abonnerer på denne delen av wiki-en.

Fra dette vinduet kan du legge til nye abonnenter og fjerne direkte abonnement. For indirekte abonnement gjengis det en lenke til hvor det direkte abonnementet har sin opprinnelse.

Varsle om en endring

For å varsle om en endring i wiki-en, kryss av for "Varsle om endringen" når siden redigeres. Dette vil sende ut en e-post om tekstendringene på siden til alle med direkte og indirekte abonnement på siden. Trykk på teksten som viser hvor mange som varsles om endringer for å se de konkrete personene som vil motta varsel.

Om du også fyller ut feltet "Motivasjonen bak dokumentasjonsendringen" vil denne forklaringen inkluderes i e-postvarselet. Feltet støtter Rik formatering. Bruk av maler

Ved opprettelse av en side har du muligheten til å velge en mal som siden skal kopiere innhold og eventuelle underlagte sider fra.

Les mer om Maler. Images and attachments

There are multiple places where you can upload images and other types of attachments which can then be embedded into rich text areas.

These are the insight types that can be assigned attachments. In addition, attachments can be added to comments on tasks and observations.

Upload an attachment

Press the button or link labeled "Upload attachment". Select the attachments you want to upload by clicking the "Browse" link, or by dragging and dropping the relevant files to the upload area.

Then, click the "Upload x file" button in order to actually trigger the upload. When you are done, you can close the upload widget by clicking the cross in the top, right corner.

Include attachments in rich text

Information types

  1. Click the icon in the editor depicting an image or a link (depending on whether you want to embed an image or a file).
  2. Click the icon to the right of the "Source" or "URL"  field.
  3. Select teh image/attachment you want to add and click "Insert"
  4. Click "Save"


  1. Click the "Link" text in association with the attachment. This will copy the link text to your clipboard.
  2. Navigate to the desired location in the text and paste in the contents of the clipboard. Maler

Med maler kan teamet definere utgangspunkt for enkeltsider og hele hierarkier av dokumentasjon slik at teamet kan spare tid og tydeliggjøre forventningene til hvordan noe forventes dokumentert.

En mal kan ha et innhold og x antall undersider ordnet i er uendelig hierarki.

En underside kan innlemme andre maler slik at én mal kan gjenbrukes på tvers av flere maler, uten at innholdet må vedlikeholdes flere steder.

For å opprette en mal, gå til teamet, velg Maler i navigasjonen og trykk "Ny mal".

Tilgang til maler

Teamets maler er som et utgangspunkt kun tilgjengelig for brukere som har tilgang til teamet.

Unntaket er dersom du har valgt å Gjøre en mal offentlig tilgjengelig. Kopiere en mal

Du kan kopiere maler du har tilgang til å se. Et use case for å kopiere en mal er dersom en annen organisasjon som bruker Wecomplish har en mal som du ønsker å kopiere og tilpasse for et av dine egne team.

For å kopiere en mal, velg "Kopier" i listen over handlinger tilknyttet en mal. Du vil så få velge hvilken organisasjon og hvilket team malen skal kopieres til. Gjøre en mal offentlig tilgjengelig

Dersom du ønsker å dele en mal med andre utenfor din organisasjon kan du gjøre den offentlig tilgjengelig.

For å gjøre malen tilgjengelig, rediger malen og kryss av for "Offentlig tilgjengelig". Processes

Processes are a great way to describe what a team or an organization is expected to be able to do, and which resources are required to complete each step in the process.

A process consists of a tree of process steps, tied together with optional conditions, to form a complete process.

Each process step can be associated with the resources relevant to complete that step, be it roles, systems, checklists, policies, risks, etc.

In addition to their ability to communicate how something is done, the process implementation in the platform is also tactical, meaning processes can be applied across projects and tasks. Apply a process

When you want to utilize a process, you can apply it to a project or a task.

Applying the process provides multiple benefits, including:

  • Greater probability of all the relevant steps being followed
  • Logging of step selection for audit or post-mortem purposes
  • Stakeholders can more easily follow the progress of a process via its application

To apply a process, navigate to the process and click the green plus icon in relation to the Applications heading.

Step selection

Applying a process brings you to the step selector. Here you decide which of the available steps to apply, and where to apply it.

Initial step selection

When triggering a process application the initial process step is the only option, and you are prompted to select a location (project or task) to which the process should be applied.

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After selecting a step, you will be asked to select the next step, and so on, until the process is completed.

Additional step selection


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When selecting additional steps after the first one, you can decide if you want the next step applied to the same location as the previous step (this is the default option) or to a new location.

Use cases for applying a next step to a new location might include a big process spanning across multiple teams and projects (for instance a holistic process covering recruiting/onboarding or sales/manufacturing).

As you continue on selecting steps, the right column fills out with a navigation showing the steps selected so far.

Pausing and resuming step selection

You may select steps so long as you have the motivation and information required to decide on a next step.

If you come to a point where you want to await deciding on more steps, you may navigate away from the step selection and into the tasks applied using the navigation in the right colum indicating the steps applied so far.

To resume the step selection process, you can either click the "Select next step" button displayed on the task, or wait for the task to be marked as completed.

When completing a task created from a process step, and provided that there are remaining steps in the process, you will be automatically brought back to the step selector where you can choose the next step from the steps available. 

Checklist application

If the step you choose to apply has checklists associated with it, you will be sent to the checklist applier. Here you decide which checklist (if any) you want to apply to the task representing the process step.

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View past applications

To view past applications of a process, navigate to the process in question and click the View button in relation to the application you want to examine.


The application view displays the list of steps applied so far, including their respective application locations.

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The process steps of a process can be presented in different views. To change the view, select the desired view from the list of views to the right of the Steps header:

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To change the default view of a particular process, edit the process and select the desired default view.

The available views are:

Process map

Lists process steps in a branched process map. The color of the process steps match the state of the process step. Double click a process step to view its details.

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The process map is best suited for branched processes (meaning processes where a process steps has multiple next steps) as it visualizes the branching.

The process map is the default view, unless a different default view has been explicitly selected for the particular process.


Lists process steps as a list of steps, including step purposes and associated content. To make the expanded view the default view of a particular process, edit the process.

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The expanded view is best suited for linear processes (meaning processes where all the process steps only have one next step) as it does not visualize any branching. What we use Presentations

Presentations are a way to communicate a topic or collection of ideas to an audience.

Most people are familiar with crafting presentations in software like Powerpoint (PC) or Keynote (Mac). However, there are multiple advantages to creating and managing presentations in a web based platform:

  • It's easier to collaborate on the content and design of a presentation.
  • We can more easily maintain centralized and up-to-date versions of our presentations, avoiding a lot of outdated presentations in circulation on different devices.
  • Existing presentations can more easily be shared, discovered and reused.
  • Presentations can more easily be synced up to match the design of our public facing web site, improving the brand experience.
  • Our presentations are always available to us, regardless of the device we have access to.
  • Presentation updates and improvements are instantly available to all users of the presentation.
  • The estethics of the presentation are disconnected from the content, allowing us to make visual changes across multiple presentations at once.
  • We can easily reference other content within the platform.

Create a presentation

Check out how to Add new information.

Presentation state

A presentation can have one of the following states, indicating what we expect from the expectation at the current stage:

  • Draft: We are currently working on building up the presentation
  • Pending review: We are waiting for someone to approve the presentation
  • Active: The presentation is ready for use
  • Retired: We no longer use this presentation, but keep it around for historical purposes

Slideshow view

Click the green "View slideshow" button in the upper right corner of the presentation to view the slideshow. The button appears when one or more slides have been added.

The slideshow view is based on the reveal.js presentation framework.

Slideshow navigation

To navigate between slides, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Keyboard: Use left and right arrow keys 
  • Mouse: Use the left and right arrows in the lower, right corner
  • Touch-enabled device: Swipe

Hit the "s" key on the keyboard to open speaker view which, among other things, provides you with a timer and the notes associated with each slide.

Hit the "f" key on the keyboard to go into fullscreen hode. Click the "Esc" key to exist fullscreen mode.

Presentation themes

When editing a presentation, you can select the theme for the presentation. The theme dictates the fonts, colors and sizes of presentation content.

When selecting a theme, you can choose from a list of default themes, as well as any custom themes that have been added to the organization.

Custom themes

You can add custom presentation themes in order to have presentations look a certain way. The most common use case for a custom theme is to have presentations reflect the brand fonts and colors.

Only admins can manage custom themes.

To create a custom theme, go to Organization > Account > Presentation themes.

Adding a theme consists of either pointing to CSS file hosted on the web containing the CSS rules you would like to include, or embedding the CSS code itself.

Sometimes, simply referring to the main CSS file of you web site might be enough for the presentations to get the look and feel you're looking for. If it's not, you might want to look into the reveal.js documentation describing hw to create a theme. Systems

Use systems to make it appearant where a team is expected to find and store which different types of information, what the states of the various information types are, and to suggest, approve, move into and retire information types as the organization learns more about which types of information are best managed in which systems.

You can view the systems for a team by navigating to the team and selecting "Systems" from the left column navigation.


After adding a system it will appear similar to this:

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Each system card includes

  • The name of the system
  • The amount of information types the team manages in the system
  • The purpose of the system in the context of the team
  • The symbols of the system administrators

When selecting a specific system, the view will look something like this:

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Information types

Clicking the term for an information type, the view looks something like this:

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You can transition an information type between the following states:

  • Suggested: Someone has suggested to manage this information type in the given system.
  • Evaluating: Someone has begun an evaluation of the fit for managing this information type in the given system for the given team.
  • Rejected: We have decided, after evaluation, that the system is not a good fit for managing this information type.
  • Intended: Someone has made a decision that the information type should be managed in the given  system.
  • Moving in: Soneone has started moving existing information representing the information type into the system.
  • Active: The team actively uses and expects to find and update the information type in the system.
  • Retired: The information type is no longer expected to be actively maintained in this system, but has yet to be moved out/deleted.

To signify that the state of an information type remains valid, or to validate a state selected by another person, select the "Validate current state" option:

Skjermbilde 2021-04-17 kl. 14.47.14.png Execution Prosjekter

Et teams oppgaver fordeles på et eller flere prosjekter.

Dersom et team har kun ett prosjekt blir man videresendt til dette når man navigerer til teamet. Hvis ikke, blir man sendt til listen over prosjekter. Organizational projects

The organizational projects report is accessible by going to Organization > Projects.

The report allows us to:

  • Get an overview of the projects the organization is currently focused on, and which teams are responsible for them
  • Ensure recent activity on high-priority initiatives
  • Identify potentially orphaned projects (projects with no activity for a long time)

The report displays all projects across all teams that are either in the planning or in progress stage.

The report is accessible to everyone in the organization, but only include projects owned by the teams to which the user has access.

Teams are sorted alphabetically, whereas the projects within each team are sorted in descending order based on most recent activity.

The right column includes a team-navigation displaying which teams own how many projects in the current view. By clicking on the team name, the page scrolls to the section containing the specific team projects. Projects designed to impact objectives

It's common for projects to start up, sometimes seemingly out of thin air. Someone has a good idea or someone starts working on something, and all of a sudden, the work has grown into a fully fledged project, occupying its part of the finite work capacity and cognitive resources of the team.

In some cases this might be desirable, whereas in other cases it might divert precious attention and effort away from the primary objectives of the organization.

In order to make it more clear which projects are designed to impact an objective and which aren't, an objective indicator is shown in the project item view. If the indicator is green, the project is associated with one or more objectives. Hover over the indicator to see which objectives the project is designed to impact.

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If the indicator is grey, the project has no associated objectives.

In addition to the indicator on each individual project, the right column of the project list (in the context of a team or the entire the organization) includes a progress bar indicating the percentage of projects associated with an objective.

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You can associate a project with an objective by going to the objective in question and adding the project as an initiative to the objective. Create a project
  1. Navigate to the team expected to manage the project
  2. Click the green plus icon in relationto the projects subheading
  3. Fill out the form

Fixed scope

If the project has a fixed set of tasks to be completed, select this option. This will then produce a warning if you try to add additional tasks to the project.

Non billable

Select this option if the project is not billable. This information will be used in time log reports in order to indicate that the hours logged to the project are not expected to be billable.

Virtual project

Select this option if the project is not expected to contain its own tasks, but rather references to existing tasks located in other projects.

Use cases for virtual projects are sprint backlogs or other types of work lists expected to represent a list of priorities across the primary team and project location of the tasks. Project task list

When a task is presented in a list of tasks at the project top level, the card displaying the individual task includes the following information:


  1. Drag-and-drop: Click the indicator and drag the task in the order representing the desired task priority.
  2. Task title:  Displayed in gray if the task is blocked and striken through if the task is completed. Click the task title to view all task details.
  3. Blocker: Displayed if the task is blocked.
  4. Deadline: Displayed if the task has a deadline. Displayed in red if the task is past due.
  5. Most recent activity: How long ago and who performed the most recent task activity. If the most recent activity is older than one year, it is displayed in red to indicate that the task is most likely outdated.
  6. Progress: Indicates the progress of the task. If the task has a percentage progress indication, a progress bar is displayed. If not, the number of subtasks (completed and total) are displayed. If the task does not have any subtasks, no progress indication is displayed.
  7. Estimate and time usage: Indicates the time logged. If the task has an estimate (indicated by the clock icon being colored) time logged is displayed as a percentage of the pessimistic, realistic and optimistic estimate. If the percentage consumption of the realistic estimate is higher than the progress, the indicator is yellow. If the percentage consumption of the pessimistic estimate is higher than the progress, the indicator is red. Hover over the clock icon to see the task estimate if this is set.
  8. Assignee: The avatar of the person to whom the task is assigned. Add tasks to a project

Add single tasks

In order to add a new task, click the green plus icon, select "New task" and input the name of the task in the Title field.

If the project is virtual, select the "Add task" option and search for the name or ID of the task you would like to add. You can also add a task directly to a virtual project by ways of the component for Virtual project.

Add tasks from a checklist

In order to add a checklist, click the green plus icon, select "Apply checklist" and search for the name of the checklist you would like to apply. Task views

You can view the tasks in a project in different views depending on your role and what you're looking to understand.

The default view is the Priority view. To change thew view, click the current view to see a list of available views:

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The available views are:


Displays: The top level, remaining (not closed) tasks for a project, sorted by priority.

Use when: You are looking to find your next task.


Displays: All the remaining (not closed) tasks to which you have been assigned.

Use when: You are focused on completing the tasks assigned to you.


Displays: All tasks in the project, sorted by priority, indicating status of completion, by whom and when.

Use when: You are looking to review who completed which tasks when.


Displays: All the remaining (not closed) tasks for which there is a deadline.

Use when: You want to make sure that work is done on time.


Displays: All the completed tasks, sorted by time of completion.

Use when: You want to explore which tasks were recently completed, and in which order. Endringer

Visningen for "Endringer" av oppgaver i et prosjekt gjengir hvordan forventningene til tidsbruk for en oppgave har endret seg fra et gitt tidspunkt. Visningen er kun tilgjengelig for prosjekter med et låst omfang.

Dersom oppgaven fortsatt står åpen sammenlignes oppgavens realistiske estimat med det realistiske estimatet på den angitte filtreringsdatoen.

Dersom oppgaven er lukket sammenligns oppgavens faktiske tidsbruk med de realistiske esitmatet på den angitte filtreringsdatoen.

Som standard er filtreringsdatoen satt til forrige bestilling.

Oppgavene er sortert minkende etter størrelsen på estimatendringen.

Klikk på tallet som gjengir størrelsen på estimatendringen for å drille ned på estimatendringer for underlagte oppgaver. Oversikt Allokeringer

I kontekst av et prosjekt er det mulig å se når og hvor mye tid man er allokert opp.

Dersom det finnes allokeringer registrert så vil det vises ved et bilde av deg selv og med tilhørende allokert tid. Dersom ingen medarbeidere er allokert i et gitt uke så vil det stå Ingen allokeringer. Timer

Tid ført på prosjektet. For mer informasjon, se generell dokumentasjonen for timerapporter. Prestasjon

Prosjektets prestasjon hjelper deg med å holde oversikt over prosjektets evt forventninger til budsjett, omfang og tidsplan.

Slik tolker du prestasjonen


Svar på spørsmål om avtalens overordnede forventninger. Blå linje indikerer prestasjon innenfor akseptabelt intervall. Rød linje indikerer prestasjon utenfor akseptabelt intervall.

Historisk utvikling

Avtalen viser en graf som gjengir faktisk vs forventet fremdrift og budsjettforbruk på den angitte avtalen.

Grafen gjenspeiler ukentlige, faktiske øyeblikksbilder av fremdriften sammenlignet med en jevn forventet framdrift fra avtalens første til siste dato. Øyeblikkesbildene oppdateres automatisk hver morgen for alle aktive prosjekter. Budsjett

Et budsjett gir muligheten til å føre tid på og ukesallokere et prosjekt. Dersom man spesifiserer varighet for budsjettet og budsjettet inneholder bestillinger av et konkret antall timer får man også muligheten til å overvåke budsjettforbruket under prestasjon.

Følgende informasjon lagres om et budsjett:

  • Belastbar timepris
  • Første og siste leveransedag


Dersom et budsjett har bestillinger med et definert timeantall, vises hvor mange prosent av budsjettet som er brukt i prosjektnavigasjonen. Dersom budsjettforbruket er over 95% vises en orange varselsindikator. Dersom budsjettforbruket er over 100% vises en rød varselsindikator.

Dersom et budsjett har bestillinger uten et definert timeantall vises hvor mange timer som er ført i prosjektnavigasjonen.

Det gjenspeiles også i prosjektnavigasjonen dersom et prosjekt mangler et aktivt budsjett. Aktivt budsjett

For at det skal være mulig å føre tid mot et prosjekt må prosjektet ha et aktivt budsjett.

For å etablere et aktivt budsjett, opprett et budsjett underlagt prosjektet med en første og siste leveransedato for når det skal være mulig å føre tid på prosjektet.

Budsjettet blir automatisk satt som prosjektets aktive budsjett når dagens dato er mellom første og siste leveransedato.

Du kan se og endre aktivt budsjett ved å redigere prosjektet. Bestilling

Et budsjett tilføres timer i form av en eller flere bestillinger. Bestillingene gir sporbarhet på hvordan, av hvem og hvor mange timer som er tilført budsjettet gjennom prosjektets forløp. Estimatendringer

Gjengir estimatendringer for oppgaver tilhørende prosjektet i valgte datointervall. Standard dato-intervall er fra og med dagen etter prosjektets oppstartsdato, til og med dagens dato.

Estimatendringene er gruppert på

  • Nye estimater: Det første estimatet på en oppgave
  • Oppdaterte estimater: Endringer i et tidligere estimat

Hvert linje i tabellen gjengir

  • Oppgaven som har fått estimatet satt (med lenke til oppgaven)
  • En evt forklaring av estimatet. For ansatte vises et blyant-ikon som gir mulighet til å redigere forklaringen.
  • Når estimatet ble satt (og av hvem)
  • Det optimistiske til pessimistiske intervallet for estimatet
  • Det nye realistiske estimatet, eller endring i dette. Hvis endring indikerer rød pil opp en økning i estimatet og grønn pil ned en reduksjon i estimatet
  • Hvordan risikoen evt har endret seg. Rød pil opp gjengir en økning i risikoen. Grønn pil ned gjengir en reduksjon i risikoen.

Klikk på en av tabellenes kolonneoverskrifter for å sortere innholdet i tabellen etter denne kolonnen. Medlemmer

Prosjektets utførende medlemmer. Brukere som legges til vil kunne se prosjektet under Meg > Fremdrift > Prosjekter > Medlem. Planning time

Time planning in the platform is centralized around the concept of allocations. An allocation describes how much time someone is expected to spend on something on a given day.

Relevant use cases for allocations are:

  • Setting aside a certain amount of time for working on something
  • Making sure that you follow up on a promise of getting back to someone within a certain time frame
  • Making sure that you follow up on some feedback you care about
  • Dividing and planning out work in order to ensure that it's completed within a given deadline
  • Instructing or viewing how other team members are expected/expecting to use their time

Allocations can be associated with:

  • Tasks
  • Projects
  • Responsibilities
  • Checklists
  • Meetings

Unlike a calendar, allocations are not linked to a specific time of day. However, you can Import calendar events as allocations to get a more representative picture of the planned work for a given day. 

Keeping allocations current and realistic

By keeping allocations current and realistic you can more easily use allocations as your primary TODO-list, while at the same time keeping coworkers up-to-date with how you plan to spend your time.

The best way to think about keeping allocations current is that they should always represent your most up-to-date picture of

  • What you plan to spend time on for the remainder of the day
  • How much time you plan to spend on it
  • In which order to you plan to address the various allocations

Whenever you're done spending time on something, mark the corresponding allocation as completed.

Whenever you realize that you won't have time to do something, move the correspnding allocation do a different date.

Whenever you're interrupted with something you need to spend time on, create a new allocation.

Whenever you realize that something will take less or more time than you originally anticipated, change the duration of the allocation.

Whenever you have planned more work than is available within your plannable time, move things around in order to make each individual workday fit within your plannable time.

Plannable time

The allocation duration indicators takes the plannable time of the user into account. If the allocations exceed the 100% of the plannable time, the indicator turns yellow.

By default, plannable time is set to 7.5 hours / day, but it can be overridden using Personal settings.

Unless you are totally shielded from the outside world (which very few of us are), you should consider lowering your plannable hours pr day.

Most people encounter a significant portion of unplanned work during any given day, so it makes sense to reduce the time available for planned work in order to avoid overplanning.

Best practices for plannable time pr day ranges between 4 to 6 hours. Experiment with what works best for you depending on your roles in the organization and to which extent you're expected to be available for different types of unplanned work.

Allocations past due

Each night allocations that are past due will be pushed to the current day. Allocations that have been pushed include a yellow indicator showing for which date the allocation was originally planned.

If the allocation is moved manually, the original date indicator disappears. Create an allocation

Allocations can be created from multiple locations. The most common ones are from the dashboard and from a task.

Creating an allocation from the dashboard

  1. Navigate to the time period in which you want to create an allocation
  2. Click the green plus icon in relation to the "Planned" header
  3. Search for the content to relate to the allocation (responsibility/checklist/project/task). If you do not select a related piece of content, a task is automatically created using the title you provided and an allocation is associated with it. 
  4. Provide an optional description explaining the context of the allocation (descriptions support Rik formatering)
  5. Provde the duration of the allocation in hours and minutes in relation to the day or days you would like the allocation created
  6. Click "Create"


Creating an allocation from a task

  1. Navigate to the task to which you want to associate the allocation
  2. Click the "Add component" button and choose "Allocation".
  3. If there are already allocations associated with the task, click the plus-ikon in relation to the Allocations-heading instead.
  4. Follow the same steps as when creating an allocation from the dashboard (se above) 

Distill_relevant_information_from_the_interview.png Navigating allocations

To view your own allocations, go the focus dashboard

Understanding an allocation

The colored indicator displayed for each allocation reflects the duration of the allocation.

If the allocation is recurring, a Recurring indicator is displayed.

Skjermbilde 2021-12-13 kl. 09.59.08.png

Allocations imported from a calendar also reflect the starting time of the calendar event. 

Skjermbilde 2021-12-13 kl. 10.01.36.png

Navigating allocations

By default, the focus dashboard displays allocations for the current week. Click the names and dates of the individuals days to expand and collapse the allocations for the given day.

To view the allocations for another time period, use the date picker in the upper right corner to select your desired date interval.


To navigate to the task/project/etc to which the allocation is related, click the desired location in the breadcrumbs trail.


The allocations of other people

In order to view the allocations of other team members, search for the person in question and navigate to their Focus dashboard.

All future allocations for a person

In order to view all the future allocations of a person, search for the person in question and select "Allocations" from the left menu. Manage allocations

As allocations are completed, you are expected to mark them as such in order to best reflect what's remaining. The best practice for managing allocations is to mark them as your workday progresses.

Here are the optional actions for managing allocations

Track time

Select this option when you want to log time in relation to an allocation, but you have not yet finished the allocation. This will trigger the timekeeping form complete with the allocation's related details.


Select this option when you have finished an allocation and want to log time. In the same way as for "Track time", this will trigger the timekeeping form complete with the allocation's related details. When you have tracked time, the allocation will also be marked as completed, and thus disappear from the list.

Done without time tracking

Select this option when you want to mark the allocation as completed without logging any time.


Select this option when you want to move the allocation to another day.


Select this option when you want to delete the allocation (because it does not represent what you are actually going to work on). Edit the duration of an allocation

To change the duration of an allocation, click the indicator that reflects the duration of the allocation. This will expose a text field where you can change the duration of the allocation.

Skjermbilde 2021-12-13 kl. 10.06.08.png Move an allocation

To move an allocation to a different day:

  1. Click the three dotted action dropdown button in relation to the allocation
  2. Select the "Move" option
  3. Use the date picker to navigate to the period in which you want to move the allocation
  4. Click the "Move here" button in relation to the specific date you would like the allocation moved

If you want to move the allocation to a different day within the displayed time period, you can drag and drop the allocation in the desired day. Import calendar events as allocations

The platform integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. The integration means that calendar events can be imported automatically as allocations.

The integration imports the next 100 calendar entries as allocations every 5 minutes, while previously created allocations that no longer have a corresponding calendar entry are deleted.

The duration of the allocation corresponds with the duration of the calendar event.


The integrations have to be authorized in order to be activated.

Microsoft Outlook

To authorize the Outlook integration, go to Personal settings and click the "Activate Microsoft Outlook integration" link.

Google Calendar

Step 1: Organizational authorization

Because of the way the Google integration works, we first have to confirm in our Google integration setup that calendar requests may originate from your platform domain. Contact us with the name of the organization with which would like to use the Google Calendar integration.

If you encounter an error similar to the one below, it is due to the fact that the organizational authorization step has not been completed:

Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

The redirect URI in the request, https://[yoursubdomain].wecomplish.no/calendar/oauth2callback, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/442328454474-t9nvbc07rfnnohg44c0hh8vr7g201a5c.apps.googleusercontent.com?project=442328454474

Step 2: User authorixzation

To authorize Google Calendar integration, go to Personal settings and click the "Active Google Calendar integration" link.

Associate calendar imported allocations to platform content

By including an ID in the title of the calendar event, the allocation that is created is automatically linked to the relevant content in Wecomplish.

There is support for linking calendar entries to the following types of content:


To associate a calendar event with a task, add a hash symbol (#) followed by the task ID in the title of the calendar event.

For example, if you are going to have an interview in connection with the task with the ID 36964, you can write «Interview John Smith #36964» in the title.


To associate a calendar event with a checklist, use the hash symbol followed by the letter P and the ID of the checklist.


To associate a calendar event with a meeting, use the hash symbol followed by the letter M and the ID of the meeting. Recurring allocations

If you have a responsibility that you want to reserve time for at regular intervals you might want to check out recurring allocations.

Recurring allocations allow you to specify how often and on which days an allocation should reoccur.

To administer recurring allocations, select "Recurring" in the left navigation column.

Create a recurring allocation

Click creen plus-icon and complete the form fields.

A recurring allocation can be associated with one of the following information types:

  • Responsibility
  • Checklist
  • Project
  • Task

If you are selecting a daily frequency, uncheck the weekdays on which you do not want allocations to be created (like the weekend). If you are selecting any other frequency, keep all weekdays checked.

Make sure that the first date of the allocation occurs on one of the selected weekdays.

When you click Save, allocations are automatically created for the next 30 days (or until the last date) based on your selected criteria. Moving forward, an automatic process will create new allocations for the next 30 day period each night.

Edit a recurring allocation

To edit a recurring allocation, click the red arrow pointing at "Recurring".

When you save your changes the existing allocations created from the recurring allocations are deleted and new ones are created based on the new set of reoccurence criteria.

Delete a recurring allocation

To delete a recurring allocation, click the three dots in the up-right corner of the allocation card and select Delete.

When you delete a recurring allocation all associated allocations which have not been completed yet are deleted. Time tracking

Wecomplish gir deg muligheten til på føre tid for å holde oversikt over faktisk vs forventet tidsbruk, og som grunnlag for rapportering og fakturering.

Det totale antallet timer ført for en dag vises til høyre for "Før tid" teksten. Klikk på timeantallet for å se og endre timene som er ført, samt hvor stor andel av tiden som er henholdvis planlagt og belastbar.

Planlagt tid er definert som tid ført i tilknytning til en allokering. Føre tid

Føring av tid kan utløses fra flere steder:

  • I tilknytning til en allokering (planlagt tid): Trykk på nedover-pilen i tilknytning til allokeringen du skal føre tid for og velg "Før tid" eller "Ferdig" dersom du ønsker at allokeringen lukkes når tiden er ført.
  • Uten tilknytning til allokering (ikke-planlagt tid): Trykk på teksten "Før tid" i tilknytning til dagen du skal føre tid, eller på klokke-ikonet i toppnavigasjonen.
    En timeføring består av følgende informasjon:


Hva timeføringen skal knyttes til. Kan være et prosjekt eller en oppgave. Valg av relasjon er obligatorisk.

Dersom du utløser timeføringen i tilknytning til en allokering, via klokke-ikonet på en oppgaveside eller en observasjonsside tilknyttet en oppgave, vil relasjon automatisk fylles ut med den relaterte oppgaven.

Dersom timeføringen er relatert til en oppgave og oppgaven har et estimat, vises oppgavens bullet graph med gjengivelse av hvordan tidsbruk og framdrift vil se ut etter at tiden er ført.


Tidspunktet for når timeføringen startet. Dersom du har ført timer tidligere samme dag foreslås starttidspunktet til slutttidspunktet for for forrige timeføring. Hvis ikke, foreslås tidspunktet 08:30.


Tidspunktet for når timeføringen sluttet. Foreslår tidspunktet hvor timeføringen ble utløst, rundt opp til nærmeste hele kvarter hvis man er mer en 2 minutter inn i det nye kvarteret.

Framdrift i %

Kun relevant dersom relasjonen for timeføringen er en oppgave. Ved utfylling settes framdrift på oppgaven til den angitte prosenten.

Dersom du utløser timeføringen i tilknytning til en allokering, via klokke-ikonet på en oppgaveside eller en observasjonsside tilknyttet en oppgave, foreslås en fremdrift som beregnes på følgende måte (maks 100):

Eksisterende framdrift + (Forslag til timeføringsvarighet/Oppgavens realistiske estimat*100)


En beskrivelse av hva du har gjort i tidsrommet. Fremfor klassifiseringen av typen arbeid (sjekke mail, behandle observasjoner, lese dokumentasjon, etc), beskrive hva du har jobbet med.


Fyll inn datoen for utført arbeid.


Føringer for type arbeid med påvirkning på lønn (eksempelvis ferie, overtid, etc). Lønnsarten er kollapset som standard og blir automatisk "Ordinær arbeidstid" med mindre du klikker på teksten "Lønnsart" og velger noe annet. Endre varigheten på en timeføring

For å endre varigheten på en timeføring, velg Timeforbruk > Timer i venstre kolonne. 

Ekspander dagen du ønsker å se timeføringer for, klikk på pilen i tilknytning til timeføringen du ønsker å ende, og velg "Rediger". Team rapport

Du kan hente ut rapporter over timer ført innenfor et gitt dato-intervall. Standard dato-intervall er inneværende uke.

For å hente ut rapporter naviger til organisasjon, team, person, eller prosjekt og velg timebruk i venstre meny.

Du kan hente ut fire typer rapporter, hvor tidsbruk kan grupperes på forskjellige måter:

  • Organisasjon: Team, Personer, Belastbarhet
  • Team: Oppgaver, Personer, Mål, Prosjekter
  • Person: Dager, Oppgaver, Team, Lønnsart, Belastbarhet, Prosjekttype, Prosjekter, Prosedyrer
  • Prosjekt: Oppgaver, Personer, Dager

Grupperingen for oppgaver viser oppgavene ordnet tilsvarende oppgavens hierarkiske plassering. Gruppene sorteres minkende etter tidsforbruk.

Ved å klikke på pilen som peker til venstre i tilknytning til hver oppgave ekspanderes detaljene om timeføringene.

Klikk på gruppens navn for å gå videre til en rapport om gruppen. Filtreringen på fra og til dato følger med. Tasks

Tasks represent something that needs to get done. Tasks can be created in one of the following ways: Copy to checklist

To turn the subtask tree of a task into a checklist, click the "Copy to checklist" link. The following information is copied to the checklist:

  • All subtasks
  • The description of subtasks Endre oppgavetittel

For å endre en oppgavetittel, gå inn på oppgaven og klikk på tittelen. Gjør endringer, og trykk på V-ikonet, evt bruk tastatursnarveien Cmd + Enter. Roller

En oppgave kan ha en bestiller og en ansvarlig.


Oppgavens bestiller har ingen systemmessig betydning. Denne nyttegjøres kun til å vite hvem man skal kommunisere med for avklaringer rundt arbeidet.


Oppgavens ansvarlig vises i oppgavens listevisning og legges automatisk til som følger av oppgaven. En bruker kan også se alle oppgavene som hen er ansvarlig for på Mine > Oppgaver og evt observasjoner som opprettes automatisk på oppgaven vil tilknyttes ansvarlig for oppgaven.

Dersom man fører tid på en oppgave uten en ansvarlig settes man automatisk som ansvarlig for oppgaven.


Roller vises med navnet til rolleinnehaveren, samt evt telefonnummer og Gravatar dersom disse eksisterer.

Endre innehaver av en rolle

  1. Klikk på teksten "Velg en [rollenavn]" (evt navnet til eksisterende innehaver av rollen hvis en er satt)
  2. Naviger frem til ny rolleinnehaver ved å bla i listen, eller ved å skrive inn deler av navnet til ny rolleinnehaver. Tilgjengelige alternativer er medlemmene i teamene du tilhører (inkl evt underlagte team)
  3. Velg ny rolleinnehaver ved å klikke på navnet i listen Deloppgaver

En deloppgave er en vanlig oppgave som er underlagt en annen. Deloppgaver gjør det mulig å ordne arbeidet i et hierarki. Du kan bygge et så dypt oppgave-hierarki som du ønsker. Det dypeste nivået vil typisk være det man tenker på som en sjekkliste/huskeliste, dvs ikke "fullstendig" oppgave, men noe som skal gjøres.


Deloppgaver gjengis med den enkelte oppgavens tittel og en avkrysningsboks for å markere oppgaven som utført.

Dersom en deloppgave har en beskrivelse er dette signalisert med en ellipse. Klikk på ellipsen for å se oppgavens beskrivelse (og få mulighet til å markere oppgaven som utført).

Dersom en oppgave har egne, ikke-utførte deloppgaver vises antallet av de åpne deloppgavene i stedet for en avkrysningsboks. I noen kontekster (som visning av prosedyrer) kan du klikke på antallet deloppgaver for å se de underlagte oppgavene.

Dersom en oppgave er blokkert vises et "ingen parkering" ikon istedet for avkrysningsboks/over antallet ikke-utførte deloppgaver.

Dersom en oppgave har en ansvarlig vises vedkommendes avatar til høyre.

Eventuelle utførte deloppgaver skjules som standard, men kan vises ved å trykke på lenken som angir antallet deloppgaver som er utført.

Dersom oppgavelisten er lang (10 eller flere åpne deloppgaver) vises en advarsel med oppfordring om å gruppere deloppgavene.


Fra en prosedyre

Klikk på "Legg til prosedyre", søk opp prosedyren du ønsker å legge til, og velg "Tilfør prosedyre".


For å opprette en deloppgave, oppgi oppgavens navn i tekstfeltet "Ny oppgave" og trykk på pluss-ikonet eller Mac: Cmd + Enter/Windows: Ctrl + Enter. Under tekstfeltet vises en forhåndsvisning av deloppgavene som vil bli opprettet.

For å legge til flere oppgaver samtidig, adskill hver oppgave med et linjeskift.

For å legge til et et hierarki av deloppgaver, bruk mellomrom på starten av linjen for å gjengi deloppgavens hierarkiske plassering. Eksempel:

Deloppgave 1
  Deloppgave underlagt deloppgave 1
Deloppgave 2

Opprette mange oppgaver

Dersom du oppretter mange oppgaver samtidig (minst 10 linjer med oppgaveinstrukser) vil arbeidet med opprettelsen av oppgaver delegeres til bakgrunnen. Det popper opp et varsel øverst til høyre når dette skjer.

Når opprettelse er delegert til bakgrunnen kan du forsette å navigere rundt på vanlig måte inntil prosessen er ferdig.

Så lenge prosessen pågår vises en melding tilsvarende denne under deloverskriften for Deloppgaver på den relevante oppgaven:

Skjermbilde 2020-11-14 kl. 10.29.39.png

Ved å trykke på "Oppdater status" lastes siden på nytt slik at du kan se oppdatert status.

Når prosessen er ferdig forsvinner meldingen. Unntaket er dersom instruksene krever mer informasjon for å fullføres. Et eksempel på dette er påføring av prosedyre med frister. I dette tilfellet vises i stedet en melding tilsvarende denne.

Skjermbilde 2020-11-14 kl. 11.02.08.png

Ved å trykke på "Tilfør input" får du anledning til å supplere informasjonen som mangler for å fullføre instruksene. Det er kun den som la inn de originale instruksene som har tillatelse til å tilføre input til disse.

Meta data

Du kan oppgi meta-informasjon om oppgavene som opprettes ved å bruke en meta-syntaks som ser slik ut:

- meta1: Verdi
- meta2: Verdi


Følgende meta-typer støttes:

Beskrivelse (desc)

Oppgi oppgavens beskrivelse. Rik formatering støttes. Bruk "\n" for å markere linjeskift. Eksempel:

Oppgavens tittel
- desc: Oppgavens beskrivelse.\n\nStøtter rik formatering, som f.eks. [lenker](https://lenke.no/).
Estimat (estimate)

Oppgi oppgavens estimat.

Eksempel på et 3-punktsestimat hvor estimatet er optimistisk 1 time, realistisk 2 timer og pessimistisk 4 timer:

Oppgavens tittel
- estimate: 1-2-4

Eksempel på et "sum av underlagte estimater"-estimat:

Oppgavens tittel
- estimate: sum

Når du legger inn eller redigerer et estimat i en prosedyre trenger du ikke "- estimate: ", men kan bare skrive estimatet rett inn i feltet:

Ansvarlig (assignee)

Oppgi oppgavens ansvarlig.

Eksempel hvor oppgaveansvaret settes til den som oppretter deloppgaven:

Oppgavens tittel
- assignee: me

Eksempel hvor oppgaveansvaret settes til en bruker med e-postadressen ola@nordmann.no:

Oppgavens tittel
- assignee: ola@nordmann.no
Blokker (blocker)

Oppgi blokker for oppgaven.

Eksempel hvor Oppgave 2 er blokkert av Oppgave 1:

Oppgave 1
- id: oppgave1
Oppgave 2
- blocker: oppgave1
ID (id)

Oppgi en midlertidig identifikator for oppgaven. Brukes av andre meta-typer for å referere tilbake til oppgaven (eksempelvis ved oppretting av blokkere). Eksempel:

Oppgave 1
- id: oppgave1
Prosedyre (procedure)

Oppgi prosedyren hvis deloppgaver du ønsker innlemmet. Du kan referere til prosedyren ved hjelp av dens numeriske ID, eller dens identifikator.

Eksempel med bruk av prosedyrens ID (1):

- procedure: 1

Eksempel med bruk av prosedyrens identifikator (kartlegging)

- procedure: kartlegging
Oppgave fra prosedyre (blueprint)

Oppgi ID-en til oppgaven i en prosedyre som du ønsker å innlemme. Eksempel med bruk av en oppgave i en prosedyre med ID 1:

- blueprint: 1


Dra og slipp deloppgavene for å sortere de.


Oppgavetitler støtter rik formatering.

Merk som utført

For å merke en deloppgave som utført, kryss av i oppgavens avkrysningsboks i listevisning (dersom avkrysningsboksen er synlig). Det er også mulig å merke oppgaven som utført ved å klikke seg inn på oppgaven.

Når en oppgave merkes som utført vil systemet sjekke om foreldreoppgaven har flere åpne deloppgaver. Hvis alle deloppgavene er utført vil du bli spurt om du ønsker å markere også forelderen som utført. Dersom markering av forelderen vil medføre at også besteforelderen ikke har gjenstående deloppgaver vil du samtidig bli spurt om du også ønsker å markere denne som utført, osv. Sjekklisteassosiasjon

Dersom oppgaven har blitt opprettet fra en sjekkliste vises dette over oppgavens beskrivelse. Klikk på "Forbedre sjekklisten" for å redigere den delen av sjekklisten som oppgaven er en kopi av, og få muligheten til å forplante endringen til alle åpne oppgaver som baserer seg på denne delen av sjekklisten. Beskrivelse

Oppgavebeskrivelsen støtter rik formatering.


For å oppdatere en oppgaves beskrivelse, gå inn på oppgaven, pek på beskrivelsen og trykk på "Rediger beskrivelse" lenken som dukker opp. Kommentarer

Oppgaver støtter Kommentarer. Kopier

For å kopiere en oppgave, trykk på "Kopier" lenken. Oppgavens egenskaper som kopieres er:

  • Beskrivelse
  • Eier
  • Ansvarlig
  • Deloppgaver
  • Yngste estimat Slett

For å slette en oppgave, trykk på "Slett" knappen nederst til høyre. Du vil bli bedt om å bekrefte slettingen.

Når du sletter en oppgave slettes også alle deloppgaver.

En oppgave kan ikke slettes dersom den selv (eller en av deloppgavene) har tilhørende timeføringer eller observasjoner. Komponenter

Komponenter er forskjellige typer informasjon som kan knyttes til en oppgave ved behov. Se underlagte artikler for detaljert informasjon om hver enkelt komponent.

For å legge til en ny komponent til en oppgave, trykk på "Legg til" lenken i oppgavens høyre kolonne og velg ønsket komponent.

Komponenter som allerede er lagt til oppgaven vises i oppgavens høyre kolonne under lenken for å legge til nye komponenter. Virtual project

Enables you to add a task to one or more virtual projects.

Read more about virtual projects here: Create a project. Frist

Lar deg sette en frist for når oppgaven skal være ferdigstilt.

Oppgavens frist er synlig

  • Inne på oppgaven
  • I opplisting av oppgaven

Fristen gjengis med rødt når den har forfalt.

For å se alle dine egne oppgaver gruppert på frister, trykk på Meg > Oppgaver i navigasjonen.

For å se et prosjekts oppgaver gruppert på frister, trykk på "Frister" i prosjektnavigasjonen:

Skjermbilde 2021-02-19 kl. 08.47.06.png

E-postvarsel om frister

Hver uke sender systemet e-postvarsler om oppgaver med nært forestående (1 uke frem) og nylig passerte (1 uke tilbake) frister.

Personen som varsles er den som står som ansvarlig for oppgaven, eller den første ansvarlige høyere opp i oppgavehierarkiet dersom oppgaven ikke har en ansvarlig.

Dersom det ikke er satt noen ansvarlig på noen plass i oppgave-hierarket brukes ansvarlig for prosjektet. Følgere

Dersom du er spesielt interessert aktiviteten på en oppgave kan du legge deg til som en følger av oppgaven.

Les mer om hvilke aktiviteter følgere Email notifications om på Follow.

For å legge til deg selv som følger, trykk på konvolutt-ikonet.

For å legge til andre som følgere, trykk på pluss-ikonet og velg følgeren du ønsker å legge til.

For å fjerne en følger, trykk på bildet som representerer følgeren. Prestasjoner

Lar deg opprette og se eventuelle eksisterende prestasjoner tilknyttet oppgaven. Allokeringer

Listen over allokeringer gjenspeiler ikke-utførte allokeringer i form av:

  • Dato for alokering
  • Hvem som er allokert
  • Varighet for allokering
  • Evt beskrivelse av allokering

Dersom oppgaven har utførte allokeringer kan du se disse ved å klikke på "Vis historikk" lenken.

Allokeringer kan flyttes ved å klikke på allokeringsdatoen og velge en ny dato i datovelgeren.

Allokeringer kan slettes ved å peke på allokeringen og trykke på "Slett" lenken som blir synlig.

For å opprette en ny allokering, klikk på pluss-ikonet og følg instruksen for å opprette en allokering. Blokkere

En blokker synliggjør hva som hindrer videre fremdrift på en oppgave.


Det finnes to typer blokkere:


Velg denne typen når du ønsker å beskrive hva en oppgave avventer. Når du oppgir beskrivelsen vises et søkeresultat med oppgaver og observasjoner som matcher beskrivelsen. Du velger selv om du vil knytte beskrivelsen til en oppgave/observasjon (ved å velge denne), eller ved å oppgi et beskrivelse som fri tekst.

Dersom du knytter beskrivelsen til en oppgave/observasjon vil blokkeren automatisk merkes som løst når den oppgaven/observasjonen som utgjør blokkeren lukkes.


Velg denne typen når du ønsker at noen skal gjennomføre akseptansetesting i et konkret miljø. Den akseptansetester kan velge mellom å akseptere, avslå eller be om endringer.

Opprette en blokker

  1. Klikk på pluss-ikonet i tilknytning til Blokkere
  2. Velg type blokker
  3. Oppgi detaljer for blokkeren (beskrivelse eller valg av miljø)
    1. Dersom du velger "Beskrivelse" og oppgir en beskrivelsen (uten å velge et element fra søkelisten) vil dette opprette en fritekstblokker.
  4. Trykk "Opprett"

Slette en blokker

Identifiser blokkeren du ønsker å slette i høyre kolonne. Dersom blokkeren du ønsker å slette ikke vises, trykk på "Vis historikk".

Pek på blokkeren du vil slette og klikk på "Slett"-lenken som dukker opp. Estimater

Opprette et estimat

Når du oppretter et estimat kan du velge en av to typer estimater:


Lar deg oppgi hvor mye tid du optimistisk, realistisk og pessimistisk forventer at gjenstår før oppgaven er ferdig. Tiden allerede ført på oppgaven tillegges estimatet for å gi oppgavens totale estimat. Les mer om trepunktsestimater på Wikipedia.

Ved setting av et nytt estimat beregnes automatisk oppgavens fremdrift ved å se på hvor mye tid som allerede er ført på oppgaven sammenlignet med oppgavens realistiske estimat.

Du kan også oppgi et notat for estimatet, noe som kan være relevant dersom du endrer et eksisterende estimat.

Sum av underlagte oppgaver

Ved hjelp av funksjonaliteten for Sum av underlagte estimater kan du produsere estimater på milepæler som vil gjøre det enklere for de som er interessert i arbeidet å følge det opp.

Ved bruk av denne funksjonaliteten bør du være oppmerksom på følgende:

  • Forsikre at du legger inn alle tenkelige underlagte oppgaver, hvis ikke så vil ikke estimatet bli representativt
  • Hvis du ønsker å omgjøre et estimat for en oppgave fra et ordinært trepunktsesimgat til sum av underlagte estimater, opprett en deloppgave med estimat tilsvarende tidsbruk allerede ført på moroppgaven slik at sum estimat gjenspeiles riktig

Optimistisk, realistisk og pessimistisk estimat kalkuleres basert på gjenstående, manuelle estimater på oppgaver dypere nedover i hierarkiet.

Når estimatet på en deloppgave oppdateres, kalkuleres automatisk foreldre-estimatet på nytt. Hvilken deloppgave som forårsaket estimatendringen vises i tilknytning til foreldre-estimatet.

Kalkuleringen gjøre ved hjelp av beregningsmodellen for prosjektestimat i trepunktsestimering.

Slette et estimat

Pek på estimatet og trykk på Slett-lenken som dukker opp.


Nye estimater varsles til følgere av oppgaven.

Visning av et estimat

Et estimat representeres i form av en komprimert bullet graph.

De grå bakgrunnsfeltene (i forskjellige nyanser) gjengir hhv optimistisk, realistisk og pessimistisk estimat. De grå bakgrunnsfeltene blir mørkere jo høyere estimatet er.

I eksempelet over er estimatene:

  • Optimistisk: 2 timer
  • Realistisk: 4 timer
  • Pessimistisk: 8 timer

Dersom oppgaven har tidsbruk signaliserer den heltrukne linjen (i eksempelet blå) tid brukt så langt. Dersom tidsbruk er over realistisk forventning blir linjen gul. Dersom tidsbruk er over pessimistisk forventning blir linjen rød.

De svarte markørene gjengir forventet tidsbruk basert på oppgavens fremdrift. I eksempelet over fremdriften 95% som betyr at den første markøren er plassert på 95% av det optimistiske estimatet, den andre markøren på 95% av det realistiske estimatet, og den tredje markøren på 95% av det pessimistiske estimatet.

Ved estimatoverskridelse

Ved estimatoverskridelse opprettes automatisk en observasjon av typen "Estimat oppbrukt" (hver natt). Estimatoverskridelse forstås som at tidsbruk overskrider pessimistisk forventet tidsbruk ift framdrift.

Innmelder av observasjonen settes til oppgaveansvarlig *. Det er så oppgaveansvarligs ansvar å sette et nytt estimat og beskrive i notatfeltet hva hen opplever som bakgrunnen for estimatøkningen.

* Dersom oppgaven mangler en ansvarlig settes daglig leder som innmelder. Fremdrift

Framdrift gjenspeiler en vurdering av på hvilket stadie en oppgave befinner seg og prosentvis hvor langt arbeidet har kommet. Nåværende stadie og fremdrift vises som standard, i tillegg til hvor lenge de er siden arbeidet ble påbegynt. Arbeidet vurderes som påbegynt første gang oppgaven ble satt til stadiet implementering eller senere.

Klikk på "Vis historikk " for å se historisk fremdrift.

Oppdatere fremdrift

For å oppdatere fremdrift for en oppgave, klikk på pluss-ikonet i tilknytning til fremdrift. Oppgi oppgavens stadie og prosentvis framdrift, og trykk lagre.

Automatisk beregning av fremdrift på forelder ved føring av fremdrift på barn

Ved oppdatering av fremdrift på en oppgave kalkuleres og oppdateres automatisk fremdrift på evt foreldreoppgaver.

Det er en forutsetning at oppgaven det føres fremdrift på (i tillegg til oppgavens eventuelle søsken) har estimater for at fremdrift for forelder skal kalkuleres riktig.

Dersom både oppgaven det føres fremdrift på og dens eventuelle søsken mangler estimater, oppdateres ikke fremdrift for forelderoppgaven. Observasjoner

Opprette en ny observasjon i tilknytning til en oppgave

  1. Trykk på pluss-ikonet i tilknytning til Observasjons-overskriften
  2. Oppgi detaljer om observasjonen
    1. Kategori
    2. Sammendrag av hva du har observert
    3. Konsekvensen av hva du har observert
    4. Evt utdypende beskrivelse
  3. Trykk på "Opprett" Tidsbruk

Blokken Tidsbruk gjenspeiler hvor mye tid som er ført mot oppgaven (dersom det er ført noe tid). Klikk på "Vis timerføringer" for å se de konkrete timeføringene.

Tidsbruk vises også i tilknytning til estimatet, evt der estimatet skulle ha vært dersom estimatet mangler. Dersom det er ført over 4 timer på en oppgave og oppgaven mangler estimat gjengis tidsforbruket med rød tekst.

Se dokumentasjonen for estimater for hvordan tidsbruk gjenspeiles i sammenheng med estimater. Improvement Risks

Risks represent what we are concerned might happened. The platform exposes the risks of a team in order to:

  • Have somewhere to store and expose what might go wrong
  • Better understand and align around why things can go wrong, how and what the consequences are
  • Expose which mechanisms we have put in place in order to mitigate the risk (i.e. policies, processes, checklists, responsibilities, etc)

Risk state

A risk can be in one of the following states:

  • Suggested: Someone has suggested a risk that requires managing
  • Considering: The team is considering mitigating the risk
  • Mitigating: The team is working towards mitigating the risk
  • Managing: The team is comfortable managing the risk


Some risks are more severe than others.

In order to better prioritize which risks need to be addressed first, the platform exposes the severity of a risk. The severity is calculated based on the impact and probability of a risk, in accordance with the following matrix:


Risk views

The risks of a team can be presented in different views. To change the view, select the desired view from the list of views to the right of the header:

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The available views are:


Lists risks grouped by risk category, sorted alphabetically. This is the default view.


Lists risks grouped by severity, sorted descending by level of severity.

Unmanaged risk across the organization

To view the unmanaged risks across all teams, go to Organization > Dashboard > Unmanaged risk.

The unmanaged risks report is only available to platform admins. Undersøkelser

Undersøkelser kan brukes til å proaktivt innhente tilbakemeldinger fra egne team medlemmer eller eksternt som et utgangspunkt for å bli smartere eller jobbe bedre.

Eksempel på bruk av undersøkelser kan være til:

  • Evaluering av onboarding
  • Kartlegging av trivsel
  • Markedsundersøkelser
  • Evaluering av et prosjekt
  • Exit-intervju

Opprette en undersøkelse

For å opprette en undersøkelse, gå til teamet som skal eie undersøkelsen, velg "Undersøkelser" i navigasjonen og trykk på "Ny undersøkelse".

Spørsmål og seksjoner

Når du har opprettet undersøkelsen kan du legge til spørsmål. Spørsmål kan knyttes rett til undersøkelsen, eller grupperes på seksjoner. Seksjoner er nyttig for å gruppere lange undersøkelser, og for å få innsikt i responsen gruppert pr seksjon.

Her er et et eksempel på hvordan rapporten for en besvarelse vises ved gruppere spørsmål på seksjonene "Arbeidet" og "Hvordan jeg blir satt pris på":

Skjermbilde 2021-02-21 kl. 09.00.12.png

For hvert spørsmål som legges til kan du velge hvilken type svaralternativer den som tar undersøkelsen skal kunne velge mellom. Tilgjengelige typer er:

  • Enighet (hvor enig er svareren i påstanden)
  • Forventning (i hvilken grad møter situasjonen svarerens forventning)
  • Frekvens (hvor hyppig mener svareren at situasjonen forekommer)
  • Viktighet (hvor viktig mener svarereren det det spørres om er)
  • Sannsynlighet (hvor høy sannsynlighet vurderer svareren for at noe vi skje)
  • Tilfredshet (hvor tilfreds er svareren situasjonen)

Ta en undersøkelse

For å ta en undersøkelse, klikk på pilen i tilknytning til undersøkelsen og velg "Ta undersøkelse".

Undersøkelsen viser først spørsmålene som ikke tilhører en seksjon, og deretter spørsmålene som tilhører en seksjon, gruppert på seksjonene.

Skjermbilde 2021-02-21 kl. 09.08.49.png

Offentlig tilgjengelige undersøkelser

For å la brukere som ikke har en brukerkonto svare på en undersøkelse, rediger undersøkelsen og kryss av for "Offentlig tilgjengelig". Du kan så kopiere og dele "Ta undersøkelse" lenken med de du ønsker at skal ta undersøkelsen.

Kopiere en undersøkelse

Undersøkelser som er offentlig tilgjengelige kan kopieres på tvers av organisasjoner.

Motivasjonen for å kopiere en undersøkelse kan være at du ønsker å vite hvem som har svart, eller å beholde eierskap til og se utviklingen av besvarelsen for din organisasjon over tid.

For å kopiere en undersøkelse, trykk på pilen i tilknytning til undersøkelsen og velg "Kopier".

Du kan også trykke på "Kopier denne undersøkelsen til din organisasjon"-knappen som vises på resultatsiden for undersøkelsen. Survey responses

To view the details of a response to a survey, navigate to that survey and click the name of the individual who responded to the survey in the "Responses" section in the right column.

To view all responses as a group, click the "Show all" link in the header.

Skjermbilde 2022-05-09 kl. 14.02.14.png

To see all the survey responses of a person, navigate to that person and select Improvement> Responses in the left navigation menu.

Request a survey response

To request that someone takes a survey, click the "Request" button in relation to the Responses-section.

This allows you to search for a person or role who you would like to take the survey. An email will be sent to the person you select asking them to respond to the survey. If you select a role, an email is sent to all role holders of that role. Observasjoner

I Wecomplish er observasjoner fundamentet for kontinuerlig forbedring. En observasjon er en beskrivelse av noe som ikke er slik vi ønsker eller forventer.

Funksjonen er bygget på hypotesen om at man vil finne bedre løsninger på problemer man har en god forståelse for. 

Observasjoner er et verktøy som sikrer at du utvikler en bedre forståelse for et problem, før du begynner å tenke på løsninger. 

Observasjoner kan brukes som et personlig verktøy for å forstå og løse problemer du støter på.

Du kan også involvere andre i observasjonen dersom du trenger hjelp til å forstå problemet bedre, ønsker innspill til løsning, validering av løsning eller andre innspill.

Observasjoners beskrivelse, tiltak og kommentarer støtter Rik formatering.


En observasjon kan ses av alle organisasjonsmedlemmer. Et team-medlem kan se en observasjon dersom vedkommende står som innmelder, ansvarlig eller observasjonen er parkert til et møte hvor medlemmet er møtedeltaker.


Observasjoner støtter Kommentarer.

Søke opp en observasjon

Du kan oppsøke behandlingsresultatet ved å benytte de dedikerte observasjonssøket.

Automatisk opprettede observasjoner

Noen observasjoner opprettes automatisk basert på automatiserte forventninger i systemet. Observasjoner opprettes automatisk når:

  • Et estimat er overskredet
  • Prestasjonen til en KPI er utenfor akseptabelt intervall
  • En prosedyre som krever en allokering mangler dette

Endre observasjonstittel

For å endre en observasjonstittel, gå inn på observasjonen og klikk på tittelen. Gjør endringer og bruk tastatursnarveien Cmd + Enter for å lagre. Observasjonsliste

Observasjonslisten viser observasjoner som venter på deg. Du finner observasjonslisten ved å trykke på knappen "Forbedring" i menyen.

Observasjonslisten grupperer observasjonene på type, og sorterer typene etter en numerisk prioritet gjengitt foran typens tittel.

Observasjoner jeg er involvert i

Observasjoner du har i omløp, gruppert på personen observasjonen avventer.

Observasjoner du har i omløp er definert som observasjoner hvor du har en rolle og hvor observasjonen fortsatt er åpen.

Observasjonene er gruppert pr person observasjonen avventer.

Grupperingen viser først deg selv, og deretter øvrige involverte personer sortert minkende etter antall observasjoner. Observasjoner du har meldt inn som foreløpig ikke har fått en ansvarlig grupperes i en egen "Avventer tildeling" gruppe.

Ved klikk på hver enkelt person vises de observasjonene man har i omløp som avventer den personen, gruppert på observasjonskategori og sortert synkende etter observasjonskategoriens prioritet.

Din egen liste inneholder observasjoner hvor

  • Du er innmelder og observasjonen er på Kartlegges eller Tiltak identifisert stadiet
  • Du er ansvarlig og observasjonen er på Ny eller Behandles stadiet

Observasjoner i mine team

Observasjoner tilhørende team jeg er medlem av, men det ikke er tilordnet en ansvarlig enda, og hvor observasjonene har en av følgende statuser:

  • Ny
  • Behandles

Indikator på ubehandlede observasjoner i navigasjon

Dersom det finnes observasjoner du er involvert i som avventer deg, eller observasjoner i dine team som ikke har fått en ansvarlig enda, vises som en farget prikk i tilknytning til menypunktet Observasjoner. Fargeindikasjonen betyr følgende:

  • Grå prikk: Én eller flere ikke-behandlede observasjoner
  • Blå prikk: Én eller flere nye, ikke-behandlede observasjoner
  • Orange prikk: Én eller flere ikke-behandlede observasjoner har en kategori som haster Registrere en observasjon


Bruk Add new information eller tastatursnarveien "o".

Fra observasjonslisten

  1. Gå til observasjonslisten din (Deg > Forbedring > Observasjoner)
  2. Trykk på "Ny observasjon"
  3. Oppgi detaljer om observasjonen
    1. Relatert team
    2. Kategori *
    3. Sammendrag av hva du har observert
    4. Konsekvensen av hva du har observert
    5. Evt utdypende beskrivelse
  4. Trykk på "Be om behandling" eller "Opprett utkast". Be om behandling vil umiddelbart sende saken til behandling, mens "Opprett utkast" vil legge observasjonen i din egen liste for videre utfylling før du ber om behandling.

* Dersom du synes flere kategorier kan passe, velg kategorien med høyest prioritet (ettersom dette vil påvirke behandlingshastigheten). Arbeidsflyt for observasjoner

Etter at en observasjon er registrert kan den behandles gjennom en arbeidsflyt bestående av forskjellig statuser. Statusen signaliserer hva som forventes gjort med observasjonen og av hvem.

Du kan se nåværende status og hvem eller hva observasjonen avventer under deloverskriften "Arbeidsflyt":

Skjermbilde 2020-10-16 kl. 11.31.50.png

Endre status på en observasjon

Du kan endre status på en observasjon ved å trykke på den orange prikken over statusen du ønsker å flytte observasjonen til.

Observasjonens status kan også endres som en del av det å legge til en kommentar ved å trykke på den alternative Lagre-knappen. Denne knappen foreslår neste status basert på nåværende status:



En observasjon kan ha en av følgende statuser med tilhørende forventninger til behandling:


Innmelder supplerer med nok informasjon til at observasjonen kan behandles.

Meldt inn

Ansvarlig (evt noen på teamet hvis ingen ansvarlig er satt) oppfordres til å ta stilling til observasjonen.


Ansvarlig tar stilling til og tilfører kortsiktig og langsiktig tiltak for observasjonen

Parkert til møte

Ansvarlig diskuterer observasjonen med egnet samtalepartner.

Ved parkering til diskusjon er det nyttig å supplere med en kommentar som tydeliggjør hvorfor observasjonen er parkert for diskusjon (hva som planlegges diskutert).

Tiltak foreslått

Innmelder vurderer om tiltak står til forventningene.

Dersom tiltakene oppleves tilfredsstillende lukkes observasjonen. Hvis ikke, gjenåpnes den med en kommentar som beskriver hva som oppleves manglende.


Observasjonen er ferdig behandlet. Roller i observasjoner

Hvem som innehar hvilke roller i en observasjon er gjengitt øverst i observasjonen. Du kan endre hvem som innehar hvilke roller i observasjonen ved å begynne å søke etter en persons navn i rollefeltet og velge personen som matcher søket.

Skjermbilde 2020-10-05 kl. 09.56.05.png


Innmelder for en observasjon er den som har gjort seg observasjonen og har en interesse i eventuelle tiltak som identifiseres.


Ansvarlig for en observasjon er den man ønsker skal ta ta stilling til tiltak. Om du ikke setter en ansvarlig vil observasjonen bli synlig for alle som tilhører teamet observasjonen er opprettet i slik at en person med kapasitet og rett kompetanse kan ta ansvar for observasjonen. Tiltak

Et tiltak er noe noen har gjort eller planlegger å gjøre for å utbedre situasjonen på kort sikt (kortsiktig tiltak) eller unngå at situasjonen gjentar seg (langsiktig tiltak).

Registrere et tiltak

  1. Trykk på "Nytt tiltak"
  2. Fyll ut tiltakets beskrivelse
    1. Dersom du ønsker tiltaket opprettet som en oppgave: Søk opp og velg forelder for tiltaket i form av prosjekt eller oppgave
    2. Dersom du ønsker å linke til en eksisterende oppgave: Bruk interlenkesyntaksen
  3. Trykk på "Lagre"

Dersom du velger en forelder opprettes automatisk en oppgave med samme navn som tiltaksbeskrivelsen, oppgaven lenkes til observasjonen og observasjonstiltaket lenkes til oppgaven. Automatisk gjenåpning

Dersom du ønsker å kvalitetssikre tiltaket for en observasjon på et senere tidspunkt kan du sette en gjenåpne dato på observasjonen. Observasjonen vil da automatisk bli satt tilbake til steget "Kartlegges" på den valgte datoen, og få en kommentar med teksten "Automatisk gjenåpnet".

Du setter en gjenåpne-dato ved å redigere observasjonen og oppgi en dato i feltet "Gjenåpne".

Observasjoner med gjenåpningsdato satt viser gjenåpningsdatoen i tilknytning til Arbeidsflyt for observasjoner. Møter

Møter er et sted hvor observasjoner kan parkeres for diskusjon. Opprette et møte

Du kan opprettet møter på forskjellige måter:

Fra teamet

  1. Naviger fram til teamet som skal eie møtet
  2. Trykk på menyvalget "Møter"
  3. Velg nytt møte
  4. Oppgi et møtenavn
  5. Velg "Lagre"

Når en observasjon parkeres for diskusjon

  1. Naviger fram til observasjonen som skal parkeres
  2. Trykk på "Parker for diskusjon"
  3. I skjemaet "Nytt møte", oppgi møtets navn og hvilket team som skal eie møtet
  4. Trykk på "Opprett og parker" Slette et møte
  1. Lokaliser møtet du ønsker å slette og forsikre deg at møte ikke har noen møtedeltagere
  2. I listen over møter, trykk på nedoverpilen i tilknytning til møtet du ønsker å slette
  3. Velg "Slett"

Det er kun ansatte som kan slette møter. Parkere en observasjon til et møte
  1. Gå inn på observasjonen
  2. Velg "Parker for diskusjon" som neste steg i arbeidsflyten
  3. Søk opp møtet du ønsker å parkere observasjonen til Se agendaen for et møte

Agendaen vises når du navigerer til et møte via møtelisten for teamet eller søk. Det finnes også en print-tilpasset versjon av agendaen med en innholdsfortegnelse i toppen.

Øverst vises en liste over personer som har observasjoner parkert til agendaen med tilhørende antall observasjoner de har registrert. Klikk på en av personene for å filtrere agendaen til å kun inneholde observasjoner fra denne innmelderen.

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Ansatte kan se alle møter. Kunder kan se møter hvor de er møtedeltakere. Møtedeltakere

Et team-medlem må være møtedeltaker for å kunne se et møte og observasjonene parkert til dette.

Legge til en møtedeltaker

  1. Naviger deg frem til møtet
  2. Klikk på "Ny møtedeltager" lenken
  3. Søk opp møtedeltakeren i feltet "Navn"
  4. Trykk "Opprett"

Fjerne en møtedeltaker

Trykk på det grå krysset til høyre for møtedeltakerens navn for å fjerne deltakeren fra møtet. Market

Understanding the market in which one operates is a crucial part of success of any organization.

The information types and functionality organized under the Market category seeks to help identify and share these types of insights.

Managing market insight has multiple benefits:

  • It helps the organization gain a deep understanding of what their users are trying to accomplish
  • It helps finding and identifying product-market fit
  • It helps to identify/pin-point a target market
  • It operationalizes empathy (the ability to see the world from the viewpoint of the customer/user) within the organization
  • It connects the dots between what people are trying to accomplish and what the organization is offering
  • It creates the foundation for an effective messaging for marketing and sales
  • It helps predict which solutions are worth developing
  • It improves your Go-to-market strategy
  • It solifidies and improves your value propositions

In short, managing market insights helps make the go-to-market process a more predictable, transparent and continously improved process.

A study showed that once an organization agrees on

  • What a need is
  • What the users needs are
  • What segments of users exist with unique sets of unmet needs, and
  • Which needs are unmet

...the organization is is five-times more likely to create a product or service that wins in the marketplace

Relevance within the organization

Market insight is relevant across multiple departments of a traditional business, including:

  • Research & development
  • Product
  • Operations
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Customer success

In addition to describing the organizations publicly facing solutions, the market functionality can also be used to describe profiles and solutions that are served internally within the organization (internal market) to help gain a better understanding of how each team is set up to support other teams.

The information types are inspired by well-established methodologies like the Value Proposition Canvas and Outcome Driven Innovation.

Conceptual overview

Here's an overview of how the main market information types are conceptually associated to oneanother.

Value proposition.png

Note that profiles and solutions are not associated directly, but rather through associations between the outcomes associated with a profile and the benefits associated with a solution. This design aims to reduce the risk of assuming which solutions fit which profiles. Hypothesis

A hypothesis is something we belive might be true, but which we have not been able to prove or disprove (yet).

Although hypotheses are a very common tool in scientific work, they have yet to become popular and operationalized in non-academic circles. The platform aims to change that.

There are a multitude of benefits associated with adopting a hypothetical mindset within a team or an organization, including:

  • Identifying, articulating and agreeing on our beliefs
  • Distinguishing what we believe to be true from what we have actually proven (seen and experienced)
  • Agreeing on what we need to experience in order to consider an hypothesis valid or invalid
  • Aligning around which hypothesis are worth testing, and in which order
  • Testing hypothesis systematically, methodically and in unison in order to validate or reject them faster
  • Collaboratively collecting and organizing data relevant for proving or disproving an hypothesis
  • Making it easier to agree on testing something that is uncertain (rather than reducing uncertainty by thinking or planning)
  • Pointing out when we are acting on someones intuition and beliefs rather than actual data, reducing the use of assumptions and subjective opinions ("let's just articulate and test this hypothesis")

Hypothesis are especially relevant for innovative, growing and high performing teams continually on the lookout for a better understanding of the world around them and a more optimal way of doing things.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Startups
  • Product teams
  • Sales teams
  • Organizations looking to build and maintain an innovative mindset in order to remain relevant

If you do not have any hypothesis to test, it's useful to ask yourself if you are doing sufficient innovation within your domain.

Types of hypotheses

Hypotheses can be organized into different groups. In a startup, the hypotheses can most commonly be placed into one or more of the following four categories:

  • Idea: What do we belive about our idea and its attractiveness/viability?
  • Team: What do we belive about ourselves and our own capabilities?
  • Product: What do we belive about our product and how it will be perceived?
  • Market: What do we belive about the market and their response to our value proposition?

Hypothesis state

A hypothesis can have one of the following states:

  • Suggested: Someone has suggested that we look into this hypothesis
  • Considering: We are currently evaluating if this hypothesis is worth our time
  • Experimenting: We are currently focused on collecting data in order to prove or disprove the hypothesis
  • Validated: We belive we have gather sufficient data in order to conclude that the hypothesis is valid (proven)
  • Rejected: We belive we have gather sufficient data in order to conclude that the hypothesis is invalid (disproven)

Organizational hypotheses report

The Organizational hypotheses report provides an overview of the hypotheses that are currently a priority for the organization.

The report displays the hypotheses that are either on the Considering or Experimenting stage, across all teams. Profiles Profiles as a concept

Profiles describe the types of people we are interested in helping.

Motivations for describing a profile includes

  • Improve confidence in and ability to reach out to and communicate effectively with a profile
  • Build a deep and intuitive understanding of and focus on which outcomes the profiles are trying to achieve (as apposed to focusing on what we would like to help them with)
  • More easily qualify or disqualify a prospect (based on whether they fit a profile we have decided to serve or not)

Identifying a profile

If your organization has existed for some time, you have probably already seen a pattern in the people that you are helping, and you'll be able to deduce a set of profiles from that insight. You might also have had specific thoughts or discussions with regards to which types of people you want to help, and which types have proven not to be worth the effort.

If you, on the other hand, are just starting out, these patterns and discussions may not have emerged yet.

In this case, before identifying a profile, aim to have met with at least two people with a similar/overlapping set of desired outcomes before identifying a group of people as a profile. If you don't, you might incorrectly assume that one person cares about the same outcomes as someone else based on relatively superficial characteristics like their role.

Naming a profile

The intuition when naming a profile (especially if you're delivering to the B2B market) is to use job titles. In a profile context however, this doesn't give us much to work with as people seemingly in the same role aren't neccessarily focused on the same outcomes.

For better profile naming scheme, try combining these three factors in the profile name:

  • Role
  • Situation/circumstances/context
  • Use case/problem

Here are some examples

  • Founder (role) of a scaleup (context) who has just received funding and is looking to grow the team (use case)
  • A worker (role) new to the job market (context) who is starting their first job and is anxious (use case)

Creating more specific profiles helps us narrow down the outcomes and more easily personify and identify with the profile.

Be wary of creating too specific profiles, as there won't be enough people matching it, and as a result it will make less sense to invest time and effort into building out and targeting the profile.

Which profiles are worth describing

Since creating a profile takes time, it does not make sense to create profiles for anyone and everyone you might encounter or think of.

We want to focus on describing profiles where the benefits of sharing the profile insight with other team members outweights the cost of organizing and absorbing the insight.

When considering adding a profile, check to see if it matches the following criteria:

  • We expect there to be a significant portion of people matching the profile
  • We are motivated by the thought of helping this profile
  • We are welll equipped for helping this profile
  • Targeting this profile would be benefitial to our strategy and long term goals

External and internal profiles

The intuition when describing profiles is to focus on the people outside our organization that we're looking to help (external profiles). However, most teams within an organization also have a role in helping people inside the organization (internal profiles).

Here's an example:

A product team within a tech company might identify their external profiles as different types of users of their product. However, the product team also needs to satisfy internal profiles, like:

  • Tech, who are looking to best understand what to build and how it should look
  • Operations/customer success, who could be looking for the product to reduce some of the pain they experience when working with clients
  • Investors, which could be looking for the product to become more self-serviced in order to scale more quickly

In order to get a balanced view of priorities and stakeholders, make sure to consider both external and internal profiles when deciding which profiles are worth describing. Desired outcomes

In order to better understand the needs of the people associated with a profile, the profile makes room for describing the desired outcomes of the people who identify with a profile.

The desired outcomes are grouped into three separate types:

  • The jobs the person are trying to get done
  • The gains the person is trying to achieve
  • The pains the person is trying to alleviate

Desired outcomes are reusable across profiles. This means that when you add a new job, gain or pain, the system searches for desired outcomes already defined on other profiles. Profile states

A profile can have one of the following states:

  • Suggested: Someone has suggested that we might want to serve this profile
  • Considering: We are currently considering if this is a profile we want to be serving
  • Developing: We are currently building the profile, trying to understand and refine its desired outcomes
  • Serving: We are currently serving this profile
  • Not serving: We have decided not to serve this profile Propositions

Propositions help us systematically improve our understanding of what profiles in our market care about.

The purpose of propositions is to

  • Identify unmet needs
  • Collect feedback on which outcomes people actually care about in order to improve our communication and deliver something people want
  • Improve confidence in our ability to communicate with and deliver value to the people we want to help
  • Identify people who are candidates for receiving our help

Create a new proposition

To get started, you first need to create create a proposition. You can do this by going to the Team > Propositions, and selecting "New proposition".

A proposition is simply a collection of which profiles you think the people you plan to proposition identify with, and the preferred language of the people you plan to propositions.

In most cases you'll probably want to stick with one profile, but at an early stage where you have little to no information about your target market, you might want to experiment with several profiles in order to see which labeling the interviewees most identify with.


A proposition also allows you to select a proposer, meaning the person who is responsible for communicating the proposition to others. Usually, this will be yourself, unless you are constructing propositions on the behalf of others, i.e. the members of your sales or marketing team.

Setting a proposer helps keep track of which individuals are working on which propositions, and better understand the activity and data gathered by each proposer.

If you are interviewing people digitally (meaning you are sending them the consideration survey to reply for themselves), the proposer will also appear as the sender of chat-like messages in the consideration wizard, and will receive an email when someone signals their interest in a proposition.

Sharing/collecting input on a proposition

Targeting individuals

If you have identified individuals who you want to consider your proposition, you can add these as a new consideration, giving their name and email address. This will produce a unique consideration wizard link in which the person will be greeted by name and you can see to which extent this particulare individual expresses interes in the proposition.


If you have not sourced particular suspects for a proposition, or you want to make available a public link (for instance on a web site) where anyone can provide their consideration, use the generic consideration wizard link. Consideration

Considerations are a way to collect feedback on the profiles and outcomes of a proposition.

The feedback collection is done through the consideration wizard.

Consideration wizard

The consideration wizard gives us the ability to collect feedback on which profiles and outcomes people actually identify with and care about.

The consideration wizard can be used digitally by the interviewee themselves (if you send them a link), or by a researcher calling to survey the interviewee.

Here's a screenshot from a step in the consideration wizard process:


The wizard consists of the following steps:


The interviewee selects which profiles they identify with.


The interviewee rates how important the outcomes associated with the profiles they've identified with are to them.

If they care at all about an outcome (meaning it has somewhat importance or higher), they are also asked to grade their current satisfaction with their ability to acheive the desired outcome.


The interviewee receives a summary of the outcomes they care about and signals their interest in being contacted again in the future.

Analyzing input from the consideration wizard

The input provided by users when considering a proposition is available in different contexts. To learn more, check out Opportunity score. Opportunity score

Opportunity score is a tool that helps to

  • Understand what a market cares about
  • Estimate market opportunity (identify unmet needs)
  • Prioritize efforts in product development

Opportunity score is the main metric in the Opportunity-Driven Innovation framework created by Anthony W. Ulwick, which aims at “making innovation predictable”.

The score is the result of an analysis of the gap between the importance that customers assign to the expected outcomes of a job-to-be-done, and how satisfied they are with their current solutions.

The formula looks like this:

Opportunity score = Importance + (Importance - Satisfaction)


Opportunity score is calculated based on the data collected by the Consideration feature.

As such, you have to be actively collecting input via the Consideration wizard in order for the opportunity score to appear in relation to the relevant outcomes and profiles.

Exposure in platform

Opportunity score is exposed in the platform in the following ways:

Outcomes in consideration context

When listing the relevant outcomese of a consideration, each outcome contains a label signifying how relevant the outcome is to the interviewee. The opportunity score is displayed within the label.


These are the relevancy labels used depending on the opportunity score:

  • 5 - 6: Very relevant
  • 3 - 4: Pretty relevant
  • <3: Somewhat relevant

Outcomes in profile context

When viewing a profile, the outcomes that have been evaluated (as a part of consideration) include the opportunity score.


Here the opportunity score is presented as a percentage of what is possible in order to better compare the opportunity of different outcomes.

To view the outcomes in descending order of opportunity, select the opportunity view:


This helps you identify which outcomes have better resonnance (opportunity candidates) and which are considered less relevant and should be retired from the profile once you have sufficient confidence in the data.


When viewing a list of profiles, if the profile has one or more considerations, the total opportunity score of the profile is displayed on the profile card:

Skjermbilde 2022-05-28 kl. 08.23.11.png

This helps you identify which profiles have better resonnance (opportunity candidates) and which are considered less relevant and should be rejected once you have sufficient confidence in the data. Solutions

Solutions are the products and/or services we are offering to help the profiles we are serving.

Here's an example of what a list of solutions might look like:

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The benefits of a solution are broken down in to two types:

A singular benefit can be associated with multiple profile outcomes, tying the solutions offered to the outcomes people care about. 

Embedded solutions

A solution can embed other solutions. Relevant use cases for this might be a software product consisting of multiple modules that are themselves considered separate solutions, or when building a custom solution for a client consisting combining several pre-existing solutions.


A solution can have one of the following states:

  • Suggested: Someone has suggested that we might want to deliver this solution
  • Considering: We are currently considering if this is a solution we want to deliver
  • Designing: We are currently designing this solution, making it ready to offer to the market
  • Delivering: We are currently delivering this solution to the market
  • Retired: We have decided not to deliver this solution to the market anymore Alternatives

In order to be successful, we need to get people to make the switch from whatever they are doing or using today, and over to us.

The more deeply we understand the alternative ways in which our market is getting the job done, the better equipped we will be at building better solutions and communicating the benefits of making the switch.

Ensuring that people are actually using alternatives also helps us to validate the fact that the problem is seen as worth solving by the market, and to refine our understanding of the problem and how it is understood by the people we want to help.

To facilitate this type of insight, the platform supports managing Alternatives as an information type.

Alternatives helps us share insight across the organization into how the market is currently solving the problem, and the advantages and disadvantages of those alternatives.

Alternatives might consist of neatly packaged products and services provided by organizations we consider to be our competitors, but they could just as well be Excel spreadsheets, templates, recurring meetings or other manual processes constructed to help get the job done.

Understanding the alternatives to our offering is valuable, not only to the people working inside the organization, but also to those who are considering investing in us. Being able to demonstrate a deep understanding of alternatives is highly valued by and reassuring to potential investors.

4.1.9 Activities What are activites

An activity is an action taken in the platform. Activities are automatically created when a logged in user performs one of the following actions:


  • Landmarks
    • Create
    • Edit

Training & development

  • Roles
    • Assign a role to a person
    • Add a new skillset expecation
    • Change the state of a role assignment
  • Responsibility
    • Create
    • Edit
    • Associate content
  • Skillset
    • Add a person who masters the skillset
  • Skill
    • Create
    • Edit
  • Familiarity
    • Change state
  • Checkin
    • Trigger a check-in

What we use

  • Information type
    • Create
    • Update
    • Change state
    • Validate state

How we work

  • Check-in types
    • Check-in started
  •  Policy
    • Edit
    • Change state
  • Checklist
    • Create a task
    • Edit a task
  • Wiki page
    • Edit
  • Process
    • Application of process step
  • AI template
    • Create
    • Edit


  • Task
    • Create
    • Comment on
    • Track progress on
  • Project
    • Create


  • KPI
    • Create
    • Edit
    • Create a report
  • Accomplishment
    • Create


  • Decision
    • Create
    • Edit
  • Challenge
    • Create
    • Edit
  • Observation
    • Create
    • Comment on
    • Identify a measure


  • Alternative
    • Create
    • Edit


  • Flag
    • Create
  • AI
    • Delegate a task to AI Activity is focused on

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In the context of the organization, a team and a persons, you can find a visualization of the activity.

The activities are grouped into three categories:

  • Executing: Displays activities related to tasks
  • Documenting: Displays activities related to insight locations, documentation, checklists, skills, roles and responsibilities
  • Improving: Displays activities related to observations, surveys and familiarity development

The charts display the activity count for the last 5 weeks. Point to the chart to see the exact week number and activity count for a given week.

Skjermbilde 2021-04-10 kl. 06.37.56.png

On the organization and team dashboard, the charts include a list of activity contributors in the upper, right corner, sorted in descending order by activity count. Point to a user to see the exact activity count for the entire period.

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How to use the charts

The purpose of grouping activity by executing, documenting and improving is to better expose how a team or a persons contributions is divided among short-term and long-term work. This can then be used as the basis for reflection and discussion during a team status meeting or a performance review.

The general expectation is that, once a team or person matures, activity is expected to shift more from the left (more operational activity) to the right (more strategic activity).

It's helpful to understand and be sensitive to different peopls proclivities towards either execution or facilitation (documenting and improving) when having this discussion, all the while calibrating expectations towards the relevant responsibilties and seniority/maturity. Monitoring activity

You can easily discover to which extent, where and by whom there is activity within the platform.

Here are some of the ways in which to monitor activity:

Organizational activity

Click the "Organization" navigation item in the top menu and scroll down to the Activity section in the left column.

Here you will find the following reports:

  • Development: All familiarization activity within a given time period.
  • Contributions: All write activity within a given time period.
  • Views: All view activity
  • Instantiations: All instantiation activity within a given time period.
  • Activity: All write activity within a given day

In addition to these purpose-built activity reports, you also have the "Recent activity" report in the top of the left column summarizing activity within the current week.

Team activity

Navigate to a specific team to see:

Project activity

Navigate to a specific project to see:

  • The 10 most recent activities across the project

Personal activity

Overall activity

Navigate to Organization > People or Focus > Priorities My team to see the activity indicator for each individual person, or all the people within your team.

Skjermbilde 2022-06-25 kl. 07.54.19.png

The activity indicator has the following different colors:

  • Over 10.000 activities: Purple
  • Over 1.000 activities: Green
  • Over 100 activities: Yellow
  • Under 100 activities: Red

The amount of upward pointing markeds depend on the activity count:

  • Over 50x: 3 markers
  • Over 25x: 2 markers
  • Under 25x: 1 marker

Activity details

Navigate to a specific person's profile page to see:

  • The Activity is focused on charts for the person
  • If you are an admin
    • The 10 most recent activities across the organization


4.1.10 Reports Focus report

To get the best and most out of our people, we need to make sure that they remain focused. This involves

  • Making sure that people have something to focus on
  • Making sure that we share a common understanding of what is the current focus of each individual
  • Avoid people focusing on too many things at the same time (dilution of focus)

Use the focus report to quickly get an overview of the focus of individuals within the organization. To view the report, go to Organization > Reports > Focus.  The Focus report is only available to Platform admins.

Here's an example of what the Focus report might look like:

Skjermbilde 2021-12-10 kl. 09.23.48.png

For each individual, the reports displays:

  • The number of projects the person is contributing to
  • The number of objectives the person is contributing to
  • The number of expectations the person is focused on improving

If the number is higher than 10, it appears in red. If the number is higher than 5, it appears in yellow, indicating that the person might be stretched too thin.

In the right hand column, there are graphs indicating the percentage of individuals who are focused on at least one project, objective and expectation respectively. Belastbar Forpliktet kapasitet

Rapporten gjengir forpliktet (i utgangspunktet belastbare prosjekter som er underveis) kapasitet vs tilgjengelig belastbar kapasitet fram til valgte uke. Som standard vises 26 uker (et halvt år) frem i tid.

Den forpliktede kapasiteten består av resterende timer (oppdatert hver natt) forventet levert på budsjetter med et dedikert timeantall.

I tillegg vises, i tilknytning til forpliktet kapasitet, den planlagte leveransen frem i tid (i form av ukesallokeringer).

Budsjettene sorteres fra størst avvik mellom resterende budsjett og planlagt tid, til minst.

Klikk på "Vis allokeringer" i tilknytning til det enkelte budsjett for å se hvilke ukesallokeringer som er planlagt for budsjettet.

For å også inkludere ikke-belastbare prosjekter, kryss av for "Inkluder ikke-belastbare prosjekter".

For å også inkludere prosjekter som avventer, kryss av for "Inkluder prosjekter som avventer".

NB. For at grafen skal vises riktig må det være lagt inn belastbar kapasitet på minst én ansatt i organisasjonen. Kapasitet

Viser belastbare ressurser og deres planlagte kapasitet i form av belastbare timer for et gitt datointervall.

Pek på bullet graphen for å se belastbar kapasitet for den enkelte. Forpliktelser

Rapporten for forpliktelser viser prosjekter med låste, aktive budsjetter, og forventningen til hvor mye tid disse på allokeres opp pr uke for å levere budsjettet innen avtalens utløp.

Forpliktelsene er sortert etter antall dager til forfall fra lavest til høyest. Forpliktelsen er grålagt hvis det ikke finnes noen oppgaver som kan utføres, prosjektet er satt til avventer, eller prosjektet ikke har startet enda.

For hver forpliktelse vises følgende informasjon:


Første kolonne gjengir anbefaling til allokering. Dersom forpliktelsen allerede oppleves ivaretatt, vises ingenting.

Dersom faktisk allokering avviker med mer enn 30% av "bør allokere", vises en avkrysningboks med en blå eller rød bakgrunnsfarge. Blå gjengir > 30% overallokering. Rød gjengir > 30% underallokering.


Status forteller hvor a jour vi er med tidsbruk pr d.d. sett oppimot forventet tidsbruk pr d.d. Eksempelvis viser en status på -10:00 at vi har levert 10 timer færre enn vi hadde forventet (med et jevnt tempo) på dette tidspunktet.

Bør allokere

Bør allokere gjenspeiler hvor mye tid som må allokeres pr uke for å komme i mål med prosjektet innen deadline. Forventningen beregnes med utgangspunkt i hvor mye av budsjettet og hvor mange arbeidsdager som gjenstår å levere.

[Kolonne pr medarbeider]

Kolonnen pr medarbeider gjengir antall timer vedkommende er allokert opp på forpliktelsen. Lyseblå bakgrunn gjengir at vedkommende inngår i teamet for den aktuelle forpliktelsen. Registrerte observasjoner

Gjengir antall registrerte observasjoner (herav antallet observasjoner automatisk registrert) pr person eller team for rapportperioden. Oppgavesøk

Under Rapporter > Oppgaver kan du søke etter alle oppgaver på tvers av organisasjonen.

I tillegg til et fritekstsøk støtter søket filtrering på:

  • Team
  • Ansvarlig
  • Stadie Prestasjonsrapport

Rapport som gjengir antall registrerte prestasjoner pr innmelder for rapportperioden. Budsjettrapport

Viser de aktive budsjettene som har timer ført. Budsjettene er sortert minkende etter antall timer ført.

For budsjetter hvor siste leveransedato har passert vises denne datoen i rødt. Spesifikasjon

En spesifikasjon presenterer en oppgave, et prosjekt eller en prosedyre med tilhørende deloppgaver og estimater i et utskriftsvennlig format. Spesifikasjonen formål er å gi arbeidets interessenter et overblikk over det totale omfanget av arbeidet, typisk som grunnlag for en bestilling eller å kvalitetssikre forståelsen av arbeidet.

Se en spesifikasjon

For å vise spesifikasjonen for en oppgave, klikk på lenken "Spesifikasjon" nederst på oppgavesiden.

For å vise en spesifikasjon for et prosjekt, klikk på pilen i tilknytning til prosjekttittelen, og deretter på lenken "Spesifikasjon".

For å vise en spesifikasjon for en prosedyre, klikk på pilen i tilknytning til prosedyrens tittel, og deretter på lenken "Spesifikasjon".


Spesifikasjonen er delt inn i to hoveddeler - estimater og beskrivelse av arbeidet.


Presenterer estimatet for spesifikasjonen totalt, samt estimater for oppgavene direkte underlagt. Oppgavenes navn i estimat-tabellen lenker til oppgavens beskrivelse.

Estimattabellen vises kun dersom selve oppgaven også har et estimat (i tillegg til underlagte oppgaver).

Beskrivelse av arbeidet

Presenterer oppgavetitler og beskrivelser for hele oppgavehierarkiet. Vekten på overskriften gjenspeiler dybden i oppgavehierarkiet. Oppgavetitler foranstiles med kapittelnummerering tilsvarende oppgavens rekkefølge og dybde. Oppgavetitlene lenker til den fulle oppgaven.

4.1.11 Users and access

User access levels

Users have three different access levels. You can identify the current access level of a given user in the right column of their profile page:



An administrator is someone who is expected to manage the organization within the platform.

The administrator can use all functionality and view all content stored in the organization.

The only exception is tasks not explicitly associated with a team. These are only accessible by the creator and assignee. The tasks are stille available in searches and lists.

Admins can be managed by going to Organization > People > Administrators. You have to be an administrator in order to grant other people administrator priveligies.

Team member

A team member is someone who is expected to maintain team insight.

Team members can view and edit the information of all open teams, and any private teams they have been granted explicit access to.

They can also see the names of any private teams and who is granted access to those teams, but they can not view the contents of those teams unless they have been explicitly granted access themselves.


A collaborator is someone who collaborates with, has input to or is interested in the work carried out by the team. Typical use cases include representatives from clients, vendors or partners.

A collaborator can view, search and comment on all of the team's content, assign and perform tasks, and create observations and achievements.

Team access levels

Teams have two different access levels. You can identify private teams by the padlock displayed next to the team name.


Private team

This is the default state when creating a team. Private teams are accessible by admins and users granted explicit access to the team.

Open team

When creating or editing a team, you can choose to make the team open.

An open team will have its contents viewable and searchable to any user in the organization.

To make an existing team open, navigate to said team, click the icon in the top right corner, and select "Edit". Then, check off the "Open team" checkbox.

A_private_team.png Remove (retire) a user from the organization

When a user is no longer expected to have access to the organization, navigate to the profile page of said user, click the ellipsis icon in the top, right corner and select "Retire from the organization".

Retiring a user will also remove their:

After retiring the user from the organization, that user will no longer be able to log in, but the content they have produced will still be available.

Reactivating a retired user

If you need to reactivate a retired user, navigate to the retired user, click the ellipsis icon in the top, right corner and select "Reactivate in organization".

Make sure to recreate any of the information that was removed when retiring the user.

4.1.12 Demo

For å gjøre det enklere å evaluere plattformen uten å eksponere og manipulere produksjonsdata for en reell organisasjon er det mulig å nyttegjøre en generell demo konto eller opprette en egen konto.

Opprette en egen konto

Se hvordan du oppretter en organisasjon.

Generell demo konto


Demo kontoen er foreløpig kun tilgjengelig i utviklingsmiljøet ved å sette opp miljøet til å svare på julenissen.* som subdomene.


Utover data som brukere av demo kontoen selv legger til/fjerner kan du forvente å finne et sett med grunndata avhengig av hvilket datasett som er påført demo kontoen.

Datasettene som er tilgjengelig er definert som en del av kodebasenAlice fixtures formatet.

Resette demo

Dersom du ønsker et rent datasett (renske demoen for data tilført/fjernet manuelt) kan du resette demoen. Resetting av demoen innebærer effektivt at hele demokontoen slettes og opprettes på nytt med demoens datasett.

For å resette, kjør følgende kommandoer:

php bin/console tenant:delete julenissen
php bin/console hautelook:fixtures:load --append

5 Scaling up

5.1 Why scaling a business can feel difficult and scary

After long, painstaking effort, people are finally buying the product or service you're selling. Congratulations, you are one of a few startups who have officially acheived the mythical product/market fit!

Now that your team has succeeded in building a product or service that people want to buy, it' time to start building an organization that can scale the delivery of your offering quickly, and that people want to continue to invest their time and money into. 

This means it's time to make the move from a startup to a scaleup.

Because the primary challenge and scarcest resource of a scaleup is fundamentally different than a startup, there are several key priorities that need to change if you are hoping to acheive expontential growth.

Skjermbilde 2021-03-23 kl. 06.04.33.png

Moving from startup to scaleup involves revamping the roles of the founders and the overall focus of the business. This can often feel scary and difficult.

Let's adress some of the most common concerns and objections related to scaling up, and how we can help you address them.

Ambition: I don't want to scale

Many founders are perfectly happy running what's often referred to as a lifestyle business or are simply less ambitious or more risk-averse by nature.

If you don't want to scale your business that is, of course, perfectly fine. The only thing I would suggest before you're off is to have a quick glance at the remaining concerns and objections just to make sure that it is actually ambition that's keeping you from scaling, and not a sense being unable to do so.

Readiness: I don't belive we're ready to scale

If clients are not throwing themselves at you and capital is still a scarse resource, your company might still be in the startup phase and your focus should remain on finding product/market fit.

However, if your sense of readiness is more closely associated with not being able to onboard as quick as you would like without the concern of a drop in quality or customer satisfaction, then we absolutely should have a talk about how insight can be better organized to facilitate more consistent quality across the organization.

Change: I'm concerned that my responsibilities and work load might change for the worse

It's common for founders to not have a formal job description, but rather an intuitive understanding of ones responsibilities (which usually involves everything that someone else isn't able to do) and a recognizable work load. Any changes to these could result in you being worse off.

If this is a concern, I'd invite you to have a chat about it. It's my experience that founders often feel guilty about spending too much time working in the business and not enough time working on the business, and a chat could help explore the possibilities of adjusting that without the organization or yourself suffering.

Priority: I don't have the time to scale

You might already be overloaded with delivering on milestones and keeping investors happy. How are you supposed to find the time to scale as well?

If inability to making scaling a priority is a pain point, I invite you to set aside 2 hours a week for a 1:1 chat. During that time we can contribute to the understanding of your business and what needs to change where in order to free up sufficent time to focus on scaling.

Know-how: I'm not sure which steps to take in which order to scale as efficiently as possible

Unless you've been an integral part of a successful scaleup in the past, the steps involved in scaling up might not be intuitive to you. You might also be interested to know that a lot of founders often hold personality traits which  makes it more difficult for them to scale efficiently by themselves.

We can help show you the steps involved in scaling up, making sure that you address the organizations 

  • Know-how/ability
  • Tools
  • Culture/behaviour/leadership
  • Time/priority
  • Motivation/incentives

Incentives: Neither the performance of myself nor the organization is measured on working more long-term

Unfortunately it's all too common for a business not to have clear Key Performance Indicators favouring working long term and shifting human capital towards structural capital.

Depending on the skillset of your board room and employees, you might have to spend some time educating the organization on the importance of insight management and we are here to give you the vocabulary, tools and confidence to do just that.

Ready to take the next step towards exponential and less painful growth?

Read more about our consulting services of take on our surveys to better understand where your business is at and its potential for improvement:

5.2 The insight management challenge

Many organizations have a substantial potential for improvement when it comes to a culture, guidelines and tools for managing and reusing insight.

The lack of proper insight management can quickly grow to become the primary obstacle an organization faces in growing more quickly all the while improving and maintaining uniform quality.

Here are some of the most common problems organizations are experiencing due to a lack of proactive insight management.

Multitude of insight storage and distribution channels

Insight is distributed across several channels, making it more difficult to relocate it when needed. Rules of where to store and share which types of insight are unwritten at best and unclear at worst.

Even experienced coworkers can typically spend 2-3 hours each week looking for information.

These are some of the channels used for insight, sorted here by a deminishing degree of reusability and refindability:

Folder structure on a server

Insight and other types of deliverables are organized by client/vendor/department/project in a folder structure. The folder structure within each top level is somewhat uniform. Navigating to find what one needs takes time.

When reusing insight, people often need to know for which project there was previously done similiar work in order to find relevant material to copy.

Employees are uncertain as to whether the expectations of what to find where in the folder stucture are aligned across their coworkers.

Microsoft Teams/Slack

Insight is posted over various channels with names roughly matching the names of clients/projects/departments.


Insight is posted as answers to various questions from clients, coworkers, partners, investors, etc.

Across the desk from oneanother (orally)

Insights is shared orally when someone has a problem or a question related to their work.

Insight not organized for reusability

Insight is rarely constructed to be reusable, and when it is, there is often an assumption of a pre-existing level of understanding that is not given for someone who is new to the team.

No uniform insight vocabulary

The organization lacks the knowledge and a uniform vocabulary to properly store insight in a format which makes it easily searchable, reusable and possible to track how the insight was reused.

The understanding of terms like

  • Documentation
  • Checklists
  • Templates
  • Roles
  • KPIs
  • etc

...is not uniform across employees.

As a result, insight expexted to be reused often ends up in Word or Excel format which makes it more difficult to find and reuse, as well as ensuring that the insight is actually being reused and improved.

Lack of a detailed understanding of how work is done

It's more difficult than it needs to be to gain a detailed understanding of how the organization and its teams is expected to do it's work.

This makes it more difficult to present the company to new team members and investors, ensure compliance and improve and automate processes.

Strategic roles become a know-how bottleneck

Due to the lack of easily reusable insight, management or more experienced employees are often dependant upon to assist with more complicated deliveries. This keeps these resources tied up in a delivery-loop, making it difficult to free up time to focus on working on (as apposed to in) the organization.

Fewer incentives for working long-term

No person or team in the company is measured (implicitly of explicitly) on to which extend they produce or consume reusable insight. As a result, there are fewer incentives to prioritize short-term work over long-term work.

Employees often feel like they have to choose between spending time making insight reusable or spend the time completing the tasks their performance is actually measured in relation to.

5.3 Insight management

5.3.1 Relevance

What makes insight management more relevant than ever

Remote work

Work is more More specialized

Unfamiliar business models

People stay in a company shorter
Companies are expected to grow, innovate, adapt and onboard more quckly
We are more easily accessible for interruption than ever before

5.3.2 Maturity levels


NB. The phases don't occur once/are not limited to company stage.

Alternative naming of stages:

  • Obtain/uncover
  • Dump (mining)
  • Organize/package
  • Reuse
  • Measure
  • Improve

Can be visualized as a ladder signifying levels of insight maturity.

Starting with awareness (or lack thereof).

How does training fit into this?

Is it relevant to talk more clearly about capitalizing?

5.3.3 What we expect from our insight

Status: Draft


Vi expect our insight to produce continously more clear expectations.


This applies to all coworkers.


By expecting our insight to consist of clear expectations we acheive several advantages:

  • We lay the ground work for doing our best over time
  • We are more productive
  • We are less stressed and more motivated to do the work
  • We avoid repeating the same mistakes
  • We are more able to meet the expectations of and retain good relations with clients and partners
  • We increase the likelyhood of keeping clients and coworkers
  • We don't have to work from the same place in order to complete work correctly
  • We are better equipped at capitalizing when opportunities present themselves
  • We make it easier to scale
  • We nurture a great reputation
  • We spend less time putting out fires (and more time on planned and prioritized initatives)









  • Vi lager skreddersydde systemer der vi opplever det viktig for å sikre en god operasjonalisering av policies og ønsket arbeidsflyt


6 I need time to think!

A how-to guide for designing a healthy and long-term performant organization which enables people to act focused and independently in the organizations best interest.

6.1 How do people become great leaders

  • By experiencing and reflecting on what constitutes great/dysfunctional leadership
  • By experiencing and reflecting on what constitutes a great/dysfunctional team/organization
  • By observering/being led by great/dysfunctional leaders

6.2 Autonomy + alignment = 🔥

Both leaders and employees prefer work to be autonomus, meaning that everyone feel empowered to solve problems themselves without having to rely on others.

However, if the autonomy is not tethered to anything, it will just produce a lot of activity and not a lot of progress. This is where alignment comes into play.

The keys to aligned autonomy are role clarity and goal clarity.

6.3 The tomato can example

Last week my daughter peeked into my home office to ask me to open a can of tomatoes. The pandemic meant she was being home schooled (or rather, was home schooling herself), and her home ec assignment was to cook tomato soup from scratch.

Both her, my wife and I were working from home, so I don't know whether she had tried to ask my wife first. Had my wife been available, I'm sure she would have taken the can, opened it, handed it back to our daughter and continued working, as any sane person would.

With me, asking for help is usually a little more complicated, as my daughter knows by now.

When she handed me the can, I noticed that it had already been partially opened. From that I induced that she had made an attempt to open the can herself, but was either unable to completely remove the lid, or was concerned that she wasn't doing it right.

My next thought was the fact that I was surrounded by computer equipment. If I were to open the can right there at my desk, and it did not go as I'd hoped, I would risk getting tomato juice all over the electronics.

Building on that, I took the can and led my daughter back to the kitchen in order to show her how to open the can over the sink. During my walk there I thought about why my daughter feelt the need to aquire my assistance, and what the purpose of her tomato soup assignment was.

Later that day, after she explained that cooking the tomato soup had taken her three hours, leaving her unable to finish homework in time, I told her that allthough the purpose of the assignment probably was to learn general cooking skills, she also might find it useful to know that tomato soup can be prepared from a bag in 5 minutes in case she enjoyed the taste, but not the work.

In some respects, putting that much thought into a question about can opening seems crazy. And to some extent it might be. But the point that I'm trying to make is not.

The questions I ask myself whenever someone involves me in something

Whenever someone hands me an assignment or asks me for assistance, my default operating mode is to ask myself three questions:

  • Why am I being involved in this? Is it due to my responsibilities? Opinion? Skillset? Availability? Something else?
  • Why isn't the person able to complete the work themselves? Do they lack the skillset? Confidence? Time? Something else?
  • What is the person involving me trying to accomplish? How do they hope that my involvement will affect the outcome?

I belive there are several reasons why I've come to automate this critical way of thinking over the years.

Understanding of my responsibilities

For the past 20 years I've been a leader. First in my own company, and later as a parent. During those years I've spent a lot of time thinking about what the role of leadership involves. And without going into too much detail, I would argue that one of the primary responsibilties of a leader is to multiply effect for the organization.

In a company, that means that I should spend as little time as possible working in the business completing tasks and as much time as possible working on the business designing how work should be done.

In context of the tomato can example, it means that my job is not to open a can of tomatoes, but rather to enable everyone in the family to be able to open cans of tomatoes.

Or better yet, to enable everyone to cook.

Or better yet, to make sure that everyone knows how to provide their friends and family with  delicous and nutritious meals.

Time to think

I've been running my own company since my 18th birthday. That means that I've always been in a position to design how the organization I'm working in should operate. And as I've grown more experienced, I've been careful to design a workday where everyone (myself included) have the time to engage in focused work, affording us the opportunity to properly understand and produce the best possible outcome to the problems we are responsible for.

My belief is that a clear understanding of ones responsibilities and the time to think deeply about those responsibilities are the most important factors I, both as a leader and a parent, can teach and provide to my coworkers and children.

In the chapters to come I'll lay out how I've come to belive this, and how I go about designing such an environment for myself and those around me. 

6.4 Modern work

6.4.1 The modern society

  • Less borders (more international)

6.4.2 The modern worker

  • More people working as free agents living in an organizational eco-system (as apposed to as "fixed" employees)
  • Radical transparency

6.4.3 The great/healthy organization/team/leader

The great/healthy organization/team needs to

  • Take advantage of the opportunities within the modern society and counterbalance the risks
  • Meet the expectations of and facilitate the best possible performance from the modern worker

Se also Insight management.

In this context, great is meant to mean:

  • Healthy
  • Well-functioning
  • Adaptable

Traits of the great organization

Traits of a great team

Check out the survey How healthy is our organization?

See also https://we-are.wecomplish.no:/policy/186.

Great organzation = Healthy teams + team members with high organizational clarity

* Health = Makes the org resilient and attractive
* Clarity = makes the people focused and effective
* Capability = makes the organization skilled and useful

Traits of the dysfunctional organization

Check out dysfunctional organizations skillset.

Traits of great insight

  • Understandable
  • Actionable
  • Concrete
  • Tangible
  • Operationalizable
  • Relevant

Not, Inspirational, motivational fluff/bullshit, i.e.: 

Traits of the great team

  • Clear purpose
  • Contains a group of individuals (human or non-human), aka team members
  • Team members work together towards a common purpose
  • Team members help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations.
  • Psychologically safe environment
  • Clear expectations
  • Continuously improving

Traits of the great leader

Traits of a great/healthy/modern leader

Traits of the great worker

  • Enabled
  • Aligned
  • Deep understanding (clarity)
  • Growth mindset
  • Psycologically safe
  • Insight managing

Traits of the great individual

  • Independant
  • Well balanced
  • Well-functioning Traits of a great/healthy/modern leader

Traits (what a great leader is)

  • Visionary
  • Compassionate
  • Trustworthy
  • Clear
  • Confidence-inspiring
  • Reliable
  • Resilient
  • Humble
  • Open
  • Balances control with flexibility/autonomy

Activities (what a great leader does)

A great leader spends their time

  • Incentivizing
  • Teaching
  • Focusing
  • Enabling
  • Aligning
  • Developing
  • Supporting 
  • Modelling
  • Motivating, and
  • Holding accountable

their team members in order to get the best out of them.

6.5 Managing an organization

Managing health

Managing performance


The differences in being healthy and performant

Parallels to top athletes.


In order to maintain a healthy organization you need

  • Culture
  • Time
  • Knowledge
  • Tools
  • Incentives

6.6 No one knows how your organization works (and neither do you)

If you want to utilize something effectively to produce maximum output, you need an intimate undestanding of how it works. That's true for people, tools and organizations alike.

Tools usually come with user manuals. People less frequently so. Organizations sometimes come with an handbook maintained by a few people in management or personell which quickly grows outdated as the organization organically evolves and adapts.

No one person knows how the organization works. It's not something that any one person has a complete overview over or can hold in their head (even though some might think they have and can).

6.7 How to organize work

6.7.1 Security

Secure by default

6.7.2 Priorities


How people prioritize their time/What dictates what people do

In my experience pain is the primary factor in how people intuitively prioritize. By that I mean what people usually spend their time on is what they find or expect to be the most painful if not adressed.

A persons expectation of pain can come from past experience, or from newly aquired insight and belief into what could turn problematic in the not too distant future.

Depending on how prone someone is towards execution vs planning, some people almost instantly start _doing_ the second they realize what their top priority should be. That can prove problematic in the context of cooperation.

People who just start doing risk don't taking the following into account:

  • A proper and shared understanding of the problem
  • The resources needed to solve the problem (and other priorities competing for those same resources)


Identify a task or a project (vs sending an email).

The amount context people provide automatically vary greatly depending on their experience with and intuitition for sharing context.

6.7.3 Communication Meetings suck - lets get rid of them


I have always been horrified at the meeting culture (or rather lack thereof) in some organizations.

In many organizations that I have collaborated with, it's not uncommon for a workday to consist of back-to-back meetings with 5 to 10 people (or more).

Problems with meetings:

  • Breaks up focused work
  • Unclear contribution expectations
  • Drains mental capacity (digital meetings in particular)

Objectives of meetings:

  • Share information
  • Discuss project status or issues
  • Make sure everyone is aligned
  • Build trust
  • Ensure that someone pays attention to/prioritizes something

6.7.4 Insight management

The case for insight sharing

The accessibility of people

People aren't always accessible, nor do we expect them to be.

People have meetings, work different hours, get sick, go on holidays, sleep, have a life outside of work and, one day, leave our organization altogether.

Therefore, the questions of how work should be done, how it was done and what can be improved should be accessible without having to consult a person.

The relevance of proactively managing insight in a modern organization

  • More knowledge work
  • More specialized work
  • More innovative/unfamiliar business models
  • More distributed work (people in different places and time zones)
  • Insight is produced and obtained everywhere in the organization (not just at the management level to be pushed down)

A modern organization has less hiararchy, more trust and more distributed and continously evolving responsibilities.

The modern society is more subject to expectations of personal availability that the modern organization to some extent needs to counterbalance in ordet to protect its people.

In a modern organization, more people need to be able to be able to identify and feel empowered to fix bugs in how the organization operates.

7 About the organization

7.1 The stage of the organization

The organization is currently considered to be at the startup stage, pre product-market fit.

In relation to the four things needed to build a successful business, we are currently focused on step 3, achieving message-market fit.

Skjermbilde 2022-12-03 kl. 08.45.33.png


Our primary scarcity factors are:

  • Market awareness and resonnance
  • Financial capital

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